Narrative Synopsis • In the film I made, the Policemen that is our main character has a different side to him he doesn’t know about, where he is a murderer but doesn’t know what hes doing. The plot continues when he starts having flash backs and gets given a case to solve from one of his victims, when on one of his episodes he chases and attempts to kill one of his colleagues. The colleague then tries to stop him.
Propp • Hero-Detective Bridges • Villain- Detective Bridges • Princess- Dead Girl (Natalie Perkins) • Dispatcher- Superintendent Jones • Donor- Aaron Bridges (Brother to the detective) • Father- Superintendent Jones • False Hero- Detective Bridges
Todorov • Equilibrium-Detective Bridges is fine yet when he suffers a head injury in a car crash, he starts having visions and flashes of himself committing murders. • Disequilibrium- The visions get so bad to the point he starts losing control and ends up killing an innocent victim, and continues on his killing spree, until one of his colleagues is targeted and survives his attack. • New Equilibrium- When Bridges and his colleague have a stand off and bridges ends up committing suicide, peace is restored.
Levi- Strauss • Good-Evil (The two sides to Bridges) • Crime –Justice (Bridges being a policemen yet committing murders) • Sanity- Insanity (Bridges goes mad)
Barthes • Action Code- The car crash. The murders committed and the chases leading to a victim dying, and the stand off at the end. • Enigma code- The Murders trying to be solved. • Semic code- The tie on the main character, connoting how Important he is and his job type. • Symbolic Code- Flashes of the dead bodies.