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ESA on RAINEWS24 a case study of television communication. Stefano Sandrelli INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Milano, Italy Scientific journalist for ESA. Acknowledgments Monica Talevi, Fulvio Drigani (ESA) for information on the ESA awareness survey
ESA on RAINEWS24 a case study of television communication Stefano Sandrelli INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Milano, Italy Scientific journalist for ESA Acknowledgments Monica Talevi, Fulvio Drigani (ESA) for information on the ESA awareness survey Giovanni Celsi (RAINEWS24) for information on RAINEWS24 CAP 2005,Garching, 14-17 June
WOW, I’m workin’ in Space Exploration!!! I’m workin’ for ESA! Art.2 The purpose of the Agency shall be to provide for and to promote, for exclusively peaceful purposes, cooperation among European States in space research and technology and their space applications (…) Convention, 30 May 1975 Today: 16 member states Total eclipse of ESA communication Towards the end of the ’90s, a sort of cousciosness increases within ESA. Gee! And… ESA who? ESA WHO? CAP 2005,Garching, 14-17 June
12% of the general public spontaneously knew ESA 54% of the general public spontaneously knew NASA Space Exploration & ESA awareness in the European general public • What. The Science Programme Communication Service (ESA), promoted a major survey; • Why. To investigate the european awareness of ESA. • When. It was conducted in June and July 1998. • Where. In all 14 ESA member states. • Who. 8 350 respondents reached in total. Level of confidence is 1.1% of results given by total sample. • How. Telephone calls by a market research company with native speaking interviewers. CAP 2005,Garching, 14-17 June
Very interested in space exploration 42% 28% 52% Importance of European Space Programme 63% 49% 80% It is important my Government continues to support European Space exploration programmes financially 64% 56% 76% Average in Europe Max Min Spontaneous awareness of ESA 4% 12% 26% Base: All respondents CAP 2005,Garching, 14-17 June
Interviews to an “expert” Site launched in May 2000 ESA – Rainews24 collaboration began in May 2000 CAP 2005,Garching, 14-17 June
ESA scientific journalist • He chooses the news • prepares the questions, • chooses the images • RAI journalist • Heedits the video, • reads the questions ESA on Rainews24: how does it work? they are not plain interviews to an ESA representative… They are 5/6-minute astronomical dialogues ESA representative He answers the questions CAP 2005,Garching, 14-17 June
Director: Roberto Morrione SATELLITE CHANNEL RaiNews24 is a sat tv station of Rai (Italian public tv broadcaster) which broadcasts news from all over the world. It broadcasts in Italian. It is the first Italian all news Channel and the most technologically-savvy division of Rai. BROADCASTING RaiNews24 broadcasts digitally 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, via satellite, on internet, for the new media and on the digital terrestrial television (Multiplex 2 Rai). Besides satellite transmission, it takes part into Rai 3 nightly schedule till morning, and it is a relevant presence on Web. CAP 2005,Garching, 14-17 June
CLOCK TIMING Modules of 1 hour each, as follows: EDITORIAL STRATEGY RaiNews24 puts the news on the spotlight. The editorial strategy of RaiNews24 is based on convergence and experimenting with digital technologies. The surveys indicate RaiNews24 as the Italian leader satellite station broadcasting news. Data Eurisko-Audistar, December 2004 ESA TARGET The audience consists predominantly of male sex (young and adults), of medium-high cultural level. CAP 2005,Garching, 14-17 June
Video window to view graphs, textual information, images like the dialogue with the news correspondents. time and date titles of main news window dedicated to the news and the in-depth analyses Banner for an up-date financial market index web site in-depth topics RaiNews24 is a multi-screen channel 6 separate tv areas 2 video windows It is not an easy channel! CAP 2005,Garching, 14-17 June
ESA on Rainews24: facts and figures of 5 years • Interviews last 5-6 minutes • Interviews are • broadcasted via sat every Thursday at 17.12 live • re-broadcasted 2-3 times during the night of Thursday and Friday • on RAI 3 and via sat on RAINEWS24 • Estimated total broadcasting time: 15-20 minutes for week • Full texts are published on ESA italian site on Friday From May 2000 to June 2005, an impressive 196 different interviews were broadcasted, giving an estimated total time of more than 3000 minutes CAP 2005,Garching, 14-17 June
Solar Sistem: 22,4 % Deep space: 8,6 % Interview distribution CAP 2005,Garching, 14-17 June
Percentage evolution percentage Titan Mars Express arrival on Mars Envisat (enviroment) 1st European aboard the ISS + Mir re-entry Shuttle and ISS crisis CAP 2005,Garching, 14-17 June
percentage Integral percentage Each point is the percentage up to that date years CAP 2005,Garching, 14-17 June
ESA on Rainews24: How does it work? ESRIN ESA television (ESTEC) video video video RAI Roma final text draft text General public RAI Milano CAP 2005,Garching, 14-17 June
ESA on Rainews24: evolution of the look june 2000 jan 2005 march 2005 feb 2005 CAP 2005,Garching, 14-17 June
Main problems and limits Interviews format is still too institutional and rigid: more informal approach is needed RAINEWS24 is a too focused channel, with a well defined audience Video interviews are published neither on the ESA site nor on RAINEWS24 site ESA portal (www.esa.int) is not linked from www.rainews24.rai.it In spite of its nature, RAINEWS24 has a strong “technological inertia”, e.g.: Rainews24 has problems to get the video transmitted by ESA television,so that we often must record it on a beta support and carry the cassette from ESRIN to Saxa Rubra by car (40 km) !!!!!!! CAP 2005,Garching, 14-17 June
The deepest use of astronomy Final remarks • Astronomy is now seen by Rainews24 as a possible • sourceofdaily news. • Solar System is the window on the outer space. • ESA is moving toward a less formal communication • ESRIN recognizes and promotes the professionality • of a scientific communicator • Estimated total broadcasting time for astronomy: 5-7 minutes for week • Full texts are published on ESA italian site on Friday From May 2000 to June 2005, more than60 interviews were broadcasted, giving an estimated total time of more than 1000 minutes dedicated to astronomy CAP 2005,Garching, 14-17 June
SATELLITE TV AUDIENCE The main Italian market satellite tv research institutes are Eurisko- Audistar and Auditel. The dataEurisko - Audistar is obtained through phone interview (Cati method). The Auditel market survey gives satellite channels data audience through a meter system that is assigned to families which are included in the panel auditel. Weekly viewers 2.069.000 1.811.000 Source Audistar Spring 2004 Autumn 2004 The Italian satellite market is increasing with 9% of people owning satellite TV. TARGET The “watchers” are predominantly of male sex (young and adults), of medium-high cultural level. CAP 2005,Garching, 14-17 June