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Outline.. The Global Education ParadoxLeading Internationalization. Developing a StrategyAttention to ProcessWhy Develop Global SkillsDeveloping a Shared vision of global competence. The Global Education Paradox. We say Global Education is ImportantBut our schools and universities offer limi
1. Educating Global CitizensA Leadership Challenge Fernando Reimers
2. Outline.
The Global Education Paradox
Leading Internationalization.
Developing a Strategy
Attention to Process
Why Develop Global Skills
Developing a Shared vision of global competence
3. The Global Education Paradox We say Global Education is Important
But our schools and universities offer limited opportunities to develop global competency
Why? What are the bottlenecks?
What can leaders do?
4. The views of Principals…
5. In your school more should be done to develop global competency… Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
6. In your school teachers agree on the definition of global competency… Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
7. In your school the development of global competency is a priority for teachers… Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
8. In your school there are sufficient opportunities for students to develop global competency… Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
9. In your school there is good alignment between the way in which we assess student learning and the purpose of developing of global competency… Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
10. Are there opportunities to develop global competency infused throughout the curriculum in your school? To a great extent
To some extent
Not many
Not at all
11. To what extent are there opportunities for students to develop global competency in your school? To a great Extent
To some extent
Not much
Not at all
12. Are there opportunities to learn foreign languages available in your school? To a great extent
To some extent
Not many
Not at all
13. Are there opportunities for students to participate in project based learning around global topics? To a great extent
To some extent
Not many
Not at all
14. Are there opportunities for students to travel abroad available to the students in your school? To a great extent
To some extent
Not many
Not at all
15. Are there opportunities for students to travel abroad available to the teachers in your school? To a great extent
To some extent
Not many
Not at all
16. Are there opportunities for teacher professional development to help teachers in your school develop skills and knowledge to develop global competency? To a great extent
To some extent
Not many
Not at all
17. Are there partnerships between your school and universities or non-profits to develop global competencies? To a great extent
To some extent
Not many
Not at all
18. Not a new idea 1928 address to association of secondary school principals
19. Leading Internationalization From Individual Changes to Institutional Efforts
Faculty Initiatives. The Champions.
Developing a Coherent Vision
Building Teacher Capacity
Creating Alignment
Adequate Instructional Materials
Engaging Students
Deep (rigor) vs. Superficial internationalization
Teacher Capacity
Standards and Assessment
Zero-sum worldview of schools
Parental values and expectations
20. Internationalize for what purposes? Key components of an internationalization strategy:
a definition of international education,
of the purposes it should serve,
on the outcomes it should produce, on
the instruments to be used and
on the process to be followed.
21. What Strategies and Programs can be used to internationalize a school? Internationalizing the Curriculum
Internationalizing the Faculty
Internationalizing Student Body
International Partnerships
Study Abroad
International Service
Technology and Distance Learning
Internationalizing After School and Summer Programs
22. Process Comprehensive internationalization, broad, deep and integrative practice that enables schools become fully internationalized—requires leadership, strategy, and sustained effort…
Internationalizing an institution requires widely understood goals and objectives, an assessment of existing efforts and capacity, recognition of the leverage points for creating change on campus, plans for measuring progress, and the capacity to make continuous adjustments along the way
23. Clarifying Goals
Internationalization Review
Crafting a strategic internationalization action plan
Identify Champions
Three critical questions for the Review
Characteristics of a globally competent graduate?
What would it mean for this institution to successfully internationalize (program theory)
How much progress has the institution made? Where are we now?
What institutions could we benchmark against? Looking for models of successful practice
24. Making the case Globalization requires that young people understand the process and how it influences their lives.
Globalization places an economic premium in global skills
Globalization redefines citizenship. The boundaries between domestic and foreign policy issues are increasingly fluid.
25. “When the RAND Corporation surveyed respondents from 16 global corporations, many were highly critical of U.S. universities’ ability to produce graduates with international skills. One marketing manager said that, compared to their counterparts from universities in other parts of the world, U.S. students are ‘strong technically’ but ‘shortchanged’ in cross-cultural experience and ‘linguistically deprived’. Another corporate human resource manager explained: ‘Universities don’t think globally—it’s not ingrained in their philosophy and curriculum to create the global worker’. One corporate respondent went even further: “If I wanted to recruit people who are both technically skilled and culturally aware, I wouldn’t even waste time looking for them on U.S. college campuses.”[1]
[1] Education for Global Leadership. The Importance of International Studies and Foreign Language Education for U.S. Economic and National Security. A Statement by the Research and Policy Committeee of the Committee for Economic Development. Washington, DC. 2006. Page 6.
26. Global Competency A positive disposition towards cultural difference. An interest and understanding of different civilizational streams and the ability to see those differences as opportunities for constructive transactions among people.
An ability to speak, understand and think in languages in addition to the dominant language in the country in which people are born. Foreign language skills are analogous to stereoscopic vision to the global mind.
Deep knowledge and understanding of world history, geography, of the global dimensions of topics such as health, climate and economics and of the process of globalization itself.
27. Global Competencies first set of competencies are ‘soft’ skills and attitudes that reflect an openness, interest and positive disposition to the variation of human cultural expression reflected internationally. In their most basic forms these skills comprise tolerance towards cultural differences. More advanced are the skills to recognize and negotiate differences in cross-cultural contexts, the cultural flexibility and adaptability necessary to develop empathy, trust and to have effective inter-personal interactions in diverse cultural contexts.
28. Global Competencies The second set of global competencies results from disciplinary knowledge in comparative fields: comparative history, anthropology, political science, economics and trade, literature, world history. These are the competencies that allow knowledge and understanding of problems that have an international or global dimension.
29. Global Competencies The third set of global competencies are foreign language skills. These allow communication through varied forms of expression of language, with individuals and groups who communicate principally in languages other than English.
30. Cross-cultural competency Ability to understand and respect the cultures of other peoples,
Work effectively with people from other countries and cultures with respect, open mindedness, and understanding
Have had experience with persons from other cultures and demonstrate flexibility and respect when working in a team with people from other cultural/national backgrounds
Understand categories of similarity and difference among human beings and their cultures, and ask how and why particular similarities and differences exist
Self assess with respect to how to handle intercultural/international experiences
Translate knowledge and experience of one culture to learn about another
Recognize the existence and importance of non-verbal communication and its difference in varied cultures
Recognize and analyze stereotypes
31. Foreign Language Skills Ability to work and think in at least one other language than one’s own, particularly –though not exclusively—in non-traditional languages that will provide a comparative advantage because of economic transactions, or for political purposes.
32. Knowledge of Global Affairs Understanding connections between local and global affairs, and in particular the interconnectedness of the global economy in both past and present
A competent knowledge of global geography and economics as well as of at least one major cultural tradition other than one’s own.
An understanding of the concept of global citizenship
Understand the effects of geography and demographic forces on global cultures, histories, and economies
Recognize connections among societies and civilizational streams over time and be able to give examples of cultural and technological diffusion and exchanges in the past and the present
Master the practical skills of a global citizen: fill out passport and visa applications, convert currency, understand time changes, book flights, etc. Read international press and analysis and journals specialized in foreign affairs. (Council of Foreign Relations, the Economist)
33. Knowledge Knowledge of world geography, conditions, issues, and events
Awareness of the complexity and interdependency of world issues and events
Understanding of historical forces that have shaped the current world system
Knowledge of one’s own culture an history
Knowledge of effective communication, including knowledge of foreign language, intercultural communication concepts, and international professional etiquette
Understanding of the diversity of values, beliefs, ideas, and world views
34. Attitudes Openness to learning and a positive orientation to new opportunities, ideas, and ways of thinking
Tolerance for ambiguity and unfamiliarity
Sensitivity and respect for personal and cultural differences
Empathy or the ability to see multiple perspectives
Self-awareness and self-esteem about one’s own identity and culture
35. Skills Technical skills to enhance students’ ability to learn about the world (for example, research skills)
Critical and comparative thinking skills, including the ability to think creatively and integrate knowledge, rather than accepting knowledge in a non-critical way
36. Resources General Resources
Asia Society. A World Class Education: Community Action Kit
37. Resources Teaching about Globalization—Global Issues, Foreign Affairs
Teaching about Globalization---Economics
38. Resources Teaching about the United Nations—Human Rights
39. Resources Teaching about World Geography
National Consortium for Teaching About Asia www.nctasia.org
Teaching Foreign Languages