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Lab 2 Connective tissue (I)

Lab 2 Connective tissue (I). Jun Zhou( 周俊) , Ph.D & M.D School of Medicine,Zhejiang University. 20121008. Connective tissue ( part 1). 1.Spread slide (No. 4) (Drawing) 2.Loose CT (No.1) (small intestine) 3.Dense CT ( No.14) (finger skin) 4.Adipose tissue (No.14/No.6)

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Lab 2 Connective tissue (I)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lab 2 Connective tissue (I) Jun Zhou(周俊), Ph.D & M.D School of Medicine,Zhejiang University 20121008

  2. Connective tissue (part 1) 1.Spread slide (No. 4) (Drawing) 2.Loose CT (No.1) (small intestine) 3.Dense CT ( No.14) (finger skin) 4.Adipose tissue (No.14/No.6) 5.Reticular tissue (No.6) (lymph node)

  3. Classification • Connective tissue proper: Loose connective tissue Dense connective tissue Adipose tissue Reticular tissue • Specialized connective tissue: Cartilage Bone Blood

  4. Characteristics • Fewer cells ,more matrix, more cell types • No polarization • Numerous blood vessles • From mesoderm-mesenchyme

  5. Loose connective tissue macrophage fibroblast No.4 Spread slide H&E × 400 Collagenous fiber, Elastic fiber, Fibroblast, Macrophage

  6. Loose connective tissue Elastic fiber macrophage Collagenous fiber

  7. Loose connective tissue submucosa No.1 Small intestine: H&E × 40

  8. Fibroblast • Collagenous fiber Submucosa of small intestine: H&E × 400

  9. Small intestine: H&E × 400 Refractable elastic fiber

  10. Dense connective tissue dermis No.14 Skin: DCT H&E × 40

  11. E.F C.F fibroblast Skin: DCT H&E × 400

  12. Skin: DCT H&E × 400

  13. Adipose tissue Adipose tissue No.6 Lymph node: HE X40

  14. Lymph node: Adipose tissue H&E × 400

  15. Reticular tissue No.6 Lymph node: Reticular tissue HE X400

  16. Lymph node: Reticular tissue Silver X100

  17. Lymph node: Reticular tissue Silver X400

  18. Fibroblast Macrophage

  19. Mast cell

  20. Plasma cell

  21. Collagenous fibers collagenous fibril

  22. fibroblast Mast cell Plasma cell macrophage

  23. THE END!

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