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Questions ?. 1. JavaScripts have to be compiled before they are executed. True/False 2. What is the main advantage to interpreted languages? You don’t have to compile it every time you change the code 3. List few things you can do with JS? Scrolling message on the status bar

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  1. Questions ? 1. JavaScripts have to be compiled before they are executed. True/False 2. What is the main advantage to interpreted languages? You don’t have to compile it every time you change the code 3. List few things you can do with JS? Scrolling message on the status bar create banners, clocks, drop-down lists, mouse click functions etc…. 4. What are applets? Self-contained programmes that are written in Java and embedded within the web page

  2. 7. Explain the following JS code: 1: <script language=“JavaScript”> 2: function Greet (who) { 3: alert(“greetings,” + who); 4: } 5: </script> 6: script language=“JavaScript”> 7: Greet(“Fred”); 8: Greet(“Paul”); 9: </script>

  3. 8. Where can you place the JS? Anywhere in the html document 10. What are the most common languages used to create CGI programs? Perl, C, and Visual Basic 11. What is the main disadvantage of CGI? The main disadvantage of CGI is that, since the data must be sent to the Web server and back, response time may be slow!! 12. What is ActiveX? ActiveX is a specification developed by Microsoft that allows ordinary Windows programs to run within a Web page

  4. 13. When a user views a page containing a JS program which machine actually executes the script 14. The date is a built in JS object True/False 15. Explain the following line of JS code document.write(“ Welcome to my Web page”); 16. Java programs are portable True/False 17. How are java applets embedded on a Web page? <applet code=“Hello.class" width=“300" height="300">

  5. 17. What are rollovers? MouseOver and MouseOut 18.What is a function? Functions are groups of JS statements that can be treated as a single unit 19. alert is a JS built in property True/false 20.Define the terms object, properties and method? Objects can store two or more pieces of data at once The items of data stored in an object are called the properties of the objects Methods are functionsthat work with the object’s data

  6. Using Variables • Variables are named containers that can store data • There are specific rules that must be followed when choosing variable names: - Variable names can include letters of the alphabet, both upper- and lowercase. They can also include the digits 0-9 and the underscore(_) character - Variable names cannot include spaces or any other punctuation characters - The first character of the variable name must be either a letter or an underscore - Variable names are case sensitive- totalnum, Totalnum, TotalNum are separate variable names - There is no limit on the length of variable names, but they must fit within one line

  7. Examples of Variables • Total_number_of_books LastStudentNumber task1 a _var32

  8. Using local and global variables • JavaScript includes the var keyword which can be used to declare a variable • You can omit var in many cases and the variable is still declared the first time you assign a value to it • In order to understand the position where to declare a variable, you need to understand the concept of scope • A variable’s scope is the area of the script in which that variable can be used • There are two types of variables - Global variables - These have the entire script as their scope - Local variables – These have a single function as their scope

  9. Global variables are declared in the main function outside any functions e.g var students = 25; • Any variable you declare in a function is a local variable e.g The variables in the function’s parameter list are local variables • When creating local variables use the var keyword. This forces the JS to create a local variable, even if there is a global variable with the same name

  10. 1 <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 2 var name1 = "Fred"; 3 var name2 = "Ethel"; 4 function Greet(who) { 5 alert("Greetings," + who); 6 var name2 = "Barney"; 7 } 8 </script></head> 9 <body> 10 <h1>Function Example: the Sequel</h1> 11 <p>Prepare to be greeted twice.</p> 12 <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 13 Greet(name1); 14 Greet(name2); 15 </script></body></html>

  11. name 1 and name2 are global variables defined in the header • who is a local variable created in the Greet() function’s parameter list • The tricky bit: The Greet() function creates a local variable called name2. Since var keyword is used, it does not affect the global variable name2 • Note: It is a good practice to declare Global variables within the header of the HTML document as this will be executed first • If you attempt to use a variable before it is declared, it will contain the null value

  12. You can use any expression to the right of the equal sign, including other variables. E.g. Lines = lines + 1; • JavaScript includes two types of shorthand increment and decrement variables - The first uses the += operator: e.g lines += 1; - similarly, you can subtract a number from a variable using the -= operator: e.g lines -=1; • JavaScript also includes the increment ++ and decrement -- operators e.g lines++; lines--;

  13. You can also use the ++ or -- operator before a variable name, as in ++ lines. However, these are not identical. The difference is when the increment or decrement happens: - If the operator is after the variable name, the increment or decrement happens after the current expression is evaluated - If the operator is before the variable name, the increment or decrement happens before the current expression is evaluated

  14. Data Types in JavaScript • In JS unlike other programming languages you don’t have to specify a data type except in rare cases • There are few basic data types JS uses: - Numbers, such as 3, 5, 21, or 1.3244. JS supports both integers and floating-point numbers - Boolean, or logical values. These can have one of two values: true or false. These are useful for indicating whether a certain condition is true - Strings, such as “I am a jelly doughnut”. These consist of one or more characters of text - The null value, represented by the keyword null. For example, the statement document.write(fig) will result in this value if the variable fig has not been previously used or defined

  15. Converting Between Data Types • JS handles conversion between data types e.g document.write(“The total is “ + total); • This statement prints out a message such as “The total is 40”. Since the document.write function works with strings, the JS interpreter automatically converts any non-strings in the expression to strings before performing the function • In some situations, you may end up with a string containing a number and need to convert it to a regular numeric variable • JS includes two functions for this purpose: - parseInt() converts a string to an integer number - parseFloat() converts a string to a floating-point number

  16. Stringvar = “30 angry polar bears” numvar = parseInt(stringvar); • After these statements execute, the numvar variable contains the number 30. The non-numeric portion of the string is ignored • These functions look for a number of the appropriate type at the beginning of the string. If a valid number is not found, the function returns the string “NaN”, meaning not a number

  17. One of the most common use of variables is to store information that comes from the user • To create a simple script that prompts the user for information and creates an HTML document 1. To begin the script, you will prompt for a first name, a last name, and a title for the page These statements will prompt for three variables first = prompt(“Enter your first name.”); last = prompt(“Enter your last name.”); title = prompt(“Enter a page title”);

  18. Use the contents of the variables to customize the HTML document • Begin with the title the user entered: document.write(“<H1>” + title + “</H1>”); • The above statement adds the title to the page, enclosed in <H1> tags. • Then use the first and last names to give the user credit: document.write(“<H2>By “+ first+ “ “ + last + “</H2>”);

  19. 1:<html><head><title>Customized home page</title></head> 2: <body> 3: <script language=“JavaScript”> 4: first = prompt(“Enter your first name.”); 5: last = prompt (“Enter your last name.”); 6: title = prompt(“Enter a page title.”); 7: document.write(“<H1>” + title + “</H1>”); 8: document.write(“<H2> By “ + first + “ “ + last + “</H2>”); 9: </script> 10: <p>This page is under construction 11: </body></html>

  20. Questions?? • What is the importance of the var keyword? Should you always use it to declare variables? Var keyword is only used to define a local variable in a function, and then only if you want to ensure that a global variable of the same name is not used • Which of the following is not a valid JS variable name? a. 2names b. _first_and_last_names c. FirstAndLast

  21. If the statement var fig=2 appears in a function, which type of variable does it declare? a. a global variable b. a local variable c. A constant variable • What will be the result of the JS expression 31+ “ angry polar bears”? a. An error message b. 32 c. “31 angry polar bears”

  22. Using String Objects • Strings store groups of text characters and are named similarly to other variables e.g test= “This is a test”; • JS stores strings as String objects. There are 2 ways to create a new String object. 1. test = “This is a test”; 2. test = new String(“This is a test”); Note: The second statement uses the new keyword, which is used to create new objects. This tells the browser to create a new String object containing the text This is a test and assigns it to the variable test

  23. Assigning a Value • You can also assign a value after the string has already been created. e.g test = “This is only a test.”; • You can also use the concatenation operator (+) to combine the values of two strings

  24. <html><head><title>String Test</title> • </head> • <body> • <h1>String Test</h1> • <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">; • test1 = "This is a test."; • test2 = “So What!!"; • both = test1 + test2; • alert(both); • </script> • </body> • </html>

  25. In addition to using the + operator to concatenate two strings, the += operator can be used to add to a string E.g sentence +=“.”;

  26. Calculating the String’s Length • Sometimes you may find it useful to know the length of the string variable. • You do this with the length property of the String objects • To use this property, type the string’s name followed by .length e.g test.length refers to the length of the test string test = “This is a test.”; document.write(test.length); The first statement assigns the string to the test variable The second statement displays the length of the string – in this case 15 characters.

  27. Converting the String’s Case • Two methods of the String object allow you to convert the contents of a string to all uppercase or all lowercase: - toUpperCase() converts all characters in the string to uppercase - toLowerCase() converts all characters in the string to lowercase e.g document.write(test.toLowerCase()); • The above statement will display the value of the test string variable in lowercase • Note: This will not change the string. To change the string value • test = test.toLowerCase();

  28. Working with Substrings • JS allows you to work with substrings, or portions of a string. • You can use the substring method to retrieve a portion of a string, or the charAt method to get a single character • The substring() method returns a string consisting of a portion of the original string between two index values, which you must specify in parenthesis • E.g document.write(alpha.substring(0,4)); alpha= “ABCDEFGHIJKLMN” alpha.substring=ABCD

  29. Getting a Single character • The charAT method is a simple way to grab a single character from a string. You specify the character’s index, or position, in parentheses e.g alpha=“ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP” alpha.charAT(0) returns A alpha.charAT(12) returns M alpha.CharAT(27) returns an empty string because there is no character at that position

  30. Using Numeric Arrays • An array is a numbered group of data items you can treat as a single unit • E.g you can use an array called scores to store several scores for a game • Arrays can contain strings, numbers, objects, or other types of data • Unlike other JS variables you have to declare an array before using it. e.g scores = new Array(30); • To assign values to an array, use brackets and index. Indices begin with 0, so the elements of the array in this example would be numbered 0 to 29. e.g scores[0] = 39; etc

  31. Like strings, arrays have a length property. This tells you the number of elements in the array, usually the same number you used when creating the array e.g document.write(scores.length); • To read the contents of the array you can use the same notation as that used to assign values. e.g scoredisp = “Scores: “+ scores[0] +”,” + scores[1]+ “,” + scores[2] + “,” + scores[3]; document.write(scoredisp);

  32. Splitting a String • JS includes a string method called split, which splits a string into its component parts. To use this method, specify the string to split and a character to divide the parts: test = “John Q. Public”; parts = test.split(“ “); • The split method in the second statement splits the name string at each space, resulting in three strings. • These are stored in a string array called parts. After the execution of the statement parts will contain parts[0] = “John” parts[1] = “Q.” parts[2] = “public”

  33. JS also includes an array method, join, that performs the opposite function. fullname = parts.join(“ “); • The value in the parentheses specifies a character to separate the parts of the array • In the example here the final string will be “John Q. Public.”

  34. Sorting an Array • JS also includes a sort method for arrays, which returns a sorted version of the array (alphabetically or numerically) e.g: names[0] = “Public, John Q.”; names[1] = “Tillman, Henry J.”; names[2] = “Clinton, Bill”; names[3] = “Mouse, Mickey”; sortednames = names.sort(); The last statement assigns the sortednames array to the sorted version of names using the join method

  35. Scrolling message Program • Now use the variables, strings and the operators we have learned to write the scrolling message program Step1: To begin you’ll need to define the message to be scrolled. msg = “ Welcome to my page”; Step2: Define a second string called spacer. This string will be displayed between the copies of the message to make it clear where one ends and the other begins. spacer = “ … …”; Step3: A numeric variable to store the current position of the string. Call it pos and initialise it with 0; pos=0;

  36. 1: function ScrollMessage() { 2: window.status = msg.substring(pos, msg.length) + spacer + msg.substring(0,pos); 3: pos++; 4: if (pos > msg.length) pos = 0; 5: window.setTimeout (“ScrollMessage()”, 200); 6: } Line1: The function keyword is used to begin the function Line2: This statement displays a string in the status line. This string is composed of the portion of msg from pos to end, followed by the space, followed by the portion of msg from the beginning to pos Line3: The pos variable is incremented Line4: This statement checks whether pos is larger than the length of msg. If it is, it resets it to 0. Line5: This statement uses the Window.setTimeout method, which allows you to set a statement to be executed after a time delay.

  37. 3: <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> • 4: msg = "This is an example of a scrolling message. Isn't it exciting?"; • 5: spacer = "... ..."; • 6: pos = 0; • 7: function ScrollMessage() { • 8: window.status = msg.substring(pos, msg.length) + spacer + msg.substring(0, pos); • 9: pos++; • 10: if (pos > msg.length) pos = 0; • 11: window.setTimeout("ScrollMessage()",200); • 12: } • 13: ScrollMessage(); • 14: </script> • 15: </head>

  38. The if Statement • The if statement is the main conditional statement in JS. • In plain English If the phone rings, answer it. • This statement consists of two parts: a condition (If the phone rings) and an action (answer it) If (a==1) window.alert(“Found a 1!); • This statement includes a condition (if a equals 1) and an action (display a message). • You can also use multiple statements for action

  39. 1: if (a==1) { 2: window.alert(“Found a 1!); 3: a = 0; 4: } • The above block of statements checks the variable a once again • If it finds a value of 1, it displays a message and sets a back to 0

  40. Conditional Operators • Between two values to be compared is a conditional operator • The list of conditional operators available are: 1. == (is equal to) 2. != (is not equal to) 3. < (is less than) 4. > (is greater than) 5. <= (is less than or equal to) 6. >= (is greater than or equal to)

  41. Combining Conditions with Logical Operators • JS includes logical operators, also known as Boolean operators e.g if (phone == “ “) window.alert (error!”); if (email == “ “) window.alert (“error!”); Using a logical operator, you can combine them into a single statement: if (phone == “ “ ¦¦ email == “ “) window.alert(“error!”); • The above statement uses the logical Or operator (¦¦) to combine the conditions • In English this would be “If the phone number or the email address is blank, display an error message.

  42. An additional logical operator is the Andoperator, (&&). if (phone == “ “ && email == “ “) window.alert(“error!”; • Using the above statement the error message will be displayed if both the email address and phone number variables are blank • The third logical operator is the exclamation mark (!), which means Not. • Not operator is used to invert an expression. A true expression become false and a false one would become true. e.g if (phone != “ “) alert (“phone is OK”);

  43. The else Keyword • Much like its English equivalent, else tells the JS interpreter what to do if the condition isn’t true 1: if (a==1) { 2: alert(“Found a 1!); 3: a = 0; 4: } 5: else { 6: alert(“Incorrect value: “ +a); 7: } • This displays a message and resets the variable a if the condition is met. If the condition is not met (if a is not 1), a different message is displayed.

  44. Using Conditional Expressions • In addition to the if statement, JS provides a shorthand type of conditional expression that you can use to make quick decisions • A conditional expression looks like this: variable = (condition) ? If true : if false • This assigns one of the two values to the variable: one if the condition is true, and another if it is false

  45. e.g value = (a==1) ? 1 : 0; The above statement is equivalent to if (a==1) value = 1; else value = 0; • The value after the question mark (?) will be used if the condition is true, and the value after the colon (:) will be used if the condition is false. The colonrepresents the else portion e.g document.write(Found” + counter + ((counter == 1) ? Word.” : “ words.”));

  46. Using Multiple Conditions with switch 1: if (button==“next”) window.location=“next.html”; 2: if (button==“previous”) window.location=prev.html”; 3: if (button==“home”) window.location=“home.html”); 4: if (button==“back”) window.location=“menu.html”); • Although this is very compact code this method can get messy if each if statement has its own block of code with several statements

  47. Switch statement 1: switch (button) { 2: case “next” : 3: window.location=“next.html; 4: break; 5: case “previous” : 6: window.location=“prev.html”; break; 7: default : window.alert (“Wrong button.”); 8: }

  48. Switch statement • The initial switch statement includes the value to test (in the example button) in parentheses • Braces ({ and }) encloses the switch statement, similar to a function or an if statement • One or more case statements. Each of these statements specifies a value to compare with the value specified in the switch statement. If it matches the statement after the case is executed. Otherwise the next case is tried • The break statement is used to end each case • The default statement can be included and followed by a default case- one or more statements that are executed if none of the case statement were matched

  49. Evaluating a User Response • This script asks the user a question and then evaluates the user’s response to determine what to do next. • The script starts by prompting the user with the window.prompt function • Here is the prompt statement: where= window.prompt(“Where do you want to go today?”); Next use the switch statements switch (where) { case “Netscape” : window.location=http://www.netscape.com; break;

  50. case “Microsoft” : window.location=“http://www.microsoft.com”; break; case “Yahoo” : window.location=“http://www.yahoo.com”; default : window.location=“http://www.city.ac.uk”; }

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