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Progress in the implementation of the Amazon ecosystem-based conservation vision Amazon Protected Areas Program (ARPA) . Giovanna Palazzi Department of Protected Areas Biodiversity And Forests Secretary Ministry for the Environment. Pedro Cunha e Menezes
Progress in the implementation of the Amazon ecosystem-based conservation vision Amazon Protected Areas Program (ARPA) Giovanna Palazzi Department of Protected Areas Biodiversity And Forests Secretary Ministry for the Environment Pedro Cunha e Menezes Director for Creation and Management of PAs ICMBio Ministry for the Environment
AmazonProtectedAreasProgram ARPA Why? • Toincreasethe rate ofcreationof new protectedareas; • Toput in place new andagilemechanismofdisboursementofbudgetaryand non-budgetaryresources; • Toinsure financial sustainability for theBrazilianAmazonianProtectedAreas
AmazonProtectedAreasProgram ARPA .Goals - Toprotectandconsolidate a significantportionoftheBrazilianAmazonBiome, throughtheNational System ofProtectedAreas. - Tolegallyprotectatleast 60 million hectares ofpristineland. - TopromotethesustainabledevelopmentoftheBrazilianAmazon.
ARPA Stages ARPA was planned to be implemented in three different and complementary stages: 3th Stage 2015-2018 2nd Stage 2010-2015 1st Stage 2003-2010
ARPA: 1st Stage (2003-2010)Targets and Results Target 1. To gazette 16 PAs (IUCN categories I and II) protecting 9 million hectares Target 2. To gazette 27 PAs (IUCN categorie IV) protecting 9 million hectars • Target 3. To consolidate 20 PAs (IUCN categories I and II) protecting 7 million hectares Target 4. To establish a US$ 14 million trust fund to support the day to day management of the PAs suported by ARPA 13,2 millionhectars 10,8 millionhectars 8,5 millionhectars ProtectedAreasTrustFund (FAP) wasestablishedwithaninnitial capital of US$ 23,5 million 5
Institutions Direct and indirect investiments Trust Fund (FAP) Total Brazilian Government 21,6 -- 21,6 GEF- World Bank 15,5 14,5 30,0 German Government (BMZ) -- 19,4 19,4 German Government (BMU) 3,5 -- 3,5 WWF-Brasil 7,8 19,3 Other Donors 1,2 1,2 TOTAL 71,5 23,5 95,0 ARPA: Stage 1Financing Sources (US$ million) 11,5 --
ARPA: STAGE 1 . 63 PAsbennefited (32 million hectares); . ElaborationofManagement Plans . Establishment of Management Councils . ElaborationandenforcementofProtectionPlans . TrainningandCapacityBuildingofPersonnel . Erectingofbasicdemarcationsignage . 46 new PAs(24 millionhectars);
Significant increase in the Brazilian protected areas system Fonte: CNUC/MMA
Important Achievements and Downsides from Stage 1 • The creationof a new andsuccessfulpartnershipbetweentheGovernmentandthethird sector • The structuringofefficientandbureacraticfreemechanismsof financial resourcesdisboursement; • The adoptionoftechnicalcriteriatochoosetheareaselegible for thesupportoftheProgramme (area+urgency+relevance+costs); • The chosenstrategy for fundraisingwasnotcapableof meeting thepre-establishedtargets;
Goals of Stage II 2010-1015 • To gazette 13,5 million hectares of PA • To consolidate 32 million hectares of PA • To raise US$ 70 million to replenish the ARPA Protected Areas Trust Fund (FAP) • To structure and to begin the disboursements of the Trust Fund (FAP) • To find and to implement new ways of funding for the Protected Areas supported by ARPA
Institutions Trust Fund (FAP) Total Direct and indirect investment Brazilian Government 25,0 -- 25,0 Amazon Fund (Brazilian Development Bank-BNDES) 12,1 -- 10,0 GEF (World Bank) 15,9 16,0 German Ministry for the Environment (BMZ) 28,0 28,0 45,0 10,0 • WWF-Brasil 15,0 121,0 46,5 167,5 TOTAL ARPA Stage IIFinancing Sources (US$ million) 30,0 18,5 48,5 GAP
Conclusion • ARPA has become an indispensable tool for the expansion and structuring of the Brazilian National System of Protected Areas in the Amazon. • ARPA has been a catalyst for a substantial increase in thefunds allocated to the creation and structuring of protected areas in the Brazilian Amazon.
Conclusion and Vision for the Future • ARPA is an important tool in the fight against deforestation and the consequent reduction on CO2 emissions. • ARPA is a success case that can be used as a model to be replicated for the other Brazilian Biomes as well as for other Amazonian countries.
Thank you! Giovanna Palazzi Pedro Cunha e Menezes