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Exposure to the company. RosBiogaz company is subsidiary enterprise of MZTA conglomerate in Urals and Volga Federal district. The group addresses the issue of alternative and renewable energy sources, such as thermal pumps and biogas units. The major task s of the enterprise are:
Exposure tothe company • RosBiogaz company is subsidiary enterprise of MZTA conglomerate in Urals and Volga Federal district. The group addresses the issue of alternative and renewable energy sources, such as thermal pumps and biogas units. • The major task s of the enterprise are: • promotion of biogas know-how; • development of technical specifications for design works together with the customer's representative; • elaboration of design documentation for a biogas generation complex; • mounting works both ready-to-operate and as installation supervision.
Developed directions • Automatic steering, dispatching of engineering systems of industry facilities, inhabited and public buildings. • Heating systems with gas furnaces using and thermal pumps(where in the capacity of a heat source are used: free air, river, lake and sea waters, ground waters, soil heat, etc.), and also implementation of ring systems with a heat recycling unsuitable for direct heating (from waste waters, heated products of processes, exhaust air of ventilation, etc.).
We are popular in America Among last innovative developments of MZTA it is necessary to note the universal KONTAR hardware and software suite, capable to solve a problem of automation of engineering systems wide spectrum, and also heating units. Development of KONTAR hardware and software suite is not shut down, functionality and communication possibilities constantly is improved and extend, the assortment of supported devices continuously replenishes. In March, 2007 Current Energy company (USA) entering into structure of the Ross Perot's companies, has got the right to manufacture and sale of KONTAR hardware and software suite in the USA, and also it has concluded with MZTA the long-term contract on development of KONTAR hardware and software suite. In the observed design of automation the modern idea of Internet-dispatching and use as a server building the global server Transamerica Building is realized. The owner of a global server is the operating company rendering service of access and use of resources of a server on accumulation, storage and delivery of the information to assemblage of the companies owning installations of automation or responsible for their service. The presented system simultaneously keeps communication with two servers which situated in the USA and Russia (MZTA Moscow server ). All presented manipulations are accessible from any personal computer completed with a standard browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera) and having access to internet. Thus, there is no need to the presence of the dispatcher onsite: at beginning of a fault the server independently dispatches an e-mail and sms to the users due to their personal options. Transamerica Building office block
Innovative activities Selection of departure towards alternative sources of power resources was not casual. Alternative power engineering and the production engineering connected with it are the phenomenon without which, even despite generosity of our bowels, it is impossible to present the future of any country. Minerals are depleted, therefore already today it is necessary to search for alternative energy sources. By efforts of a employees command, systems and the production engineering based by power savings go forward and intrude.
BIOGAS as an alternative : • Biogas is a gases mix of methane and carbon dioxide (the small amount of hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen, hydrogen is contained) • Calorific value of biogas depends on quantity of methane in it. • The methane maintenance in biogas of 70 % • Average calorific efficiency of biogas makes about 28mJ/cubic meter • As an example: the lowest combustion value of natural gas in accordance with GOST 5542 not less than 31,8 mJ/cubic meter (at t=20 C and P=101,325 Kpa)
С чего все началось AS ALL BEGAN Scattered instances of primitive biogas technology have been fixed in China, India, Assyria and Persia since the 18th century B.C.E. However regular scientific researches of biogas have begun only in the18th century of our era, after almost 3.5 thousand years. In 1764 Benjamin Franklin in the letter to Joseph Priestley has presented experiment in which course it could set fire to a surface of small boggy lake in New Jersey, USA. The first scientific substantiation of flammable gases formation in marshes and lacustrine deposits was given by Alexander Volt in 1776, which has installed methane presence in a marsh gas. After opening of the methane chemical formula by Dalton in 1804, the European scientists had been made the first steps in researches of biogas practical application. The contribution to studying of biogas formation was brought in also by the Russian scientists. Affection of temperature on quantity of gated out gas has studied by Popov in 1875. He has found out that river adjournment start to gate out biogas at temperature approximately 6°С. When increase of temperature to 50°С, the quantity of gated out gas considerably increased without varying on composition - 65 % of methane: 30 % of carbonic gas, 1 % of hydrogen sulphide and insignificant quantity of nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and carbon protoxid. V.L.Omeljansky thoroughly investigated the nature anaerobic fermentation and bacteria participating in it. Soon after that, in 1881, experiences of the European scientists on use of biogas for premises heating and illumination of streets have begun. Since 1895, street lamps in one of Exeter’s districts were supplied with gas, which was gained as a result of waste water fermenting, and gathered in the closed container. The news about biogas reception in Bombay where gas gathered in a collecting channel has appeared two years later and was used as engine fuel in various engines. Development of biogas technologies actually and this day. The elementary Chinese installation
Electrical power Thermoelectric plant Heat energy Cold Chiller Heat generation (Heating plants) Biogas Gas to gas system Production biomethane Fuel for transport Whom biogas is necessary ?
Operation concept of typical biogas plant There are industrial and handicraft plant. Industrial plant contrast with handicraft plant presence of mechanization, heating systems, homogenization, automatics. The most widespread industrial method is anaerobic fermentation in methane-tanks. Good biogas plant should have necessary parts: homogenization container; loader of firm (liquid) raw materials; reactor; rabbles; gas tank; system of water mixing and heating; gas system; pumping plant; separator; control devices; PCIwith visualization; safety system. Principle of plant work: biomass (a waste or green weight) periodically move by means of pumping plant or the loader to the reactor. The reactor represents the warmed up and heat-insulated tank equipped electric shakers. As a building material for the industrial tank a reinforced concrete or a coated steel more often serves. In small plant a composite materials are sometimes used. the useful bacteria eating biomass live in the reactor. Biogas is a waste products of bacteria . For maintenance of a bacteria life the forage supply, heating to 35-38 °С and periodic mixing are required. Formed biogas accumulates in storage (gas holder), then passes clearing system and moves to users (a boiler or the electric generator). The reactor works without an access of air, it is leakless and harmless. Gasholder Reactor Screw charger of firm raw materials Insulant Frame Frame coving Biogas Mixer Pumping plant Tap refermented mass Cogeneration block Waste-heat Reactor heating by warm water Vessel of gathering and homogenization of liquid raw materials Automatics block Condensation drainage Heat for technological needs, heatings The electric power For fermentation of some types of raw materials in the pure state the special two-stage technology is required. For example, the bird dung, distillery stillage are not worked overtime in biogas in the usual reactor. The hydrolysis reactor is necessary for rehash of such raw materials in addition. Such reactor allows to control acidity level, thus bacteria do not perish because of raise of the acidic content or a fines. Rehash of the same substrata on one-stage technology is possible, but at cofermentation (mixing) with other aspects of raw materials, for example, with manure or a silo. The factors influencing process of fermenting: temperature; humidity of medium; рН level; relationship C:N:P; the surface square of raw material particles; frequency of substratum supply; restrainers; stimulative additives.
Sewage treatment and biogas generation Sewage treatment occurs due to methanogenic bacterium life activity lying in anaerobic reactor. Sewage arrive in the bottom of anaerobic reactor where is a sewage treatment and biogas formation due to passing through a layer of the granular mud. Anaerobic reactor Granular mud Biogas Heat Electric power Enterprise Watercourse Cleaned water flow Water flow
Heat power plants on biogas Use of biogas for the combined manufacture electric and heat energy is the most effective solution. Heat power plant EFFICIENCY over 95 % Biogas Electric energy 40 % Heat energy 60 %
We work in farming and food-processing industry branch Now necessity to solve questions on effective waste recovery has originated at the agriculture enterprises , the food-processing industry, and also at processing plants. In that case biogas generation is a positive economic benefit as all biogas nearby on its properties to natural gas. Thus, you gain a useful product from production wastes.
The variances of biogas plants European technology Russian technology Clearing from H2S Biogas to user Gasholder Reactor Insulant Screw charger of firm raw materials Frame coving Soft gasholder Biogas Motor reduction unit Raw materials Module 1 Module 2 Module n Module n+1 Mixer Frame Pumping plant Tap refermented mass Water-boiler Fertilizer liquid Vessel of gathering and homogenization of liquid raw materials
Differencesofbiogasplants The reactor (bioreactor) is completely fumetight, leakproof tank made of acid-proof ferro-concrete. This design is insulated by a layer of insulant. The thickness of insulant pays off under concrete environmental conditions. Within the reactor (the methane-tank, a fermenter) fixed temperature for microorganisms is supported. The temperature in the reactor is mesophilic (30-41°С). In specific cases the reactors with thermophilic mode (approximately 55°С) are applied. Mixing of biomass in the reactor is made in several ways. All mixing devices made of stainless steel. In specific cases mixing is not mechanical, but hydraulic. Reactor heating is conducted by warm water. A water temperature at the inlet of the reactor is 60°С. The water temperature at the outlet of the reactor is approximately 40°С. The heating system is a grid of tubes being inside of reactor wall or on its internal surface. Average time of hydraulic upholding inside of the reactor (depending on substrata) is 20-40 days. Our bioplant European bioplant The biogas plant consists of intake vessel, the bioreactor, storage vessel of liquid fertilizers and the accumulator of biogas and the soft gasholder. The bioreactor has a modular construction that allows splicing to increase modules productivity of the bioreactor with less capital inputs. The bioreactor is mechanically executed in the form of tubular plastic or steel vessel with 2 m diameter and 13 m length aflat positioned and divided into three sections, loading, working and off-loading. The working section consists of two modules divided by the module on which the geared motor take courage. In turn the geared motor drives a horizontal mixers. In each module of working sector the tubular heat exchanger for initial heating of the bioreactor is installed. Through the heat exchanger the hot water warmed up by a water copper and discharged by circulating pumps. In the first module mesophilic fermenting process is supported at 30-400С, in second - thermophilic at 40-570С. It allows to more effectively ferment biomass and to gain larger biogas exit. A time of fermenting is 12 days.
It is favourable to all Positive factors fromimplementation Biomethanation Waste reclamation Reception of biofertilizers Heat Fuel forcar Electric power
What will you pay more? Instance of calculation of the Russian biogas plant: Subject – chicken farm; Substrate – waste of poultry stock; Initial data: Выходные данные:
Technical and economic assessment According to specified initial data the total cost of biogas plant installation, will make 4,122,729 roubles. Pay-back period based on cost of natural gas 3 roubles 02 copecks for 1m3 for the given plant will make 5 years.
We perform activities ready-to-operate Выполним работы «под ключ»
Epilogue … We, employees of Rosbiogaz, are aimed to advance as much as possible production engineering developed in Russia. It is capable to solve problems, both in territory of the Russian Federation, and behind its limits. The private farm is represented today to one of the most favourable inclusions of means. However frequently farms considerably are removed from the centralized means of supply and require alternative energy sources. Biogas plants can become them. This favourable solution at once two problems: rehashes of animal industries waste or plant growing and reception of the alternative energy source for heating and electrification of economic premises. Our company offers designing and installation of biogas plants according to requirements of each farm. Working out of each such plant is carried out by our specialists on the basis of farm specific features. The combination of heat pump plant technology and biogas plants gives unexpected effect: separately taken farm can become completely independent, spending means only for fuel and lubricants. That plant worked correctly and served you during long (estimated date of 40 years), it is necessary to design and mount correctly even the smallest parts of plant. Addressing to specialists of the business, you guarantee gain fine result! Even more to rationalize manufacture automatics of OJSC MZTA providing control and dispatching of all processes. The main objective of use of biogas plant consists in rehash of a waste of ability to live of birds, large and a small cattle and other waste of a biological origin, for reception of biogas and a liquid organic waste which after can be used in agriculture. Take advantage to ours online of the cost accountant on a site rosbiogas.ru. It will help you to count, what biogas plant will approach for raw materials volume gained on a farm and as to orient at its cost.
Contact detail www.rosbiogas.ru Ekaterinburg т. +7 (343) 361-31-99 sales@rosbiogas.ru Krasnodar Territory т.+7(862) 295-71-02 info@rosbiogas.ru Perm т. +7(342) 299-99-69 info@rosbiogas.ru