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ENJOY & ACHIEVE. Information & Resource Pack September 2009. Top 10 Websites Press F5 to view slideshow and make links live. http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/everychildmatters/ The official ECM website
ENJOY & ACHIEVE Information & Resource Pack September 2009
Top 10 Websites Press F5 to view slideshow and make links live http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/everychildmatters/ The official ECM website www.youthworkunit.com/.../Best%20Value%20Performance%20Indicators.doc NYA BVPI for recorded & accredited outcomes www.nfer.ac.uk/publications/pdfs/.../CYA/09Enjoyandachieve.pdf enjoy & achieve themes http://www.learning-southwest.org.uk/page/Recorded-Outcomes-Toolkit an example of good practice from Learning South West http://docs.google.com/gview?a=v&q=cache:vS1_Mc_FWKoJ:https://rbkc.gov.uk/youthsupport/general/ysds_toolkit_3c.pdf+guidance+on+recorded+outcomes+NYA&hl=en&gl=uk Guidance from Royal Borough Kensington & Chelsea http://outcomes.digitalyouth.org.uk/ interesting ways to capture & record evidence online http://www.eywc.org.uk/pdfs/Youth%20Work%20-%20A%20Manifesto%20for%20Our%20Times%20-%20Bernard%20Davies.pdf Bernard Davies’ ‘Youth Work: A Manifesto for our Times’ http://www.nya.org.uk/information/100584/researchpublications/ links to NYA downloadable briefings on the five ECM outcomes http://ukyouthonline.ning.com/ A wealth of information from youth workers across the UK http://www.cumbria.gov.uk/elibrary/search/default.asp follow the links to the word documents marked ‘section A’ through to ‘section F’ to download the excellent, straightforward ‘Toolkit For: Planning, Evaluating & Reviewing Your Youth Work’
Introduction The Every Child Matters Green Paper sets out 5 key outcomes for all young people. The NYA define the 5 ECM outcomes as meaning that young people: • Are healthy; enjoy good physical and mental health and adopt a healthy lifestyle stay safe; • Are protected from harm and neglect and develop resilience • Enjoy and achieve; get the most out of life now and gain the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for the future • Make a positive contribution; are involved with the community and society • Have the resources and skills for economic well-being, and are not prevented by economic disadvantage from achieving their full potential. Enjoying and achieving is central to the ethos of KYS: Kent Youth Service is about supporting and encouraging all young people to meet together in a secure environment, to have fun and to form friendships. Young people from a broad and diverse variety of backgrounds will be offered the opportunity to gain confidence and the ability to face the challenges of life, to be active citizens in their community and to help work towards a society that is caring and free. Youth services and youth workers make a contribution to achieving the ‘enjoy & achieve’ outcome through informal learning and providing a range of voluntary learning activities that evidence young people’s journey and the youth work process through recorded and accredited outcomes. The 2008 JAR comments on the ‘very significant role’ played in young people’s development by KYS.
Introduction The Ofsted report commented that ‘young people enjoy taking part in youth work and make good progress in their personal and social development…youth workers understand how their work contributes to the Every Child Matters outcomes…youth workers provide positive, sometimes inspirational, role models which motivate young people to achieve and widen their horizons’. Young people enjoy their engagement with KYS and, through that, are encouraged to achieve by gaining recorded and accredited outcomes. KYS regard RECORDED outcomes as: • Providing evidence of distance travelled from a starting point and following the youth work process to a learning achievement or other end product. • Provide evidence of the benefit to the young person • Be evidenced by a youth worker • Make a meaningful, subjective judgment on a young person’s achievement given their background and skill level • Provide evidence for Ofsted in line with the framework for inspection ‘Standards of young people’s achievement and the quality of youth work practice’ http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/Ofsted-home/Forms-and-guidance/Browse-all-by/Other/General/Framework-2005-Framework-for-the-inspection-of-schools-in-England-from-September-2005 For more information on recorded and accredited outcomes, please see the curriculum document and the NYA’s BVPI documents, available here: www.youthworkunit.com/.../Best%20Value%20Performance%20Indicators.doc
Introduction EXAMPLES OF GOOD PRACTICE • A range of excellent tick box sheets to help with observations and recorded outcomes for a huge range of activities are available on the disk included with the curriculum pack. These draw on examples of good practice from across the country. • C@fe-IT uses the standard recorded outcome sheet but cross references each observation and recording with the Huskins model of youth participation: • Sk8side uses accreditation to monitor and evaluate distance travelled for the young person and the youth worker, using the process as a way of evidencing excellent youth work. For more examples of how youth workers across the county are gaining recorded and accredited outcomes through excellent youth work practice please see the curriculum document. Young people achieve through enjoyment, particularly if the environment you offer is secure and supportive. By building accreditation into your practice from the outset you can ensure that it becomes a part of the youth work process and the best way to record distance travelled for young people and to evidence your own good practice.
ICEBREAKERS & GAMES SHARING INFORMATION NEWS: in pairs, exchange 3 pieces of news – family news, local news and worldwide news. Each partner feeds back about the other’s news stories FACT FINDING: in pairs, find out 6 facts about your partner (these can be set by the leader e.g. toothbrush colour, address, mum’s first name etc) then feed them back to the group SHOCK & SURPRISE: in pairs, tell each other about a pleasant surprise you’ve had and an unpleasant shock, then feedback about the other’s experiences. If you haven’t experienced something yourself, you may recount someone else’s experience. PROBLEMS: in pairs, tell each other an imaginary problem and a real one. Each partner has to work out which is true and false. This can also be used with a group. ALL CHANGE: split the group into pairs, then get them to sit opposite each other to form 2 circles. Give each pair about 30 seconds to exchange news then call ‘all change’. The inner circle moves round one and the outer circle stays still. Repeat till everyone has spoken to everyone (if you can’t make 2 circles, make 2 lines and ask the line on the left to move along one when you call ‘all change’) GROUP ICEBREAKERS CATEGORIES: get the group to move around and tell them you’ll ask them to get into groups based on categories. Start with categories with 2 responses e.g. do you like Michael Jackson’s music (yes/no) then go on to categories like shoe size, eye colour, favourite colour with multiple answers. This icebreaker is particularly good for sessions around diversity.
ICEBREAKERS & GAMES HIGH 5: Sit the group in a circle and read out a list of ‘have you evers’ e.g. have you ever done karaoke, have you ever ridden a horse, have you ever been in an aeroplane, have you ever met a famous person etc. (try and tailor the ‘have you evers’ to the group you’re working with). When a young person has had that experience, they must run into the centre and high 5 anyone else who is there. If you have time encourage some of the young people to share their experiences. Again, very useful for diversity sessions. PILE UP: a variation on the above. Have the group sit on chairs. Let anyone ask a question and, when you answer yes, you move one chair to the right. Obviously, this will cause some pile ups as people don’t move. A good physical ice breaker/deinhibitor. LOST: Tell the group they are lost on a desert island. Ask each one in turn to say what object they would like to have and why – doesn’t have to be realistic e.g. you might want to bring you mp3 player/dog/favourite book. Now divide the group randomly into smaller groups and ask them to combine their objects to survive. CLUMP: ask the group to get up and move around then shout out numbers (obviously tailor these to the size of the group!). Young people must get into groups of that number as quickly as possible – any who don’t are out. ROLL OF HONOUR: pass a toilet roll around the group and tell each person to take as many sheets as they like. When the roll has been passed round the entire group, ask them to count up how many sheets they have – now the good/bad news. For each sheet they have to tell the rest of the group a fact about themselves. PHYSICAL GAMES PASS THE PULSE: divide the group into 2 teams and ask them to stand in line back to back. The person at the end of the line holds a small object (ball/pen/coin). At some distance from the end of the line place 2 wastepaper bins (or similar). To start the game the leader touches the first players in line on the shoulder at the same time. The players must then ‘pass a pulse’ (squeeze the hand of the next person in line) to the player holding the object.
ICEBREAKERS & GAMES PASS THE PULSE (cont.): As soon as they receive the pulse they must run to the bin and drop in their object. First team to do so wins. Play best of 5. ‘Pass the pulse’ is also a great focus/energiser exercise – simply get the group to sit in a circle, close their eyes and pass the pulse. See how fast you can get! BOBSLED: This needs room so best played if you have a sports hall. Divide the group into teams of 4-6 players and ask them to sit on the floor with their legs wrapped round the person in front. Mark a finish line on the floor and shout go – teams must move using their hands only. If teams break apart, they must regroup before they can continue. ART GAMES: LIVE SCULPTURE: collect scarps of material, bubble rap, buttons etc. Divide the groups into 3-4s. Tell the groups to use the materials to make living sculpture using one of the group as the model. TOILET PAPER SCULPTURE: works the same but with toilet rolls NATURE SCULPTURE: An outdoor activity – ask the groups to make an art work from things they can find in nature e.g. leaves, acorns, twigs For more ideas visit: http://wilderdom.com/games/Icebreakers.html http://www.mwls.co.uk/icebreakers/ http://www.icebreakers.ws/ http://www.eslflow.com/ICEBREAKERSreal.html http://www.youthworkideas.com/web/?q=node/2 http://www.jobs4youthwork.co.uk/rsc/icebreakers.htm http://www.ultimatecampresource.com/site/camp-activities/ice-breakers.html http://www.youthgroupgames.co.uk/ http://www.youthworker.org.uk/
DISCUSSION TOPICS • How do we attract more diverse young people to our centre? And how do we market our centre to them? • The British spend far too much money on their pets. It would be better to spend that money on other people. What do you think? • The Government just released documents suggesting that UFOs are real. Do you think there are UFOs and life on other planets? • Cultural differences cause problems – people should stay put in their own countries and not travel to other people’s countries. Do you agree? • What is the best way to deal with juvenile crime like joy riding and graffiti? What about knife crime? • Should rich people be able to buy advantages for themselves like a better education and better healthcare or should everything be run by the state? • Should cars be banned from village and town and city centres? • Would you only buy trainers with a brand or are you happy to wear cheap trainers? • People who damage their health through smoking and drinking should be at the back of the queue for operations and treatment on the NHS. Do you agree or disagree? • What’s the best holiday you’ve ever had? What made it so special? Was it a package holiday or did you make your own arrangements? • The Government want all mothers to go back to work by the time their children are 7. Do you think mothers should work or stay at home? • Do you use the Internet? What do you use it for? Do you think it should be free for anyone to use or should there be some control by the Government? • What’s most important in sport – winning or taking part? For an excellent range of topics visit: http://www.btinternet.com/~ted.power/discuss.html and click on ‘discussion questions ‘for each topic
Enjoy & Achieve Use these 5 fingers to list 5 things you enjoy…. 5 things I want to achieve 5 things I enjoy …and these 5 to list 5 things you’d like to achieve
Things I enjoy & would like to achieve Use this space to mind map all the things you enjoy - add more arrows as you need them: Is there anything you’d like to try? Or anything you’d like to get better at?
Resources for recording & evidencing There are a range of online applications that can be used to record and evidence work with young people – used to record each stage of a project, they can provide valuable evidence and evaluation once that project is finished. http://www.huddle.net/ (free for 1 project) collaborative online project management – make sure young people are included from the start and are directly involved in all decisions and tasks. http://www.rememble.com/ (free) A great way to capture the moment, do instant evaluations of a trip and capture evidence (texts, photos, video, audio). You can choose how much or how little information to share. http://www.scrapblog.com/ (free, there is a charge to print out scrapbooks) combine the online content with your own text and photos to record a project or activity, then print out a high quality book at the end of the process. Can also be embedded in a Facebook page. http://twitter.com/ (free) the original microblogging site which uses SMS or text to allow instant recording of thoughts and messages. A great tool for instant evaluation of events and activities and for ‘capturing the moment’. http://www.facebook.com/ (free) either encourage individuals or the group involved in an event or activity to use their Facebook profiles to record the event/activity through photographs and text http://www.bebo.com/ (free) SNS for younger groups of young people, with the same kind of flexibility as Facebook https://www.blogger.com/start (free) Create a blog in 3 clicks and add videos, slideshows, documents, photos and text to record and evaluate your event/activity http://www.dipity.com/ (free) create timelines with photos, links, videos, text etc. A really useful and easy way to record your activity/event from planning onwards http://www.wordle.net/ (free) decide on the skills you need for a project, present an evaluation in a different way – the choice is yours – use the OCR software with your scanner to make scanned documents cut & paste friendly, or get young people to email you, cut and paste from a SNS or encourage young people to type their thoughts straight into wordle themselves! http://www.scribd.com/doc/6074395/Know-Your-Group-Cards Great activity for getting a group to look at their qualities and skills before working on a project together
These 4 young people all think they should eat more healthily– can you work out who is the healthiest eater (where 1 is unhealthiest and 5 is healthiest)? Read the clues then cut the pictures out and move them around to help you solve the puzzle: Eatwell 1 Molly loves salad and eats more healthily than Ali (who loves chips!). Halle, who likes baked beans and ice cream, eats more healthily than Dylan (who likes sweets) but less healthily than Svetla (who eats her greens!). Dylan says he eats more healthily than Ali and Svetla says Molly eats more healthily than she does. Can you work out who is the healthiest eater?
Eatwell 2 to help them eat better, can you answer these healthy eating questions? 1. What is the most important meal of the day? a) Breakfast b) Lunch c) Dinner 2. How many portions of fruit and veg should we eat a day? a) 5 b) 1 c) 25 3. Which of these is a good healthy snack: a) skimmed milk & digestives b) peanut butter & crackers c) air popped popcorn d) all of them 4. Which fats should we eat? a) unsaturated fats b) saturated fats c) it doesn’t make any difference d) none- fat is bad for you 5. True or false – a balanced diet should contain 30% fat daily 6. Which of these contain calcium? a) cheese b) oily fish c) milk d) all of them 7. Which is the best way to lose weight: a) eat a no fat, very low calorie diet b) eat what you want and then spend hours in the gym c) eat a balanced diet and take some exercise daily 8. True or false – the best way to avoid putting on weight is to eat your food really quickly 9. Skipping meals can: a) Help you lose weight quickly b) lead to out of control hunger resulting in over eating c) doesn’t have an effect 10. True or false – statistics show that people who practice healthy eating live longer
EAT WELL CROSSWORD ACROSS 2. Carrots and cauliflowers are types of these 5. Milk and cheese are _____ products 9. This type of fat is found in olive & sunflower oils 10. 9 across is a ‘good’ one but saturated ones are bad for you! 11. This can be found in meat, fish and eggs 12. Eating well keeps you fit and _____ 14. This keeps our bones and teeth strong 15. We get energy from these – they’re found in bread and pasta 16. Number of portions of fruit and veg we need to eat a day 17. These contain lots of sugar so don’t eat too many! DOWN 1. Drinking plenty of water every day helps you avoid this! 3. The best way to lose weight is to eat well and take plenty of this! 4. The most important meal of the day 6. Vitamin D is known as the ______ vitamin 7. We should all try and eat a _____ diet 8. Someone who doesn’t eat meat. 11. A good source of protein if you don’t eat meat – they include beans, peas and lentils 13. Substances your body needs to grow and develop
EAT WELL WORDSEARCH Now find the solutions to the crossword puzzle in the wordsearch and see if you can find the hidden message in the first three lines of the puzzle! Vegetables S E T A R D Y H O B R A C C E Five A T W E L L B E H E A L A T H Calcium D E T A R U T A S N U L Y J F Fats E N P E I S M P D H C D S S V Sweets C K O T X L U E U I X Q Q T L Breakfast N A X I E E Y N U L M W S E V Carbohydrates A O G L T Q R M S T S E L E T Pulses Healthy L L B M T A S C A H L E G W S Dehydrated Balanced A N I E T O R P I B I E S S A Dairy B Y R I A D G D A S T N G F F Vegetarian H E A L T H Y T Y A E R E I K Protein Y S M D R F E Z R H W B M V A Sunshine H X T J Q G A I K W E H P E E Unsaturated J L P A E X A X K B S D Z W R Vitamins W X A V F N V I T A M I N S B Exercise HIDDEN MESSAGE: _ _ T/ _ _ L _/ _ E/ _ _ _ _ _ H _
Diet Tips - Answers ALI = 1 (Unhealthiest) ALFIE = 2 HALLE = 3 SUNITA = 4 MOLLY = 5 (Healthiest) DISCUSSION QUESTION: Do you think that girls are generally healthier eaters than boys? • a) breakfast • a) 5 portions • d) all of them – although peanut butter is high in fat, those fats are unsaturated or ‘good’ fats • a) unsaturated fats like olive and sunflower oil • True – the body needs some fats, especially for brain development • d) all of them – other sources are sesame, soya and leafy green veg. These are particularly important if you’re vegetarian or vegan • c) eat a balanced diet and take regular exercise like walking, jogging or dancing. You don’t have to spend a fortune joining a gym. • False – the best way to lose weight is to chew your food slowly, enjoy it and to stop eating when you feel full • b) skipping meals can cause your body to go into ‘fasting mode’ and store fats • True – so start eating a healthy balanced diet today and you’ll feel better and live longer too!
Eat Well Crossword & Wordsearch answers CROSSWORD: ACROSS DOWN 2. Vegetables 1. Dehydration 5. Dairy 3. Exercise 9. Unsaturated 4. Breakfast 10. Fats 6. Sunshine 11. Protein 7. Balanced 12. Healthy 8. Vegetarian 14. Calcium 11. Pulses 15. Carbohydrates 13. Vitamins 16. Five 17. Sweets WORDSEARCH Hidden message: EAT WELL BE HEALTHY
CELEBRITY AUTHORS QUIZ Now see if you can match the celebrity authors to their books The Da Vinci Code ________ My Sister Madonna ________ My Booky Wook ________ Twilight _______ Sapphire _______ At My Mother’s Knee _______ The Sound Of Laughter ________ Discworld _______ The English Roses _______ Dear Fatty _______ Harry Potter ______ Forever In my Heart _______ My Side _______ Eugenia Lavender _______ Did you get them all? And how many of them have you read?
Celebrity Authors - Answers TOP ROW (FROM LEFT): ‘My Sister Madonna’ Christopher Ciccone ‘The Da Vinci Code’ Dan Brown ‘My Booky Wook’ Russell Brand ‘Twilight’ Stephenie Meyer ‘Sapphire’ Katie Price MIDDLE ROW (FROM LEFT) ‘At My Mother’s Knee’ Paul O’Grady ‘The Sound of Laughter’ Peter Kay ‘Discworld’ Terry Pratchett ‘The English Roses’ Madonna ‘Dear Fatty’ Dawn French BOTTOM ROW (FROM LEFT) ‘Forever in my Heart’ Jade Goody ‘My Side’ David Beckham ‘Harry Potter’ J K Rowling ‘Eugenia Lavender’ Geri Halliwell CROSSWORD: ACROSS 3. Amarillo 5. Big Brother 8. Angels (and Demons) 9. Quidditch 11. Lily Savage 14. Lenny Henry 15. Vampires DOWN 1. Spice Girls 2. Jordan 4. Mercy 6. Posh 7. Big Mouth 10. Saunders 12. Turtle 13. Blond (Ambition)
Sporting Firsts • Susan Brown was the first woman to take part in which race? • Who was Britain’s first million pound footballer? • What did Geraldine Rees do for the first time in 1982? • Uruguay were the first country to do what? • What team did Jermaine Defoe score his first England goal against? • Who was the first boxer to receive a knighthood? • Graham Gooch’s first cricket club was also his last – can you name the team he played with all his career? • The first (and so far only) time England won the World Cup, who did they beat in the final? And what was Geoff Hurst the first (and so far only) player to achieve? • The first (and so far only) time England won the Rugby World Cup, who scored the winning points 26 seconds before full time? • Who won England’s first gold medal in the 2009 World Athletic Championships? Jessica Ennis And can you tell if the following are true or false? In the 1994 Winter Olympics, the Jamaican bobsled team did better than the US team TRUE/FALSE Mary, Queen of Scots, was the first person to use the golf term ‘caddy’ TRUE/FALSE Between 1968 – 2000, all female Olympic competitors had to undergo a ‘sex test’ TRUE/FALSE A ‘bogey’ is a score in tennis TRUE/FALSE Lewis Hamilton holds the record for most consecutive podium places by a British driver TRUE/FALSE The race leader’s jersey in the Tour de France is blue TRUE/FALSE
Sports Wordsearch D B B V J P D Q B O F R M I E F L I N T O F F N V O Y N P S S J C Z T Y H O D N O N O M G I W O B B E S O A X T O T H T I Y I G G N K L Y Q B S G Z W Y N U M I I D C Y T A D N V Q J R T K M O B D I M L L I R G B O L T M I T J T R L P L A X C I G V Q L N Q W V C E D S F W I N B E U X G X H L D D W Q G N I L C Y C A U U J Q A B F T W N F H A U O H G R M B R I W X N G N W Q J P O X W P H T J H U Z N Q T U W P A X D C Z X V R I S W O F V H D J G T S Find the surnames of the sportspeople and the names of their sports in the grid, then match the sportsperson to his/her sport!
Sporting Mix Up Can you unscramble the letters to make words connected with sport ? The pictures should give you a few clues! RICTECK TAB _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ EMWBLEY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TOFOALBL SOTOB _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ HET SHASE _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ LOPE TULVA _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ LODG DEMLA _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ ROWLD PUC _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ SABTEKLABL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CEI CHYOKE _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _
Sports Answers • Boat Race • Trevor Francis • Finished the Grand National • First team to win football’s World Cup • Poland • Henry Cooper • Essex • Germany, scored a hat trick • Jonny Wilkinson • Jessica Ennis TRUE OR FALSE True True – from the French word ‘cadet’ (pronounced cad-day) True False – it’s a score of one shot over par in golf True – 9 podiums False – it’s Yellow WORDSEARCH Ronaldo – Football Flintoff – Cricket Hoy – Cycling Addlington – Swimming Bolt – Running Wilkinson – Rugby SPORTING MIX UP Cricket Bat Wembley Football Boots The Ashes Pole Vault Gold Medal World Cup Basketball Ice Hockey
QUIZ RESOURCES http://school.discoveryeducation.com/quizcenter/quizcenter.html make online quizzes quickly and easily – a range of other free puzzlemakers and clip art, too http://www.avert.org/hivquiz.htm a series of online quizzes from Avert allowing you to select the level of difficulty http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/features/quiz/ a huge range of online quizzes to test your general knowledge http://www.widehorizons.org.uk/Files/centres/hortonkirby/Teaching%20Resources/water%20quiz.pdf downloadable water saving quiz http://www.youthworkideas.com/web/?q=node/4 excellent quiz resources for download http://www.globaleducationderby.org.uk/gyw/activities.htm Downloadable resources for global youth work e.g. the great trainer race http://www.youthideas.co.uk/yw/act/detail.shtml#quiz this site has a great range of resources including quizzes to print out http://www.spikyheaded.com/category/quizzes/ some interesting ideas for quizzes and other activities e.g. icebreakers http://www.funandgames.org/ activity based rather than quizzes but there are puzzles and a range of other resources http://www.guardian.co.uk/quizzes a huge range of online quizzes – challenging but every subject from Tarantino to Football http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/teachers/pshe_11_14/default.stm searchable and wide ranging PSHE resources for 11-14 year olds – includes a quiz search http://www.skoolio.co.uk/ downloadable PowerPoint quizzes and other resources http://www.teachers-direct.co.uk/resources/quiz-busters/ design your own quiz or choose from topics like PSHE NB: It’s always worth searching using Google or similar for quizzes on a specific theme e.g. drugs and alcohol, healthy eating, sexual health and checking through your past info packs.
MUSIC PROP QUIZ with thanks to spikyheaded Divide the group into 2 teams. Designate a central spot that a player has to run to in order to answer a question. Bring out the props one by one and see who can guess the name of the group. Very silly but a good icebreaker for a music evening. Some suggestions: • 2 bags sugar & and 2 dolls (Sugarbabes) • Police hats and/or truncheons (The Police) • Eat an apple, point at the core (The Corrs) • A crown (Queen) • Cardboard box with the words ‘Nursery Rhymes’ written on it. Jump up and down on it (Buster Rhymes) • Map of Britney, point at knee, spears (Britney Spears) • Pretend bomb (football with word ‘bomb’ written on it) and toy cat (Atomic Kitten) • Set of steps (Steps) • Roll some pebbles across the floor (Rolling Stones) • Jump around like gorillas (Gorillas) • Stuff pillow up jumper, eat some lettuce (Fatboy Slim) • Plastic insects (the Beatles) • On two bits of card write ‘C02 Smith’ and ‘H20 Smith’ (Chemical Brothers) • 3 people in a line, first one blinks once, the second one blinks eight times and the third one blinks twice (Blink 182) • Open a packet of M & Ms (Eminem) • Kiss and cuddle a bottle marked C02 (My Chemical Romance) • Colour one square of a calendar green (Green Day) • Pretend to be shivering, then jump around like a monkey (Arctic Monkeys) These are only suggestions and the sillier you can make the props etc. the better!
Unusual Laws with thanks to spikeyheaded 1: Juliar Caesar passed a law, which banned all wheeled vehicles from Rome during daylight hours. (True) 2: Duelling is still legal in Paraguay as long as both people are registered blood donors. (True) 3: In Scotland it is illegal to be drunk in charge of a Pig. (False but true if is if in charge of a cow) 4: In Florida a woman may be fined for falling asleep under a hair dryer. (True) 5: Every citizen in Kentucky is required to take a bath twice a year. (False but they are required to once a year) 6: In England it is illegal to drive a car without sitting in the front seat. (True) 7: In Massachusetts snoring is prohibited unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked. (True) 8: In Tibet it is good manners to stick your tongue out at your guests. (True) 9: It is against the law to remove your shoes if your feet smell whilst in the theatre in Illinois. (True) 10: In Atlanta it is illegal to tie an elephant to a telephone pole or street lamp. (False but it is illegal to tie a giraffe) 11: In horse racing it is illegal for a horse to have a name with more than 14 letters. (False but it must not have more than 18) 12: In Somalia Africa it is illegal to carry old chewing gum on your nose. (True) 13: In Alaska it is illegal to look at a moose from the window of an aeroplane or other flying vehicle. (True) 14: In England in 1571 you could be fined for not wearing a wool cap. (True) 15: Sticking a stamp upside down that bears the king’s or queen’s head is considered treason. (True) 16: In London you can be detained for 24 hours for sticking chewing gum to the underside of your seat on the lower deck of a bus. (False but you can if it’s the upper deck) 17: It is illegal for an MP to enter the House of Commons wearing a full suit of armour. (True) 18: In France it is illegal to call a pig Napoleon. (True) 19: In Idaho it is illegal to give someone a box of chocolates that weighs more than 40 pounds (False but it is if it weighs more than 50) 20: It is illegal for a lady to eat chocolate whilst on a public toilet (True but it’s OK for men).
A new holiday – ADD LINKS September 19th every year is International Talk Like A Pirate Day http://www.talklikeapirate.com/ Why? Because Dave Barry, a newspaper columnist, and his friends decided it was a good idea and it’s caught on worldwide. If you had to come up with a new public holiday, what would it be? Ask young people to think about: • What they would like to celebrate • How they would like to celebrate it • Who would benefit from the new holiday Think about events like the world’s biggest coffee morning (Macmillan cancer charity http://www.macmillan.org.uk/Get_Involved/Worlds_Biggest_Coffee_Morning/WBCM_home.aspx) , Red Nose Day (children’s charities http://www.rednoseday.com/) and Kick Racism Out Of Football (anti racism/diversity http://www.kickitout.org/). • Think of a good cause • Think of an interesting way to celebrate that cause • Think about how you would publicise your new holiday/event Ask young people to make a plan of events and design some publicity materials. Think about how to spread the news: • On a website • Through social media – Facebook, Bebo, Youtube, Kent TV • In the local press and radio Decide on the best idea and start celebrating your new holiday!
Guidance Notes HOW TO USE THIS PACK: • Individual slides can be printed by selecting individual slide numbers or ranges in the PRINT menu • To print slides in black & white or grayscale, select the relevant option from the Colour/Grayscale drop down menu on the print menu (Ctrl+P or File/Print) • These slides may be used to form part of a presentation – press F5 to view as a slideshow • To make all links ‘live’ throughout the pack, press F5 and view as slideshow • To delete individual slides, click on them to select then click on ‘cut’ in the Edit menu • This pack is also available in pdf format – please let me know if you would prefer to receive the pdf. If you have any comments regarding this pack, or need any additional help in using it, please contact me: SUZANNAH YOUDE: suze.youde@kent.gov.uk or tel: 01622 221678/07920 428541