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Innovation evaluation activities 2010. Marielle Riché, Evaluation Unit. Expert network. 27 national policy papers and a synthesis report: June 2010 Link and complementarities between regional and national innovation policies considering the different contexts
Innovation evaluation activities 2010 Marielle Riché, Evaluation Unit
Expert network • 27 national policy papers and a synthesis report: June 2010 • Link and complementarities between regional and national innovation policies considering the different contexts • Contribution of ERDF programmes to these policies and main challenges for cohesion policy • Evidence on performance of innovation support measures, good practice in evaluation of innovation
Expert workshops Based on results of Warsaw conference: • Brainstorm on possible activities to improve the evaluation of innovation supported by ERDF programmes: what is feasible? • Organise a worshop on evaluation of specific innovation measures such as cluster, advanced service for enterprises, technology transfer + less tangible results (behavioural additionality, …): practical methods, good examples, guidance
Work with regions and MS • Gather and analyse evaluations on innovation in regions and Member States (good practices) On going or planned evaluations 2010-2011? • Test methods with interested managing authorities (analyse difficulties, practicalities, gaps) Managing authorities having a particular interest? • Work on improved innovation indicators (for 2013-20 programming period)