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ACDI/VOCA Standards Development in Post-Soviet Countries: Honoring the Past, Building the Future Presentation for. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Annual Meeting Washington, DC 2002. Promoting Enhanced Access to Voluntary Standards.
ACDI/VOCAStandards Development in Post-Soviet Countries:Honoring the Past, Building the FuturePresentation for American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Annual Meeting Washington, DC 2002
Promoting Enhanced Access to Voluntary Standards • Primary Client:U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) • Focus:product and process standards in domestic and export markets • Desired Impact:economic growth and efficiency • - small- and medium-enterprise competitiveness • - trade facilitation and export promotion • - financial markets development • Economic Sectors: • - agriculture • - food • - banking • - accounting
General Project Characteristics • Demand-driven, participatory, and market-driven - public officials and government agencies - private industry stakeholders • Standards development as one component of larger program • Focus on interventions at transactional level - intermediary organizations and private firms • Primary tools: expatriate, regional and local consultants and volunteers for technical advisory services and training; study tours; sub-grants
Barriers to Trade: Financial Markets • Few chartered accountants in IAS/auditors in ISA • Conflict between Tax Codes and IAS • Conflict between nation-building and IAS • Gradualist/phased enterprise conversion to IAS • Bankers unable to lend (even when a firm is a good credit risk) because of the violation of underwriting standards
Barriers to Trade: Agriculture and Food • Inadequate food safety management programs • Inability to meet national, European Union or international requirements in priority sectors • Absence of an organized and cooperative approach between government and industry to develop a plan for a nation-wide HACCP program
Changing Roles to Remove Barriers Government • Prioritize industry sectors for which standards development is most important • Establish standards implementation committees • Incorporate standards into systems of inspection Industry Associations/Consulting Firms • Produce industry guides • Lobby government on benefits • Provide information related to implementing standards • Collect data on products, hazards and risks • Provide generic international standards plans • Conduct training for members Firms • Implement standards
ACDI/VOCA’s Performance Targets:Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprise Competitiveness Trade and Export Promotion Income Generation Job CreationEnhanced Product Quality and Safety
Sub-sector Focus (Bulgaria) • HACCP and GMPs - Veterinary Pharmaceuticals - Bakery and Confectionary - Dairy Sector (cheese processing) - Meat Processing - Fruit & Vegetable Processing
Intervention Process Firm-level tasks (HACCP): -Review government regulations - Educate management to benefits and costs - Establish prerequisites for implementation of HACCP - Provide operational manuals - Inspect plant - Identify Critical Control Points (CCPs) - Review adverse findings - Prioritize deficiencies - Draft Action Plan - Implement Plan
Illustrative Recommendations: Cheese Processing Yotovi Ltd Dairy, Bulgaria • Put lids on all vats • Provide good sanitary practices training to employees • Conduct periodic plant self-inspections • Engage services of professional pest control firm • Keep finished product on “Hold” until a written release is issued by Quality Control • Calibrate all plant thermometers against a standard and keep a record of all calibrations; do not use glass
Illustrative Results Veterinary Pharmaceuticals PrimaVet Ltd, Bulgaria • Introduced new products • Increased sales • Added 4 new employees • Expanded exports into 2 new markets • Increased beekeeper clients to 80% of Bulgarian beekeepers • Finalized blueprints for new plant based upon design consistent with GMP and efficient operating conditions
Key Success Factors • Customer and business demand • Strong host government commitment • Pro-active and innovative firm-level leadership • High potential impact from standards implementation • Adequate infrastructure and facilities • Financial resources
Kyrgyzstan Lithuania Macedonia Moldova Mongolia Poland Romania Russia Turkey Uganda Ukraine Yugoslavia ACDI/VOCA….Setting Standards Globally
“Man built most nobly when limitations were at their greatest.” Frank Lloyd Wright