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Earth, Lunar and Planetary Environments (Session D). Key questions: -What we know -What we don’t know (and need to know for VSE) -How do we address the above? For: -Earth environment -Lunar Orbit and Surface -Mars Orbit and Surface. *Radiation Belts -LEO and GEO models
Earth, Lunar and Planetary Environments (Session D) Key questions: -What we know -What we don’t know (and need to know for VSE) -How do we address the above? For: -Earth environment -Lunar Orbit and Surface -Mars Orbit and Surface
*Radiation Belts -LEO and GEO models -Observational archives -COSPAR reference list *Plasma Environment -Observational Archives -spacecraft charging models *Upper atmosphere, ionos. -var. statistical models -Observational archives *Rad Belts, Plasma, Atmos,Ionos -dynamical models (validated) -extremes models and predictive models (incl. heavy ions) HOW DO WE ADDRESS THE ABOVE? *Data resource mining tools *Model-targeted missions (e.g. LWS RBMP, ITMP), with continued L1 monitor *dynamical/extremes model devel., +coupled system models devel. Earth, Lunar and Planetary Environments-Earth Environment Issues Outline WHAT WE KNOW WHAT WE DON’T KNOW (AND NEED TO KNOW)
*Mission results from: -Explorer 35 and Apollo (data lost? docs only on SEP events and event shadows, dosimetry from Apollo, mag fields, dust, meteors) -Clementine (SEP events and shadows, dosimetry, surface composition-data are limited, access not gen. open) -Lunar Prospector (SEP events in ER backgrounds, shadowing, mag fields, surface composition, neutrons, alphas) -Geotail (SEP events below a few MeV in transits of Lunar orbit) -WIND (few flybys- plasmas, mag fields) *Models- surface neutrons based on measured surface composition *How different is lunar space environment from interplanetary? *Comprehensive lunar surface environment measurements and models *Details of surface composition *Need to revisit lessons learned from Expl. 35, Apollo, Clementine *Relevant data sets restoration and mining *LRO and dedicated lunar space environment orbiter *Lunar Lander measurements of radiation, dust, micrometeorites, E fields/surfaces charging, gases *Solar wind/Sheath/Magnetosphere Interaction with Moon models *Samples for rad history analysis Earth, Lunar and Planetary Environments-Lunar Orbit and Surface Issues Outline WHAT WE KNOW WHAT WE DON’T KNOW (AND NEED TO KNOW) HOW DO WE ADDRESS THE ABOVE?
Session D Meeting Plans • Today (Tues) PM session- outline/discussion of Mars orbit and surface environment and “other planets” and asteroids environments issues • Wed- brief presentations aimed toward the 3 key questions from session participants*, discussion, and draft report/input for steering committee + any desired combined session splinters * EarthRad belts (Reeves), Earth Upper Atmosphere (Lu, Woods), LRO (Spence), surface neutrons (Clowdsley), Mars surface rad (Hassler), Lunar rad env (Lee), Lunar Electric fields/dust/charging (Guild, Delory), SEPs in Mars orbit env (Delory, Luhmann), Earth and Mars SEP predictions (Turner, Fry)