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King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health SciencesCOLLEGE OF MEDICINE DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL EDUCATION
MISSION To provide educational services to the college, and the whole university including curriculum development, research and contribute to the teaching of relevant blocks, teacher professionalism, program development and college promotion.
VISION To be the pioneering and strongest department in the region and to be recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as collaborating center in the field of health education.
OBJECTIVE To ensure high quality education and to contribute to research, to provide educational services to the College, and sister Colleges at the University in addition, to conduct high quality research
DEAN OF COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Prof. Y. Al Eissa Associate Dean, Academic Affairs Dr. I. Al Alwan Chairman, Dept. of Medical Education Prof. M. Magzoub DEPARTMENTAL BOARD EVALUATION UNIT CURRICULUM DEVELOP. UNIT PBL and INSTRUCTION ASSESSMENT UNIT RESEARCH & DISSEMINATION MASTERS OF MEDICAL EDUCATION FACULTY DEVELOPMENT UNIT CLINICAL SKILLS ADMIN SUPPORT Dr Seefeldt Dr Nasr Dr Arshad Dr Shehri Prof. Hamad Dr Sultan Dr Al Qunaibet Ms Al Harbi Dr Elzubeir Dr Al Attas Prof. Magzoub Dr Kushi Dr Al Haqwi Mr Tarig Mr Zafar Ms Al Baz Dr Tamim Dr Nasr Mr Al Nasser Dr Seefeldt (Director) Prof. Hamad Dr Nasr (Coordinator) Dr M Moamary Dr Arshad Dr Blok Dr Al Attas Medical Education Affairs Coordinator I COM Newsletter Fact Sheets/Pubs Education Abroad Liaison Ms C Fleming Admin Asst. II Chairman Secretary Basic Support to PBL, R&D, Clinical Skills Unit C. Hernandez Admin Asst. III Curriculum Dev and Evaluation Unit / Master of ME Evelyn M. Admin Asst. III Faculty Dev Unit Assessment Unit VACANT Evaluation of: ▪ Curriculum ▪ Faculty ▪ Programs ▪ Projects ▪ Quality Assurance Organizational Publications MESS Adaptation of Sydney Curriculum Curriculum Eval Follow-up Priority Problems of PBL ▪ PBL design and methods ▪ lectures ▪ seminars ▪ CBE ▪ PPD Compiling of MCQ, OSCE, OSPE for Exams, collating exams, results and storage Hong Kong Consortium Database Scientific Publication Best Evidence Medical Education (BEME) Curriculum Visiting Faculty Retreats, Workshops & Conferences for Health Sciences Faculty Clinical Skills Lab Communication Skills Skills Center DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL EDUCATION ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE AND DIVISION OF RESPONSIBILITY
PROGRAM 1. PUBLICATION, DISSEMINATION & PROMOTION - Fact Sheet (every two weeks) - Newsletter (once a year) - Booklet (twice a year) - Book (once a year)
PROGRAM 2. PROGRAM EVALUATION - Annual Student Feedback (Student & Faculty)
PROGRAM 3. ASSESSMENT - Blue print - Psychometric - Consortium management - Faculty trainings - Portfolio system
PROGRAM 4. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT - Content improvement - Health & Priority problems and education - Adaptation of the curriculum to the culture
PROGRAM 5. RESEARCH - Educational research - Contribution to international conferences in medical education - Faculty promotion and research
PROGRAM 6. MASTER OF MEDICAL EDUCATION - Collaborate with Maastricht - Manage the program locally
PROGRAM • 7. TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM • - Conduct need assessment • - Prioritize needs • - Respond to these needs