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This PowerPoint presentation serves as a guide to accessing resources on the WHO website and its regional offices, including information on health topics, publications, data and statistics, programs and projects, and gateways/portals.
WHO Resources • Instructions – This part of the: • course is a PowerPoint demonstration intended to introduce you to resources accessible on the web sites of WHO Headquarters and its Regional Offices. • module is off-line and is intended as an information resource for reference use.
Table of Contents • Basic Entry Points • Gateways & Portals • Highlighted Sites • Note: This module originally was developed for a workshop in Jamaica so it includes links to PAHO resources and health information about Jamaica.
Basic Entry Points We have opened the initial page of the World Health Organization (WHO) website. We will examine the contents in the left-column frame. This page Highlights current health-related news items. Note: for all the WHO sites, the slides will include the site’s URL or web address – at the top of the slide.
We have opened the Health Topics page of WHO website. Using the A-Z alphabetical list, you can locate information on broad topics of interest to you. Note the list of topics in the A list.
We have opened the HIV-AIDS page of Health Topics A-Z list. The types of resources include: General Information, Technical Information, Multimedia and Publications.
We have opened the Publications page of WHO website. This page contains information on How to obtain WHO publications and highlights the organization’s publications in broad categories - Key WHO Publications, Journals, etc.
We have clicked on the link to the World Health Report subpage. This page contains links to the annual reports that were first published since 1995.
Another WHO publication is the International Pharmacopoeia – a source of information about pharmaceutical substances and dosages for WHO member states. Note the link to the WHO Model List of Essential Drugs.
The final Publication we will access is the Bulletin of the World Health Organization.Articles are available in Abstract, Full Text[HTML] and Full Text[pdf] format.
We now will look at the Publications of the Pan American Health Organization. Each regional office of WHO has a set of publications. At the bottom of the initial WHO Publications page, there are hyperlinks to access the WHO Regional Publications.
We now will view the initial page of the WHO Data and statistics page. Besides the Malaria highlight, this page contains links to Databases, Mortality and Health Status, Risk Factors and others.
We have opened the World Global Health Atlas - a database of standardized data and statistics for infectious diseases on the country, regional and global level. The options for using the Atlas include: Data Query, Interactive Mapping and Maps and Resources.
We are viewing the page with the links to the Statistics from (6) WHO regional offices. Note that the web address or URL for this (and all resources) is highlighted in the web browser’s search box.
Returning to the left-column frame, we have opened the Programmes and projects page. Via an A-Z alphabetical list, links to the principal WHO programmes and projects are listed. We will view several of these activities.
From the E listing, we have opened the Essential Medicines and Pharmaceutical Policies program. Using broad subject categories, this page contains links to Technical Areas plus a link to a keyword search tool for Medicines Publications.
From the H listing, we have opened the HINARI Access to Research Initiative. This is a collaborative project between WHO and STM publishers that enables developing countries to gain access to over 6400 electronic journals.
Via the Media centre, we have opened the Fact sheets – a resource for brief overviews on numerous diseases and health issues. Note that you also can access the Media centre from a link in the right-column that is displayed on many of the website’s pages.
From the A listing, we have opened the Antimicrobial resistance page. You can read basic information from this Fact sheet and also print the material.
Via the Library and Information Networks for Knowledge page, we have opened the Databases page. You have access to the WHOLIS database. (WHO publications index from 1948 to date) plus the WHO Regional Databases. We will search in the WHOLIS site later in the module.
We have opened the initial page of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) website. Similar to the WHO site, the left-column frame contains hyperlinks to the principal pages of this website. All the WHO Regional Offices have similar sites.
We have opened the initial page of the PAHO in one click pagethat contains WHO/HQ, Regional Office and Country News and numerous category links.
We have opened the initial page of BIREME, the Latin American and Caribbean Center for Health Sciences Information. Several of Bireme’s resources are featured in the Gateways and Portals section of this presentation.
Gateways & Portals We previously looked at this Health topics page. Since it directs users to material within the WHO website, it serves as a portal.
We have accessed the Library and Information Networks for Knowledge Databases page. We will click on the Access WHOLIS link.
We have opened the initial page of the World Health Organization (WHO) website. We will examine the contents in the left-column frame. Note: for all the WHO sites, the slides will include the site’s url or web address. We have entered a keyword search bednets AND malaria and will click on Search. Other search options include author, title, subject, series, periodical title plus library, language, format, type, location and publication years.
The bednets AND malaria search located 14 titles. 7 have a Full Text Link. We have clicked on Keep for 4 articles and the box has changed to Remove. This gives us the option to save or e-mail these citations. We now will click on the Full Text Link for the first article.
This is the PDF version of the article retrieved by clicking on the Full Text Link.
From the original Search results page, we have clicked on the Try these too... Option of Antimalarials. The results for this search are 381 titles. Note the Try these too... suggestion for this search.
We now will examine the WHO Statistical Information Systems (WHOSIS) website. We will click on Customized Search/Select from a list of regions/countries, indicators and time periods and locate statistics about Jamaica.
We have checked the box for Jamaica onthe Regions/countries page and will proceed to Indicators Note that you can browse by Browse by a region.
We have checked the boxes for the World Age-standardized mortality rates for cancer, cardiovascular disease, injuries and non-communicable diseases Indicators. Finally, we will proceed to the Time period page. Note that you can Browse by an indicator category.
We have displayed the results for the four Indicators and Jamaica.
We have opened the WHO Global InfoBase, another Data and Statistics resource that contains information about chronic diseases and their risk factors. Again, we will search for statistics on Jamaica.
This slide has displayed the Country Collected Data on the various chronic disease surveys for Jamaica. Note the various search tools for this database.
The Global Health Library (GHL) is another database of WHO and a source for reliable Internet health information. We have entered a search for swine flu and clicked on Regional Indexes option and Search . The GHL also contains links to Global and Regional Indexes.
This search has displayed 238 Results with options for accessing the documents .
We have entered the initial page of Bireme’s Virtual Health Library. This gateway contains numerous Information Sources and we will look at the Evidence Portal . Note the keyword Search barthat allows you to limit your search to specific indexes and sources.
We have clicked on the Information Sources Evidence Portal. In the Search box, the Results are 16941 citations for Systematic reviews. You could add specific keywords or, access all or some of the indices to this Systematic reviews search.
We have opened the Information Sources Evidence Portal articles. This time, in the Search box, we have limited the search to Clinical Practice Guidelines and the Results are 2381 citations. Again, you can could add specific keywords or, access all or some of the indices.
We have opened the initial page of Bireme’s Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO). It is a gateway to online e-journals from PAHO participating countries. Note that you have Search article, Search by journals, By alphabetical list and By Subject options.
We have opened the Available issues of the West Indian Medical Journal. We will click on the most recent issue – Vol. 57, Issue 6. Note that you can search by issues, author and subject.
We have opened the Table of contents page for this issue of West Indian Medical Journal. Note that the full-text articles are available as text in english (html) and pdf in english.
Highlighted Sites We will view several Highlighted Sites – to examine the scope of information produced by WHO and WHO Regional Offices. This initial example is the Health Library for Disasters, a portal from the PAHO region. Note The topics include list, the Search by keyword tool and Desastres Journal.
We have opened the initial page of the WHO medicines bookshelf 1.0 – the web version of a CD-ROM that consists of 95 information resources primarily from the WHO Essential Drugs and Medicines Department. Note the various ways that you can search in this collection.
The WHO produces numerous useful publications. We are viewing the initial page of the Weekly Epidemiological Record (WER),a tool for the rapid and accurate dissemination of disease outbreaks information. From this page, you can access the current and previous WER reports.
Our final Highlighted Site is the 2009 Edition of the International travel and health report. Note all hyperlinked resources including International Health Regulations, Diseases Distribution Maps and Updates for Travellers. This is the end of the WHO Resources module. There is a Work Book with working examples that covers the topics included in this module. Updated 02 2010