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Energy sector of Kazakhstan Zhakupova M.S. Energy sector of Kazakhstan. United Energy System (UES) of Kazakhstan represents a part of the utited power grid the former USSR; UES of Kazakhstan consist of three zones: - Northern, Southern and Western;
Energy sector of Kazakhstan Zhakupova M.S.
Energy sector of Kazakhstan United Energy System (UES) of Kazakhstan represents a part of the utited power grid the former USSR; UESof Kazakhstan consist of three zones: - Northern, Southern and Western; - Northern zone is connected to UES of Russia (Siberia and Ural) through transmission lines by voltage 500,220,110 кV; Northern and Southern zone are incorporated on a transmission line by voltage 500,220,110 kV. With input of the second circuit by voltage 500 кVthe North - South throughput has increased up to 1350 MW.
continuation The Southern zone has electric connection with UES of Kyrghyzstan and Uzbekistan also enters in United Power Grid of the Central Asia (UPGCА); At repair and emergency operation the Southern zone works separately from Northern zone of Kazakhstan; The Western zone has electric connection United Power Grid of Russia; With commissioning an inter-regional line electricity transmissions 500 кВ « Northern Kazakhstan- the Aktyubinsk area », a part of the Western zone (Aktyubinsk) it is attached from UES of Kazakhstan; The card - circuit is submitted on the following slide.
The card - circuit of electric networks1150-500-220-110 кV UES of RepublicКаzakhstan
Features Energy sector of Kazakhstan • High concentration of electric capacity - up to 4000 МWon one power station; • Arrangement of large power stations mainly near to fuel deposits; • High share of the combined way of manufacture electric and thermal energy; • Integration of many stations with large industrial complexes; • Small (about 7-12 %) a share of hydrostations in balance of electric capacities of republic; • Small share of maneuverable power plants; • Non-uniform arrangement of power resources on regions of Kazakhstan;
continuation • The big extent of electric networks; • High level of deterioration of actives of electric power branch, including: 1) The generating equipment - 70 %; 2) Electric networks - 65 %. • Different density of the market on regions; • Increase in break of capacity between the available and established capacities and leaving of the capital equipment on working power stations.
continuation • Absence of the mechanism providing constructions of new power stations; • Work of a part of the Western region of Kazakhstan separately from UES of Kazakhstan and dependence of the Western zone from deliveries of the power sistem from Russia ; • Close connection of Southern region with water-power resime in the countries of the Central Asia; • Water-power problems of the countries of the Central Asia demand the special decision!!! (next slide).
Аральскоеморе Камбаратинские ГЭС -1,2,3 Арал Qпол=5.5 млрд. м3 Qпол=19..5 млрд. м3 Qуд= 0.73 м3/ мВт Токтогульская ГЭС Р=1200 мвт Vполезный =5.5 км3 КАЗАХСТАН р.Сыр-Дарья Шардаринская ГЭС Р=100 мВт V пол=4.4 км3 Курпсайская ГЭС,Р=800 мВт, Qпол=0.37 млрд. м3 Qуд= 1.19 м3/ мВт Кызылкумский рег. Qпол=5..2 млрд. м3 ___________________ Qуд=7.5 м3/ мВт Арнасай Ташкумырская ГЭС, Р=450 мВт Qпол=0.144 млрд. м3 Qуд=5.0 м3/ мВт Чарвак.вдхр. Qпол=2.0 млрд. м3 КЫРГЫЗСТАН Шамалдысайская ГЭС, Р=240 мВт Qпол=0.041 млрд. м3 Qуд= 5.5 м3/ мВт Чарвакское вдхр. р. Чирчик р.Нарын Учкурганская ГЭС, Р=180 мВт Qпол=0.015 млрд. м3 Qуд= 3.6 м3/ мВт Южноголодостеп. канал УЗБЕКИСТАН Андижанское вдхр. р.Карадарья V пол=1.75 км.3 Фарх.Дерив.ГЭС Р=126 мВт Кайракумская ГЭС,Р=126 мВт Vпол=2.7 км3 Qпол=3.4 млрд. м3 Qуд= 32.7 м3/ мВт УЗБЕКИСТАН р.Сыр-Дарья ТАДЖИКИСТАН УЗБЕКИСТАН Карта
The basic characteristics power systems • The total established capacity of power plants on 01.01.10 - 19127 МW; • Available capacity on 01.01.10 - 14821 МW; • Quantity of power plants - 67 - HYDRO POWER STATION - 7 - Small HYDRO POWER STATIONS - 8 - Thermal power station - 39 - Condensationpower stations - 6 • Gas-turbine power stations - 7 • Quantity Regional electricity company (REC)- 21 • Quantity Electricity suplly organizations (ECO)-45
Working Resime UES • UES of Kazakhstan works in a parallel resime from UES of Russia and UPG the Central Asia; • At the end of 2009 of JSC " KEGOC " and OС « FSC » have entered into the agreement « About the order of the hourly account of quantity of the electric power moved through border of Republic Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, the organization of a daily exchange and the coordination of the hourly data of the account ».
Balance of electric energy and changes of consumption and production
continuation 1995 1996 1997 2002
Changes import and export The biggest consumption of electric energy was in Kazakhstan in 1990 beforedisintegration of the USSR: Consumption - 104,7 billion kWh, Production- 87,4 billion kWh The most minimal in 1999: Consumption-50,3 billion kWh Production - 47,5billion kWh
The state bodies on management of power and others of the organizations • The basic state bodies on management of power are the following organizations: - The ministry for the industry and new technologies of Republic Kazakhstan (МINT); - Department of development of electric power industry and coal the industries of MINT; - Committee on atomic engineering МINT; - Committee on the state power supervision MINT; - Committee of technical regulation and metrology МINT; - Agency of Republic Kazakhstan on regulation natural monopolies (АRЕМ); - Agency of Republic Kazakhstan on protection competition (Antimonopoly Agency).
continuation • National company: - KEGOC; - КOREM; - КаzАтомProm - Samruk-Kazina; • Energy Association: - КаzEnergy; - The Electric Engineers Union of Kazakhstan; - Каzakhstan Electric Association .
The basic legal documents • The law of Republic Kazakhstan from July, 9, 2004 • « About electric power industry »; • The law of Republic Kazakhstan on support of use of renewed energy sources from July, 4, 2009; • The state program on the forced industrial innovational development of Republic Kazakhstan on 2010 – 2014 y.y.; • The law on « Technical regulation »; • The law of Republic Kazakhstan on natural monopolies and the adjustable markets; • The law of Republic Kazakhstan « About a competition »; • Electric network Rules.
continuation • Rules of the organization and functioning of the wholesale market of electric energy of Kazakhstan; • Rules of the organization and functioning of the centralized tenders by electric energy in Republic Kazakhstan; • Rules of the organization and functioning of the retail market of Kazakhstan; • Rules of rendering of services by the System operator; • Rules of carrying out of power examination; • Rules on prevention of emergency infringements in uniform power system of Kazakhstan and their liquidation;
Market model • As a result of the lead stage-by-stage market transformations to electric power industry now there was the two-level market of the electric power consisting of the wholesale and retail market of the electric power. • The structure of the wholesale market will consist of the following segments: - The market of the uncentralized trade electric energy; - The market of the centralized trade electric energy; - The balancing market; - The market of system and auxiliary services.
continuation • Participants of the market of the electric power: • Electric stations; • The national company of JSC " KEGOC " which are carrying out functions on transfer of electric energy on networks of an inter-regional and interstate level by a voltage110-500 кV, and also - functions of the System Operator on the organization of balancing of production - consumption of electric energy, operative - dispatching management of an integrated power grid of Kazakhstan .
continuation • Regional electric network companies (REC), carrying out transfer and distribution of electric energy at a regional level on networks a voltage 0,4-220 кV; • Electricity suplly organizations (ESO), carrying out in the wholesale market and on the centralized tenders also sell purchase of electric energy to its{her} retail consumers, the enterprises of household service and the population; • Wholesale and retail consumers of electric energy; • The operator of the market of the centralized trade - the organization, carrying out the centralized tenders of electric energy, including spot-markets of electric energy.
Power plants,consumers,eso System operator (JSCKEGOC) Decentralized market Mutual contracts Centralized trading (JSC КОRЭМ) “day before” spot trading Mid-term and long-term trading Balansing Market Physical regulation of hourly imbalances Financial regulation imbalances System and auxiliary services market Compilation of day quotas Conclusion of mutual contracts Inclusion of trading results into day quotas Submission of trading bids Regulation balansing Market Deviation from daily quotas Compilation fact of day quotas Payment of imbalances Sale of reserve capacities Schematic of the Wholesale power market
The decision on limiting tariffs • In 2009 years there are authorized ” Rules of definition and the statement of settlement, limiting and individual tariffs “ with the purpose of maintenance of attraction of investments into power branch, production of a reflexivity of investments, acceleration of construction and input of new capacities; • The mechanism of pricing for the intermediate term period (2009 - 2015) in sphere of manufacture (generation) of electric energy is entered;
continuation • Power stations can work by three kinds of tariffs for electric energy: limiting, settlement and individual: - The limiting tariff is established on each group of power stations separately, for seven years, on years. Power stations are broken on 13 groups, generated as the power stations, to the established capacity, a kind of used fuel, remoteness from a site of fuel; - The limiting tariff is established at a level providing performance by power stations of the given group of investment obligations on creation of new actives, to expansion, updating, reconstruction and modernisation of existing actives;
continuation • The government on presentation of the state body which is carrying out a management in the field of electric power industry (further - the authorized body) asserts limiting tariffs for electric energy, for the period of 7 years with breakdown on years; • In case the level of the limiting tariff does not allow any power station to carry out the investment obligations this power station has the right to work under the settlement or individual tariff. These tariffs should be higher limiting;
continuation • The settlement tariff for electric energy is defined in the feasibility report on the investment program and operates during the period of performance of investment obligations. It can be increased in case of the coordination of changes of the design - budget documentation. • With an establishment of limiting tariffs for power plants, the volumes of the electric energy sold on centralized tenders have sharply decreased.
Power Plants (13 groups of ceiling cap tariffs) KEGOC (ARNM regulated tariff) RECs (ARNM regulated tariff) Transmission & Distribution Companies ESOs (Retail supply companies, buy on the wholesale market, sell to consumers at retail tariffs ) Consumers The block diagram of power supply and regulated tariffs • Regulated tariffs
The branch of development program for 2010-2014 y.y. • Target indicators of the program: - Finishing development of the electric power in 2014 year up to 97,9 billion кWhat forecasting consumption 96,8 billion кWh. - Production of volume of a coal mining by 2014 year up to 123 million tons. - Achievement of volume of the developed electric power in 2014 year renewed energy sources - 1 billion кWhin one year. • Share of renewed energy sources in total amount of a power consumption more than 1 % by 2015 year.
continuation • Tasks of the program: - Modernization, reconstruction working and construction of new generating capacities; - Construction, modernization and reconstruction of electric network objects; - Development of coal branch; - Perfection of structure of the market of the electric power; - Involving in balance of renewed energy sources; - In conformity of the given program construction of some power objects is stipulated, including: - Balhash ТES; - Мoynak HES; - Construction of renewed sources; - Construction of an interstate line on 500 кVAlmaty – Кеmin. (Kazakhstan-Kirgiziya).
continuation • In target model of the electric power market, input of the market of capacity which mechanism should provide construction new and modernization / expansion working power stations by creation of guarantees for investors is stipulated; • By commission of experts it is considered two market models of capacity. One model is developed by consulting company " КЕМА ", other model is developed by company " KEGOC “; • In 2008 within the framework of program REMAP-1 the seminar was organized on the market of capacity. The basic purpose of a seminar was in discussion of market models of capacity, about a urgency of creation of the market of capacity on a competitive basis.