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Ties to the Land

Ties to the Land. Succession Planning for Livestock (and other Ag.) Producers Bart Eleveld, OSU Extension Economist. USDA—Risk Management Agency. Private Lands Committee. Outline for the day. 9:30 Registration/Check-In 10 am Case Example Ranch and Financial Analysis

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Ties to the Land

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ties to the Land Succession Planning for Livestock (and other Ag.) Producers Bart Eleveld, OSU Extension Economist USDA—Risk Management Agency Private Lands Committee

  2. Outline for the day • 9:30 Registration/Check-In • 10 am Case Example Ranch and Financial Analysis • Bart Eleveld, Oregon State University • 10:30 Succession Planning Process, Fair vs. Equal, Conflict Resolution • Steve Hopkins and Doug Sippel, Titan Financial Associates • 11:15 Appraisal, Valuation Discount Issues • Randy Guyer, CPA • 12 noon Lunch • 12:30 Land Trusts • Frank O’Leary, Oregon Rangeland Trust • 1 pm Legal Issues—LLC, FLP, Buy-Sell Agreements • George Guyer, Attorney • 1:30 Charitable Remainder Trusts • Harold Weight, Multiplan Financial Services • 2:15 Panel Discussion, Q&A • 3:00 Closing and Evaluations

  3. Succession planning ≠, > Estate Planning • Need to think about what happens if you live as well as what happens if you die • How to transfer control, decision making and operation of the business if that is an objective • If the business is not to continue, who gets what, and when?

  4. Inventory of the Legacy: Dr. Bart Eleveld Extension Economist, Farm & Ranch Management Agricultural & Resource Economics Department Case Study and Financial Analysis Of Future Alternatives

  5. Ray and Reba Rancher • Ray and Reba are mid 60’s, still active on ranch but moving towards retirement. • Reba had full-time job with no retirement benefits, Max had part-time job in winter. • 3 children, aged 36 – 41. • 800 Cow-calf pairs • 400 ac. Irrigated alfalfa • 100 ac. Winter wheat rotation crop • 300 ac. Native grass hay (baled) • 100 ac. Irrigated pasture • 3500 ac. Deeded rangeland • 4650 AUM Public rangeland pasture

  6. Family Dynamics • Ray and Reba want to ease into retirement but stay on ranch. • Have started drawing SS • Fairly good health for now. • Oldest son, Ray Jr. (41), joined ranch management after college graduation. • Divorced from Rosie (39) and has 3 kids, aged 10 – 14. Oldest already works on ranch and wants in someday. • Second son, Roy (37), has professional career in NYC, is estranged from family. • Daughter Rita Wrangler (36), married to Rudy who has professional, 6 figure income. • Has daughter (12) who is interested in ranching. • Lives in town, but wants to have a house on the ranch.

  7. Current Financial Status • Balance Sheet is pretty healthy but cash flow and income is tenuous. • Current ratio = 1.88 • Farm debt to asset ratio = 37% (33% total) • Farm equity to asset ratio = 63% • Rate of return on farm assets = 1.7% • Term debt coverage ratio = 103%

  8. Balance Sheet(Details in hand-out)

  9. Income and Cash Flow (Details in Handout) YMMV !!!

  10. Resources for Balance SheetIncome Statement & Cash Flow • FINPACK financial analysis software • Center for Farm Financial Management @ U. of MN. • Does balance sheet plus feasibility and cash-flow budgeting for whole farm/ranch management plans • Free trial download available: • http://www.cffm.umn.edu/ • Can “rent” an annual license for ~ $100/yr. • 2 spreadsheet formats • Montana State University’s • OSU/WSU Integrated Financial Statements • Both on Succession Workshop website: • http://arec.oregonstate.edu/succession.html

  11. Mellow O on h (brand?) Blank—11several pasture Alder Blue & red Key Family Lock & key Saving the ranch MAC Angus1 Midori JCN Ford250 Sukey Prineville Keywords

  12. Blank—(211wheat) Blackbulls Sam Blank—(221 Potatoes/cattle) Forty seven Z Blitz Bing01 ?? Kathryn Sutton 10dalton Badger Busy Gus )( HD host (or Lost) Red Rock Dogger Cooper 50 Baker City Keywords

  13. Covert Steers Rodeo1 Plan Family Ruby Lyle ??? Rex Cottonwood Hank CAB Iris Lester Blank—420 cattle Blank—420 beef Meat hook cattle Burns/Hines Keywords

  14. Blank—110 hay grain Rabbit BVR Maxcat “?” FPI Blank—220 cattle Tyler Marie Wheatgrass Angus Roseblossem 21 Molly Gramma Hereford Klamath Falls Keywords

  15. SLF Symphony Extension Diamond2 Beef G&C Farms 2 Horse Blank—(411Beef/Timber) Diamond Heritage Jake Bellatrace Hermitage Douglas Fir Ponderosa Pine Oscar dog Calpooia Checkers Kieth Red1 Eugene Keywords

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