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Strategic environmental information and data dissemination:

III. Strategic environmental information and data dissemination:. Case studies from Europe and Mexico. Adriana Oropeza Michael Nagy (QSA). fastly. becoming public. A private country…. 3.1. How are we shaped ?. CIA Factbook United Nations Millenium Development Goals The Economist

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Strategic environmental information and data dissemination:

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  1. III Strategic environmental information and data dissemination: Case studies from Europe and Mexico Adriana Oropeza Michael Nagy (QSA)

  2. fastly becomingpublic A private country…

  3. 3.1. How are weshaped? CIA Factbook UnitedNationsMilleniumDevelopmentGoals TheEconomist QSA

  4. Qatar’s environmental profile CIA Factbook Source. CIA Factbook. September 1, 2012

  5. UnitedNationsMilleniumDevelopmentGoals. MDG Monitor

  6. MDG Data availabilityby country

  7. TheEconomist. World in Figures The World in 2012 | The Economist www.economist.com/theworldin/2012

  8. TheEconomist. Pocket World in Figures Pocket World in Figures . The Economist 2011. Edition.

  9. Qatar’sNationalCommunication. UNFCCC 2011

  10. Qatar’sNationalCommunication. UNFCCC 2011/ NationalCircumstances

  11. Qatar’sNationalCommunication. UNFCC 2011/ Greenhouse Gas Inventory

  12. QSA. SustainableIndicators. 2008 EconomicIndicators EnvironmentalIndicators

  13. 3.2 Bridge tothefuture

  14. Whatisstrategic?

  15. WEF. EnvironmentalRisks 2009 2012 • Extreme climate change related weather • Droughts and desertification • Loss of freshwater • NatCat: Cyclone; Earthquake; Inland and/orcoastalflooding • Air pollution • Biodiversityloss • FailureClimatechangeadaptation • Irremediable pollution • Land and waterway use mismanagement • Mismanagedurbanization • Persistent extreme weather • Rising GHG emissions • Speciesoverexplotaition • Unprecedentedgeophysicaldestruction Fuente. WEF. Global Risks2009. and 2012 Editions

  16. Qatar’sNationalCommunication. UNFCCC 2011/ Vulnerability and Adaptation & Mitigation Highresolutionclimatechangescenarios Water/ MoistureAvailability and Agriculture Energy Sector EffectsonUrbanAreas PublicHealth CoastalZone and Offshore Locations Marine Environment GHG Mitigation EnergyEfficiency and ResourceUtilization OpportunitiesforOil & Gas; Electricity & Water

  17. SustainableDevelopmentGoals? 2015 • Food security, nutrition and sustainable agriculture (including healthy livestocks and marine ecosystems) • Water and sanitation • Energy • Sustainable tourism • Sustainable transport • Sustainable cities and human settlements • productive employment, decent work for all and social protection - green jobs • Health and population • Oceans and seas • Disaster risk reduction • Climate change • Forests • Biodiversity • Desertification, land degradation and drought • Mountains • Chemicals and waste • Sustainable Consumption and Production • Mining UNCSD. 2012 . Report of the United Nations ConferenceonSustainableDevelopment

  18. 3.3 Spreadingtheseeds Case Study: NationalSystem of EnvironmentalInformation (SEMARNAT -SNIARN) Case Study: Mexico’s MDG website Case Study: Gapminder Case Study: European Environment Agency: DPSIR and Indicator Sheets Case Study: The Austrian Water Information System Case Study: Eye on Earth Case Study: The European Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS)

  19. NationalSystem of EnvironmentalInformation (SEMARNAT -SNIARN)

  20. SNIARN’sIntegrationProcess ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION INTEGRATION PROCESS Differentformats -Thematicdatabases – keystakeholder ( Water, forests, etc. Indicators, Time series, Reports Integrateddatabase – Real time – Governmentusers / general public

  21. MDG. Mexicowebsite

  22. World: Gapminder http://www.gapminder.org – “The Beauty of Statistics”

  23. Austria: Gapminder(national website on Environmental-Economic Accounts) http://www.environmental-accounting.at

  24. European Environment Agency: DPSIR and Indicator Sheets http://www.eea.europa.eu/

  25. European Environment Agency: DPSIR and Indicator Sheets

  26. Water Information System Austria (WISA) http://wisa.lebensministerium.at • WISA GIS-viewer • Public participation • Link to distributed data bases • Library • Map distribution Launched in March 2007

  27. Link to sectoral data bases WFS Service Datadelivery WISA System Architecture: Current Situation Water Information System Austria (WISA) WISA database HyDaMs H2O Database GIS Data H2O database Watergraph Database CMS e-hyd WISA Web GIS EMREG-OG database LFRZ Umweltbundesamt

  28. Transformation Service WISA Applications BMLFUW WIS Regional WISE-Portal Applications BMGFJ Implementation of SOA (future) Water Information System Austria (WISA) Applications Added Value Services LFRZ Umweltbundesamt Others Enterprise Service Bus WFD reporting maps Digital cataster Areal view H2O database Watergraph database EMREG-OG database data- base x GIS Data CMS

  29. Europe: Citizen Science, www.eyeonearth.org

  30. European Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS): Principles • Information should be • managed as close as possible to its source; • collected once, and shared with others for many purposes; • readily available to public authorities • readily accessible to end-users, primarily public authorities at all levels from local to European • accessible to enable end-users, both public authorities and citizens, to make comparisons at the appropriate geographical scale • fully available to the general publicat the appropriate level of aggregation and subject to appropriate confidentiality constraints, and at national level in the relevant national language(s) • Information sharing and processing should be supported through common, free open source software tools.

  31. Thank you for your attention! Adriana Oropeza Michael Nagy

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