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Explore the reshaping of U.SPORTS governance model, key challenges faced, decision-making processes, and member engagement strategies. Stay informed on structural changes and upcoming evaluations in this comprehensive review.

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  1. U SPORTS GOVERnAnCE David Goldstein and Rob Johnson June 7, 2017

  2. YEAR IN REVIEW • Not one, but two transformative changes: • Governance Model • Architecture, Decision-Making Authority, and Culture all overhauled • Office/Senior Leadership • Board-approved Projects: • Re-Brand • U SPORTS Central – both implementation and delays • Terms of Reference for new Commercial Committee and Sub-Committees

  3. GOVERNANCE: 3-YEAR REVIEW • Board has tasked Governance Committee with reviewing the new model • Goal is to develop an evaluation instrument and to have it completed by members this year • Results of the evaluation instrument would be presented at the Conference and Annual Meeting in June 2018

  4. GOVERNANCE CHALLENGES • Administrative • Conflicts between Governance Policy and numbered policies; conflicts among numbered policies; • Determining Appropriate Level of Consultation • Board, Committees, Members, Staff – all still learning • Risk of “over-consultation” – bottlenecks and disguised membership-wide votes • Role Clarity • Board and Committee members represent conference, but owe fiduciary duty to U SPORTS • Governance Policy: “With a view to furthering the general interests of U SPORTS and not the interests of individual and group stakeholders”

  5. STRUCTURAL OVERVIEW • Board • 4 Presidents, 4 ADs, 1 Member-at-Large • Management Advisory Council • 4 Conference Executive Directors, 4 Conference Presidents or their Delegates • Standing Committees • Finance, Governance, Human Resources, Executive • Operating Committees • Sport (plus STSCs), Commercial (plus sub-committees), Eligibility, AFA, Equity, International

  6. WHO MAKES THE DECISIONS? • Updated Decision Matrix available online • Board is designed to be a Governance Board • “Nose in and fingers out” • Approves strategy and policy, provides financial oversight, oversees management • Responsible for Standing and Operating Committee Terms of Reference • Members still vote on admission of new members, articles, by-laws, and director elections


  8. IMPORTANCE OF COMMITTEES IN THE NEW MODEL • Committees – voice of the membership in the new governance model • Prior Model: Decisions made by membership-wide debates and votes • New Model: Committees consult with membership and make recommendations to CEO or Board • Intended Result: Faster and more nimble decision-making • Secondary Result: Committee membership and participation more important than ever!

  9. PROTECTING AnDPROMOTInG MEMBER EnGAGEMEnT • Committees don’t make recommendations on their own: • Responsible for consulting with membership • Responsible for consulting with other committees • Committee Recommendation Approval Form • U SPORTS HQ (Basecamp) • Members have every opportunity to keep track of committee activity, provide input, give feedback

  10. U SPORTS GOVERnAnCE Questions?

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