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Institutions for Sustainable Management in Europe B1 – C3 www.eurocrafts21.eu. Institutions and initiatives which. consider themselves as a network for companies and entrepreneurs build a platform for companies and for the public develop and implement concepts for SMEs
Institutions for Sustainable Management in Europe B1 – C3 www.eurocrafts21.eu B1-C3-Institutions for Sustainable Management
Institutions and initiatives which... • consider themselves as a network for companies and entrepreneurs • build a platform for companies and for the public • develop and implement concepts for SMEs • support regional, small- and medium-sized enterprises • advance the open dialoge with politics and society Source: Pixelio B1-C3-Institutions for Sustainable Management
INEM – International Network for Environmental Management • Founded in 1991 • World federation of non-profit national business associations for environmental management • 30 member associations, cleaner production centres in 25 countries Objectives: • Protection of the environment, especially water, soil, air, protection of human health • The increase of environmentally managed companies, assistance of particular small and medium-sized enterprises • Implementing environmental management • Improve the quality of environmenatal management • Transfer environmental management know-how from business and industry to other sectors of society B1-C3-Institutions for Sustainable Management www.inem.org
CSR Europe • European business network for Corporate Social Responsibility • Founded in 1995 • 75 multinational corporation and 27 national partner organisations Objectives: • Support member companies in integrating CSR into the way they do business every day • Connecting companies to share best practise on CSR • Innovating new projects between business and stakeholders • Shaping the modern day business and political agenda on sustainability and competitiveness www.csreurope.org B1-C3-Institutions for Sustainable Management
UEAPME • European association of crafts, small and medium-sized enterprises • Non profit seeking and non partisan organisation • Incorporates as a umbrella organisation 85 member organisations • Represents 12 million enterprises in Europe Objectives • Monitoring the EU policy and legislative process and keeping ist members informed on all matters of European policy • Supporting its members academically, technically and legally on all areas of EU policy • Supporting the idea of European integration and contributing to European co-operation • http://www.ueapme.com B1-C3-Institutions for Sustainable Management
GEMI – Global Environmental Management Initiative • Founded 1990 • Organization of leading companies dedicated to foster global environmental, health and safety (EHS) and sustainable excellence • 22 member companies from more than 15 business sectors Objectives: • Identify and assess emerging issues to achieving a sustainable world while maintaining business growth • Develop and promote e-tools and other effective mechanisms that help businesses • Create effective partnerships with other national and international groups including nongovernmental organizations • www.gemi.org B1-C3-Institutions for Sustainable Management
The Efficient Entrepreneur • Website thatofferspracticaladvice on how SMEs cantakemeaningfulactionto • reducecosts, • increaseproductivityand • satisfyclients whileatthe same time reducingbusinessriskandprotectingtheenvironment • A familyoftools in different languages, for different sectorscanbe found on the website andappliedbytheentrepreneursthemselves • http://www.effizient-wirtschaften.de/ B1-C3-Institutions for Sustainable Management
ECAP – Environmental Compliance Asistance Program for SMEs • Environmental Compliance Assistance Programm for SMEs • „Small clean and competetive“ • Program by the European commission Objectives • Minimising the administrative burden on companies • Helping SMEs integrate environmental concerns into their business • Supporting regional and national networks • Building of local know-how • Best practises, workshops, toolkits, helpdesk • http://ec.europa.eu/environment/sme/ B1-C3-Institutions for Sustainable Management
UNEP – National cleaner production centres • Since 1994 national centres for cleaner production where built by the UNEP and UNIDO • Worldwide over 40 National centres for cleaner production • In developing countries and economies in transition Objectives • Build local capicity in order to implement Cleaner Production • To support: • Production efficiency, • Environmental Management • Human development • http://www.unep.fr/scp/cp/network/ B1-C3-Institutions for Sustainable Management
Club of Wuppertal • Founded in 200 in Wuppertal • 21 founder-members from small and medium sized companies Objectives • To support Sustainabiliy in the vision of the company • Give enterpreneurs the chance to have an open dialogue with the politics • Platform for innovative and sustainable-acting companies • http://www.club-of-wuppertal.org B1-C3-Institutions for Sustainable Management
www.eurocrafts21.eu This project is funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. The Leonardo da Vinci project Euro Crafts 21 is carried out under the administration of plenum - society for holistic sustainable development and the Factor 10 Institute Austria. The objective of the project is to establish a significant added value in the vocational education in Austria and the participating partner countries (Finland, Germany, Slovakia, Spain and Hungary). This will be achieved through the innovation transfer of an already completed pilot project - aiming the development and testing of an overall qualification and consulting concept for sustainability management in the handicraft branch of North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany). B1-C3-Institutions for Sustainable Management
Source Bliesner, Anna; Kinkel, Kaya; Rohn, Holger (Wuppertal Institute), adapted from: Lemken, Thomas; Rohn, Holger in collaboration with Claudia Kaiser, Ina Schäfer, Anna Bliesner, Kristin Parlow: Module B1 Sustainable Development. Westdeutscher Handwerkskammertag (Ed.): Sustainable Management in crafts enterprises. A manual for the implementation of a qualification and consulting concept made for consultants and teachers in the crafts sector. Results from a pilot project, Düsseldorf (Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften in Handwerksbetrieben. Eine Handreichung zur Durchführung eines Qualifizierungs- und Beratungskonzeptes für Betriebsberater/-innen und Dozenten/-innen im Handwerk. Ergebnisse aus einem Modellversuch, Düsseldorf). B1-C3-Sustainable Management