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Switzerland . By Kurtis Hall . Negotiating. Building lasting and trysting relationships are not important to most people in Switzweland They like to get right to it and don’t like to waste time. Entertaining. Business lunches and dinners are common

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  1. Switzerland By Kurtis Hall

  2. Negotiating • Building lasting and trysting relationships are not important to most people in Switzweland • They like to get right to it and don’t like to waste time.

  3. Entertaining • Business lunches and dinners are common • The Swiss make a fairly strong separation between their work life and their private life • They prefer to keep any business entertaining the confines of normal working hours.

  4. Making appointments • Meetings are done by appointment and not spontaneously.This true for social occasions as well, particularly in the German- speaking cantons. • You should arrive at least five minutes early and be sure to call if you think you’ll be late. • Arriving 15-20 minutes ahead of time will impress the Swiss

  5. Gift Giving • Do not give a gift that is obviously expensive, since your generosity may be perceived as either too excessive of a form of bribery. • If you are invited to a Swiss home, flowers (not chrysanthemums, white lilies or red roses) and/or chocolates are safe options. • You must also send a think you note to your host. • Knives, scissors, cutlery or other sharp objects of any kind are not appropriate gifts since they symbolize a friendship or other close bond.

  6. Respectfully addressing others • Always address someone first by his or her professional title, such as Dr, then their family name only when invited to, use their first name. • Shack hands with everyone; use a firm hand and make eye contact • In German-speaking Switzerland, use the courtesy titles Herr to address a man and Frau to address a women.

  7. Acceptable public conduct • In the more Traditional, especially rural, German areas of Switzerland, men customarily raise their hats when passing acquaintances in the street . • When you are meeting a group of people, you should ideally wait for the third person to initiate the introductions . • Always stand to be introduced to someone. • Keep your hands out of your pockets, especially when talking.

  8. Business dress • Conservative attire is important when doing business here. • While colored shirts are okay, male business visitors should wear dark suits with neckties on most occasions.

  9. Conversation • Don’t talk about your privet life. • The country's official languages are German, French, Italian, and Romansch.

  10. Currency • Swiss Frank (CHF) is the official monetary unit of Switzerland • One Swiss frank consists of 100 centimes

  11. Men’s and women’s roles in the workplace • Men and women are also similar in their desire for workplace flexibility, Demonstrating that balancing work and personal responsibilities is not simply a women's issue.

  12. Chart and Map

  13. Sources • http://upresidentnews.net/Swiss-President.htm • http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http:// • http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http:// • "Doing Business in Switzerland (page 5)." Expatica – News and Information for the International Community. Web. 06 June 2011. <http://www.expatica.com/fr/essentials_moving_to/essentials/Doing-Business-in-Switzerland_11176.html?ppager=4>. • "International Gift Giving Etiquette - Switzerland." 1-World Global Gifts - Specializing in Gifts with a "global"theme... Perfect for the Executive Desk or Any Gift Giving Occasion. Web. 06 June 2011. <http://www.1worldglobalgifts.com/switzerlandgiftgivingetiquette.htm>. • "Successful Entertaining in Switzerland and Doing Business in Switzerland :: World Business Culture." International Business Culture â Cultural Differences in Business - World Business Culture Home Page. Web. 06 June 2011. <http://www.worldbusinessculture.com/Meals-and-Entertaining-in-Switzerland.html>. • "Switzerland: Public Behaviour - ExecutivePlanet.com." Main Page - ExecutivePlanet.com. Web. 06 June 2011. <http://www.executiveplanet.com/index.php?title=Switzerland:_Public_Behaviour>.

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