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How the World Works Survivor!

How the World Works Survivor!. Central Idea: The climate of a region determines plant life. Who am I ?. By Phoebe and Ewan. Aquatic. Arctic tundra. I am near an ocean.I have all temperatures and lots of light. I have all seasons. What biome am I?. Wrong!!!.

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How the World Works Survivor!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How the World WorksSurvivor! Central Idea: The climate of a region determines plant life.

  2. Who am I ? By Phoebe and Ewan

  3. Aquatic Arctic tundra I am near an ocean.I have all temperatures and lots of light. I have all seasons. What biome am I?

  4. Wrong!!! • My biome covers 3 quarters of the Earth’s surface. • This is how I sound

  5. Right!! • I am salty. • I look blue and green.

  6. To keep me alive. So I can’t get eaten. I live in salt water and lots of other plants can’t.

  7. Right answer • I’m green • I have long roots

  8. Sorry! • I have a long stem. • I look like a forest in the water.

  9. SO… What am I?

  10. Yes, I am kelp. • Picture from http://images.goggle.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.ianskipworth.com/photo/pcd1742/kelp_forest_15_4.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.ianskipworth.com/suig/nzim.html&h=1024&w=1536&sz=235&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=LTpcXtMoDMGvjM:&tbnh=100&tbnw=150&prev=

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