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From Educational to Skills Mismatch.

Dive into a comprehensive analysis of skills mismatch, exploring its measurements, meanings, and mechanisms. Understand why policy-makers should care and how to move from educational to skills mismatch. Discover the correlation between education and skills acquired versus required, and explore future data development areas.

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From Educational to Skills Mismatch.

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  1. From Educational to Skills Mismatch. Walter Van Trier Cedefop - Skills Mismatch

  2. WARNING The empirical data contained in this presentation are the provisional (and in severak instances purely descriptive) results of work in progress. They are based on the so-called SONAR research program – a series of surveys collecting data on how Flemish youngsters make the transition from school to work. The data used relate to the first jobs of a-select samples of three birth cohorts (1976, 1978 and 1980) interviewed for the first time at age 23, revisited at age 26 for the first two cohorts and revisited again at age 29 for the first cohort. Please, do not quote without contacting: Dieter Verhaest (SHERPPA, Ghent University) for the data related to vertical educational mismatch , Sofie Humblet (AEC, University of Antwerp) for data related to horizontal educational mismatch, or myself. Cedefop - Skills Mismatch

  3. Central question:What would (or should) we and, above all, policy-makers (really) like to know more about regarding (skill) mismatches? Cedefop - Skills Mismatch

  4. Answers can be put under three headings: • Measurements • Meanings • Mechanisms producing (mis)matches and allowing for • Preventive action • Remedial action !!! Importance of ‘variables’ one can manipulate Cedefop - Skills Mismatch

  5. Three basic topics to be raised in reaction: • Why policy-makers (should) care about ‘mismatch’? And what exactly would we want them to worry about? • Why moving from ‘educational’ to ‘skills’ mismatch is important, if not necessary and even unavoidable? But what does this actually mean and imply? • Why it may be advisable to move from searching for determinants causing mismatch to looking for mechanisms producing good (initial) matches and sustaining them? Cedefop - Skills Mismatch

  6. Why care about mismatch? • Concern at the societal level: efficient use of resources • Concern at the individual level: equality of opportunity • What if (substantial) ‘mismatch’ is transitory at the individual level though permanent at the societal level? • Would it (dynamically) be ideal to have no mismatch (statically)? • High skills road + Transitional labour markets? Cedefop - Skills Mismatch

  7. Which ‘space’ do we (need to) consider? • Vertical educational mismatch => Level of education (or ‘years’?) • Horizontal educational mismatch => Field of education (or ‘subject’?) • Skills mismatch => Competences (or ‘skills acquired’ vs ‘skills required’?) Cedefop - Skills Mismatch

  8. … but what does changing ‘spaces’ imply? • Acquired educational qualifications? • Available human capital? • Skills used? • Acquired Skills  Generic vs. Specific skills • Required Skills  Generic vs. Specific jobs Cedefop - Skills Mismatch

  9. Undereducated Adequately ed. Overeducated Cedefop - Skills Mismatch

  10. Cedefop - Skills Mismatch

  11. Correlation between measures ofhorizontal educational match Cedefop - Skills Mismatch

  12. Percentage of horizontal educational match(Sonar-data) Cedefop - Skills Mismatch

  13. Cedefop - Skills Mismatch

  14. Why look for mechanisms producing matches? Two important question: • How do ‘matches’ evolve (if they do) over the employment career and which factors are important in the different phases of the life-cycle? • Why do (some) economic actors – employees as well as employers – (knowingly?) choose to ‘mismatch’? Cedefop - Skills Mismatch

  15. … and how do we do that? • Introduce institutional variation • Compare countries (or ‘systems’) • Compare sectors and fields (or ‘disciplines’) • Introduce life-cycle elements elements • Differentiate between the old and the young • Take into account what happened before and after • Introduce elements of strategy • Consider preferences and choices Cedefop - Skills Mismatch

  16. Some examples of topics of interest • Is there a relation between (mis)match and choice of curriculum (level+field)? • What is the effect on (mis)match of employer recruitment practices? • What about the (mis)match results of ‘emerging’ jobs? • … Cedefop - Skills Mismatch

  17. Both Higher level hired Higher level demanded Cedefop - Skills Mismatch

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  24. Three areas for future data development • Importance of institutional set-up => Comparative data-sets • Importance of lif-cycle aspect => Longitudinal surveys • Importance of choice versus circumstances => Qualitative case studies Cedefop - Skills Mismatch

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