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National Student Energy Survey Focus Group Students from 30 High Schools

National Student Energy Survey Focus Group Students from 30 High Schools. The Energy Focus Group Purpose: To learn what students currently know and think about energy.

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National Student Energy Survey Focus Group Students from 30 High Schools

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  1. National Student Energy Survey Focus GroupStudents from 30 High Schools

  2. The Energy Focus Group Purpose: To learn what students currently know and think about energy. The goal of The Great American Energy Debate Program is to quadruple the energy knowledge of all high school graduates by the year 2020.

  3. National Student Energy Survey Focus group discussion on 7 of the14 questions.

  4. Q. 1 – How Energy Educated RU? As an average citizen, not an energy expert, how energy educated do you rate yourself? A value of 10 indicates you are a very energy educated citizen. A rating of 0 means you do not have a clue about energy and energy issues.

  5. Question 1 What people or sources have you used to learn about energy?

  6. Question 1 • How do you learn about energy? Teachers Parents Students Radio Internet Newspapers Magazines Television

  7. Question 1 • Who do you trust about providing accurate energy information? Teachers Parents Students Radio Internet Newspapers Magazines Television

  8. Question 1 • What do you think makes a citizen energy educated? • What makes a person a 10?

  9. Q. 1 – How Energy Educated RU? Value of 10 – Very Knowledgeable Average Value – 5.4 Values 6-10 48% Value 5 22% Values 0- 4 30%

  10. Q. 3 – Energy Industry’s Environmental Rating How well do you think the energy industry protects the environment? A rating of 10 means that the energy industry is doing an outstanding job protecting the environment. A rating of 5 indicates no opinion or you feel neutral about the statement. A rating of 0 means they are the polluting villains you see in movies and in cartoons.

  11. Question 3 • Do we only hear the shocking news while the industry’s environmental record is generally good? • Do we only hear about the real bad energy accidents and rarely hear about the small incidents?

  12. Q. 3 – Environmental Rating Value of 10 – Outstanding Job Average Value – 4.8 Values 6-10 25% Value 5 36% Values 0- 4 39%

  13. Q. 4 – Expanding Nuclear Energy Please indicate your opinion on the statement below using a scale from 0-10. A value of 10 indicates very strong support of the statement. With electric power needs increasing, nuclear energy should provide more of the nation’s electric power during the next 20 years.

  14. Question 4 • How safe do you feel nuclear power plants are in the U.S.? Not Sure Very Safe Safe Unsafe Very Unsafe

  15. Question 4 What do you know about nuclear waste and its storage, and how concerned are you about its storage?

  16. Question 4 What are the environmental and economic benefits of using nuclear energy?

  17. Q. 4 – Nuclear Energy Value of 10 – Support Expansion Average Value – 5.4 Values 6-10 34% Value 5 41% Values 0- 4 25%

  18. Q. 5 – Expanding Natural Gas Use Please indicate your opinion on the statement Below using a scale from 0-10. A value of 10 indicates very strong support of the statement. During the next 20 years the domestic production and consumption of natural gas should be increased, especially for transportation and electric power generation.

  19. Question 5 What comes to mind when you think about natural gas?

  20. Question 5 What are natural gas’s major uses?

  21. Question 5 Transportation Cooking Heating Water Electric Power Generation Heating Rooms Making Plastics

  22. Question 5 How eco-friendly is the consumption of natural gas?

  23. Question 5 Not Sure Very Friendly Friendly Somewhat Friendly Somewhat Unfriendly Unfriendly Very Unfriendly

  24. Question 5 How eco-friendly is the drilling and production of natural gas?

  25. Question 5 Not Sure Very Friendly Friendly Somewhat Friendly Somewhat Unfriendly Unfriendly Very Unfriendly

  26. Question 5 How many years of natural gas resources does the nation have before we run out of supply?

  27. Q. 5 – Natural Gas Value of 10 – Support Expansion Average Value – 5.1 Values 6-10 34% Value 5 31% Values 0- 4 35%

  28. Q. 7 – Solar and Wind Please indicate your opinion on the statement Below using a scale from 0-10. A value of 10 indicates very strong support of the statement. During the next 20 years, tax-payer dollars should be provided to support the growth of the solar and wind energy industries.

  29. Question 7 Should renewable energy get more, less, or the same amount of tax-payer support per unit of energy as non renewable sources?

  30. Question 7 Should all subsidies to energy resources be eliminated and have them all compete in the free market?

  31. Q. 7 – Support Solar and Wind Value of 10 – Support Funding Average Value – 6.4 Values 6-10 54% Value 5 24% Values 0- 4 22%

  32. Q. 8 – Offshore Production Please indicate your opinion on the statement Below using a scale from 0-10. A value of 10 indicates very strong support of the statement. The U.S. Congress and state governments should encourage development of oil and natural gas resources in offshore areas.

  33. Question 8 How often do offshore spills occur? Not Sure Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly Every 2-3 Years

  34. Question 8 For every million barrels of oil produced offshore how many barrels are spilled? Not Sure 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001

  35. Question 8 How important are offshore production energy jobs versus jobs lost from spills.

  36. Question 8 Offshore Jobs Importance Not Sure More Important Equally Important Less Important

  37. Q. 8 – Offshore Production Value of 10 – Support Energy Exploration Average Value – Values 6-10 % Value 5 % Values 0- 4 %

  38. Q. 12 – Vehicle Fuels Run on fuel other than gasoline by the year 2032 Average Estimate – 51% 2011 Level - 1%

  39. Q. 14 - Climate Change Please indicate your opinion on the statement Below using a scale from 0-10. A value of 10 Indicates very strong support of the statement. Climate change/global warming is primarily the result of the burning fossils fuels and is not part of a normal climatic warming cycle.

  40. Question 14 Where have you learned about the cause and effects of Global Warming and Climate Change?

  41. Question 14 What are the arguments for and against the burning of fossil fuels as the major cause of Global Warming and Climate Change?

  42. Q. 14 - Climate Change Value of 10 – Fossil Fuel Use and Human Activity Average Value – 6.0 Values 6-10 47% Value 5 29% Values 0- 4 24%

  43. Thank You For Particpating

  44. An energy educated public will demand effective energy policies and will make better personal energy decisions.

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