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3rd Annual emsi Conference Karen Beard & Caroline Alexander | TIP Strategies, Inc . | October 16, 2013 . Photo credit: www.idahobyways.gov. Strengthening the Talent Pipeline About TIP Selected data examples Regional example: Greater Houston Partnership Q&A.
3rd Annual emsiConference Karen Beard & Caroline Alexander | TIP Strategies, Inc. | October 16, 2013 Photo credit: www.idahobyways.gov
Strengthening the Talent Pipeline About TIP Selected data examples Regional example: Greater Houston Partnership Q&A Photo credit: www.idahobyways.gov
ABOUT US • Founded in 1995 • Based in Austin, TX • Expertise: economic & workforce development strategic planning
theory into practice we design strategies that will support your community’s vision for the future
More than 15years of experience in 100+ unique communities, across 29 states & 4 countries.
Strengthening the Pipeline • Using employment data to: • Profile your labor market • Align target industries with labor market strengths • Leverage specific talent pools • Address regionalchallenges
Labor Market Profile: PSRC Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) 4-county region including Seattle Washington Source: EMSI Complete Employment - 2011.2; TIP Strategies, Inc.
PSRC: Occupational Criteria Defining an occupational “short-list” Filtered 751 occupations to identify 248 priority occupations Source: TIP Strategies, Inc.
PSRC: Employment Distribution Regional Staffing Patterns: Business & Finance Occupations Distribution of occupational group by industry Source: EMSI Complete Employment - 2011.2; TIP Strategies, Inc.
PSRC: Employment Trends Estimated annual demand: selected Business & Finance occupations Jobs needed annually to meet demand from new and replacement jobs Source: EMSI Complete Employment - 2011.2; TIP Strategies, Inc.
PSRC: Employment Trends Current median hourly wages: selected Business & Finance occupations Median wages (line) in the context of the national wage range (bar) Source: EMSI Complete Employment - 2011.2; TIP Strategies, Inc.
Target Industry Alignment Occupation-driven approach uses labor market data to document: • Composition.Does the composition of my workforce match the needs of the industry or industries I’m targeting? • Availability. Do I have a sufficient supply of workers in critical occupations? • Training.What options are available to increase the supply of relevant occupations?
60-mile radius of Purchase Region (Western, KY) Composition of Workforce Occupations with significant regional concentrations (LQ > 1.25) SOURCES: EMSI Complete Employment - 2nd Quarter 2010
Training HISPANIC SCHOLARSHIP FUND Profiled occupations that will demand the most college graduates over the 2012-2018 period. Identified industries that will be most impacted by high-demand occupations (HDOs). Cataloged fields of study that most closely link to HDOs.
Matching occupations with fields of study: selected STEM occupations Comparison of US annual openings with annual completions Source: EMSI Complete Employment 2012.1, National Crosswalk Service Center. Notes: Completions include degrees/awards conferred for credit by institutions eligible to participate in federal financial aid programs. * Openings from occupations that require an associate’s or bachelor’s degree, less than one year of work experience, and an internship or no on-the-job training.
Leveraging Displaced Workers Region of impact – Anniston Army DepotPlace of residence of affected workers CALHOUN COUNTY, AL SOURCES: Anniston Army Depot, URS Corporation, TIP Strategies.
Sidebar: Employer ZIP Code Data CLARKSVILLE, TN
Leveraging Displaced Workers Occupational distribution Occupational category of affected workers Industrial machinery mechanics = largest single occupational classification SOURCE: Compiled by TIP Strategies from data provided by URS and ANAD on affected workforce
Leveraging Displaced Workers Top industries Which industries are most likely to employ affected occupations? Source: EMSI Complete Employment - 2011.3, US Bureau of Labor Statistics, TIP Strategies.
Leveraging Displaced Workers Transferrable skillsWhat occupations could the affected workers transition to? Ideal transition scenario is into an occupation with higher wages and stronger projected demand (i.e., upper right-hand quadrant) SOURCE: EMSI Complete Employment - 2011.3
Leveraging Displaced Workers Operation 1st RATE [Ready Able Trained Employees]
Leveraging Displaced Workers Job Station | EMSI Career Coach
GHP Regional Workforce Development Task ForceThe Middle Skills Challenge
Coverage focused on shortage of skilled workers in Energy and Construction sectors Hampering ability to expand in Houston Safety affected Rising wages Project slow-down
GHP Regional Workforce Development Task Force OBJECTIVE: • to create an action plan to address the middle skills challenge in Greater Houston SCOPE OF INITIATIVE: • project(s) that will address the areas of highest need and yield results in a 1 to 5 year time horizon
Challenge: Why “middle skills” jobs and what are they?
… as many as 25 million new job openings in the US between 2010 and 2020 (47 %) will fall into the middle-skills category.
“Middle Skills” jobs are those that require at least a high school diploma but less than a 4-year degree.
Table 1.12 Education and training categories by detailed occupation Table 1.12 Education and training categories by detailed occupation Source: Employment Projections program, U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics http://www.bls.gov/emp/ep_education_training_system.htm • Used BLS education & training definitions to define skill levels: • “low” = less than HS, HS diploma/GED (no experience, little or no OTJ training, no apprenticeship) • “middle” = HS diploma or equivalent (some experience, moderate to long-term OTJ, or apprenticeship ), post-secondary non-degree award, some college/no degree, and associates degree • “high” = bachelor’s degree or higher
Distribution of TOTAL employment by broad skill level, Houston MSA 3.6 million jobs in Houston MSA in 20121.4 million are middle-skill jobs Source: EMSI Complete Employment – 2013.2; TIP Strategies. Houston MSA based on 10-county definition.in use prior to February 2013
Est. average ANNUAL openings, 2012-2017by broad skill level, Houston MSA With current estimates calling for 75,000 middle skills jobs to be added to the Houston MSA each year through 2017 Source: EMSI Complete Employment – 2013.2; TIP Strategies. Houston MSA based on 10-county definition.in use prior to February 2013
Challenge: Adding detail while keeping the data accessible.
The Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system has 23 major groups • 11-0000 Management • 13-0000 Business & Financial Operations • 15-0000 Computer & Mathematical • 17-0000 Architecture & Engineering • 19-0000 Life, Physical, & Social Science • 21-0000 Community & Social Services • 23-0000 Legal • 25-0000 Education, Training, & Library • 27-0000 Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, & Media • 29-0000 Healthcare Practitioners & Technical • 31-0000 Healthcare Support 33-0000 Protective Service 35-0000 Food Prep & Serving Related 37-0000 Building & Grounds Cleaning & Maintenance 39-0000 Personal Care & Service 41-0000 Sales & Related 43-0000 Office & Admin. Support 45-0000 Farming, Fishing, & Forestry 47-0000 Construction & Extraction 49-0000 Installation, Maintenance, & Repair 51-0000 Production 53-0000 Transportation & Material Moving 55-0000 Military Specific
“Help Wanted” report has 10 broad categories: Sales & Office Support Blue Collar Food & Personal Services Managerial & Professional Office Education Healthcare Professional & Technical Healthcare Support STEM Community Services & Arts Social Science
Distribution of middle skills OCCUPATIONS by broad categories, Houston MSA (e.g. production, transportation, construction) (e.g. technicians, drafters) (e.g. therapists, assistants, aides) Source: EMSI Complete Employment – 2013.2; TIP Strategies.
Challenge: Narrowing the field. How do you focuson 348 occupations?
Average annual openingsHouston MSA, 2012-2017 Selected middle skills occupations with minimum of 150 projected annual openings Source: EMSI Complete Employment – 2013.2; TIP Strategies.
Staffing environmentEMSI Talent Market Analyst | 9-box Houston-Sugar Land – Baytown, Texas Recruiting environment for software developers RELATIVE WAGE This factor compares absolute wages with expected wages SUPPLY & DEMAND This factor considers: concentration of occupation in the region changes in concentration over time, and actual changes in the number of jobs Source EMSI http://www.economicmodeling.com/2013/05/17/thinking-inside-the-9-box-to-find-recruiting-options-with-talent-market-analyst/
High Demand Middle Skills OccupationsStaffing Environment More Difficult Less Difficult Source: EMSI Complete Employment – 2013.2, Talent Management Analyst.
High Demand Middle Skills Occupations (cont.)Staffing Environment More Difficult Less Difficult Source: EMSI Complete Employment – 2013.2, Talent Management Analyst.
Source: EMSI Complete Employment – 2013.2; TIP Strategies.
Relevance to Houston’s key sectors • Filtered out: • Sales • Food & personal services • Community services & arts