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WHS Storyboard

WHS Storyboard. By: Charlie Gundeck. Exposition. *All backgrounds are faded green and purple on each slide (Half purple, half green) WHS logo coming in from the top of the slide Text saying “World Housing Solution” .

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WHS Storyboard

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WHS Storyboard By: Charlie Gundeck

  2. Exposition • *All backgrounds are faded green and purple on each slide (Half purple, half green) • WHS logo coming in from the top of the slide • Text saying “World Housing Solution”

  3. Text will come into the slide in a diagonal manner and a statement will appear • Statement will read “A Simple Solution to a Complex Idea” • I want this saying to resonate in the viewer mind through the duration of this video

  4. Rising Action • I will depict pictures of the Haiti Earthquake of 2010 • Offer simple facts on this natural disaster that are coming into the slide in three second intervals • Facts such as: • 300,000 estimated death toll • 1.5 million people initially displaced • 7.0 magnitude earthquake

  5. Statement saying the obvious— “This is so tragic” • Next slide will be a picture of Rona and his team looking at blueprint will text saying “We are here to help”

  6. Photo of the new SICP technology and text saying “Help is here and the answer is our new SICP technology” • Next a running of photos will appear of the technology being put into action, by a structure being put up by WHS employees and or Ron • Adjacent to this montage will be a montage of a competitors structure being put up and how much slower it is

  7. Climax • The completion of the structure by WHS and maybe only the skeletal body structure of the competitors housing structure • The time of completion can be put under each structure with a time of the competitors as (To be announced)

  8. Falling Action • This will be one slide of Ron and his team next to a completed structure, dressed in proper construction attire • I will find a picture where they look ecstatic, (or ask Ron for one) • Text will be added on top of this photo saying “World Housing Solution: A Simple Solution to a Complex Idea” • This statement was placed earlier in the video so people can make a connection

  9. Resolution • This will also only be one slide and will offer a WHS logo that will appear on the screen • Text saying “We are Here to Help” • I was thinking of adding another slide of information on WHS such as how you can get in contact with Rona nd maybe a website link

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