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Who? What? When? Where? Reaching Jewish resources and knowledge Chi? Cosa? Quando? Dove? Accedere alle risorse ebraiche Dov Winer Scientific Manager, Judaica Europeana. http://www.judaica-europeana.eu/Search_Europeana_Collections_with_Judaic_categories.html.
Who? What? When? Where? Reaching Jewish resources and knowledge Chi? Cosa? Quando? Dove? Accedere alle risorse ebraiche Dov Winer Scientific Manager, Judaica Europeana
Thesaurus with about 10,000 terms developed by Dr. Allison Kupietzky Collections Database Manager with the Curators and Museum staff http://www.imj.org.il/Imagine/collections/index.asp?cat=Collections
object names places periods artists’ names
Linked Open Data by Europeana http://vimeo.com/36752317
The essence of RDF: the “triple” subject property value Source: “The thirty minute guide to RDF and Linked Data”, by Ian Davis and Tom Heath
Linked Open Data Datasets on the Web Over 31.7 billion RDF triples (10/2011) Over 40 billion onFebruary 2012 Linking Open Data cloud diagram, by Richard Cyganiak and Anja Jentzsch. http://lod-cloud.net/ http://www.linkeddata.org http://esw.w3.org/DataSetRDFDump http://esw.w3.org/TaskForces/CommunityProjects/LinkingOpenData/DataSets/Statistics
The triangle of reference Referred in The Phaneron blog: RDFS Idioms for the Working Semiotician by Rick Murphy, August 2009 . Concerns the original concept by Ogden and Richards (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle_of_reference)
EUROPEANA & vocabularies • EUROPEANA will be integral part of the Web of Knowledge • Linked Data – the RDF Web, Web as a database • Building units: URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) in RDF (Resource Description Framework) triplets: Subject, Predicate, Object • Vocabularies as Hubs in the Web of Knowledge: SKOS – Simple Knowledge Organisation System
Tagging content with controlled vocabularies:Irish vocabulary on Vikings
Tagging content with controlled vocabularies:Norwegian vocabulary on Vikings
Where? The award-winning Where Once We Walked (WOWW) has been completely revised and updated to reflect the changes in the political geography of Central and Eastern Europe since WOWW was published in 1991. There are also a number of improvements to the original edition noted below. The new edition identifies more than 23,500 towns in Central and Eastern Europe where Jews lived
What? vocabularies
What? vocabularies
Tasks for a common agenda on Jewish vocabularies • Who? Names • Disseminate the use of VIAF • Seek to include periodical publications in VIAF • RAMBI • Long term common effort to achieve comprehensiveness • Where? Places • JewishGen and Yad Vashem gazetteers as linked data? • Use Europeana guidelines to map places coordinates • Registry of Jewish gazetteers / RDF/ community based Jewish gazetteer service similar to GeoNames, Freebase, LinkedGeoData etc • When? Periods • Survey available vocabularies and seek to express them as Linked Data Institutional tools for in-depth probe on current periodisation practices http://www.judaica-europeana.eu/docs/jewish_vocabularies_LOD.pdf
Jewish gazetteers Where?
http://id.loc.gov/authorities/search/ Jewish headings at the Library of Congress catalogue What?
Tasks for a common agenda on Jewish vocabularies • Who? Names • Disseminate the use of VIAF • Seek to include periodical publications in VIAF • RAMBI • Long term common effort to achieve comprehensiveness • Where? Places • JewishGen and Yad Vashem gazetteers as linked data? • Use Europeana guidelines to map places coordinates • Registry of Jewish gazetteers / RDF/ community based Jewish gazetteer service similar to GeoNames, Freebase, LinkedGeoData etc • When? Periods • Survey available vocabularies and seek to express them as Linked Data • Institutional tools for in-depth probe on current periodisation practices http://www.judaica-europeana.eu/docs/jewish_vocabularies_LOD.pdf
Expressions of interest in developing the agenda Yad Vashem Yael German Dd Dd Dd dd Esther Guggenheim
Thank you for your attention! Contact: Dov Winer Judaica Europeana Scientific Manager EAJC - European Association for Jewish Culture dov.winer@gmail.com
SKOS Simple Knowledge ORGANIZATION SYSTEM thesauri,classifications,subjects,taxonomies, folksonomies,… controlled vocabulary concepts are documented, linked, merged with other data, composed, integrated and published on the Web CONCEPTS identified by URIs using RDF triples natural language expressions to refer to concepts:skos: prefLabel [descriptor]skos: altLabel [synonims, acronyms, abbreviations] SEMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS …broader and narrower conceptsbroader/narrower relationships assert that a concept is broader/narrower in meaning …concepts somehow related SCHEMES compiled sets of concepts: ConceptScheme class and inScheme relationship to link a concept to a schemehasTopConcept relationship for the entry points of narrower/broader hierarchy LINK schemes map concepts from different schemes using the propertiesexactMatch, broadMatch, narrowMatchand relatedMatch dov.winer@gmail.com