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Slit Trench Bioengineering Workshop for Stream Restoration Project

Completed project at Onondaga Creek, NY involved stone placement and plantings using innovative bioengineering techniques on 5-15-2007.

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Slit Trench Bioengineering Workshop for Stream Restoration Project

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  1. Bioengineering & “Funnel” Strategy Workshop @ Nichols Road Bridge, Onondaga Creek, NY A completed project needed some “tweaking” and veg. Top bank stone was removed the week before. All stone placement & planting occurred on Tuesday May 15, 2007.

  2. THE LAYOUT & THE PLAN Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007

  3. Looking US Flow

  4. Blue lines denote water’s edge at base flow bar Nichol Road Bridge Sketch from Mark Schaub

  5. Top layer of stone will be removed from red areas. The US section of the left bank will then be sloped & all areas planted.

  6. Removed stone will be then placed in the brown areas using the trenchfill technology to provide a “funnel” effect to prevent the stream from flanking the existing project.

  7. 100 Black Willow, 2,000 Streamco Willow, 500 Red Osier Dogwood & 100 Sycamore were planted using the Slit Trench & Slit Brush Layering bioengineering methods. 40 RPM container plants (7 species of trees & shrubs) were planted in the green oval areas. Black Willow & Sycamore Extreme Instant Shade shown by the orange lines. Note: Plantings form a grid to flow

  8. PHASE 1: RIGHT FLOODPLAIN REVEGETATION- TWO-STAGE SLIT TRENCH & RPM ROOTED-STOCK PLANTS Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007

  9. PHASE 1: RIGHT FLOODPLAIN REVEGETATION- TWO-STAGE SLIT TRENCH & RPM ROOTED-STOCK PLANTS Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007

  10. PLANT PLANTS WITH LARGE YELLOW MACHINES Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007

  11. Looking US at right bank. Pix by Derrick Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007

  12. TWO-STAGE SLIT TRENCH TECHNIQUE Spoil Dig the trench down into the capillary (vadose) zone {moist area above the permanent water table} Sketches by Derrick Mini-Case study: 1 of 16

  13. Rubber tired backhoe digs 4-5 ft deep trench with a narrow bucket.Pix by Bill Frederick Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007 Mini-Case study: 2 of 16

  14. TWO-STAGE SLIT TRENCH TECHNIQUE Water table Mini-Case study: 3 of 16

  15. TWO-STAGE SLIT TRENCH TECHNIQUE Vadose zone {moist area} is shown in pink Water table Mini-Case study: 4 of 16

  16. TWO-STAGE SLIT TRENCH TECHNIQUE Take the last scoop of soil dug from the trench & place it back into the trench. Mini-Case study: 5 of 16

  17. Rubber tired backhoe digs trench (narrow bucket). Pix by Derrick Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007 Mini-Case study: 6 of 16

  18. TWO-STAGE SLIT TRENCH TECHNIQUE Place willows & other water-loving species into loose soil at bottom of trench. They are then less likely to fall over when trench is backfilled. Mini-Case study: 7 of 16

  19. Many hands get things done quickly, 2,740 plants planted in about 6 hours. That’s why they call it a workshop. Pix by Derrick Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007

  20. TWO-STAGE SLIT TRENCH TECHNIQUE Partially backfill the trench. Mini-Case study: 9 of 16

  21. TWO-STAGE SLIT TRENCH TECHNIQUE Plant other species that require less water than the willow. In this case Sycamore & Red Osier Dogwood Mini-Case study: 11 of 16

  22. Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007 Partially backfill, then plant species that require less water (Red Osier Dogwood & Sycamore). Pix by Derrick Mini-Case study: 10 of 16

  23. TWO-STAGE SLIT TRENCH TECHNIQUE DONE Completely backfill trench & water plants in Mini-Case study: 13 of 16

  24. Backfill using either the bulldozer…..Pix by Derrick Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007 Mini-Case study: 14 of 16

  25. Or the backhoe………. Pix by James Bennett Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007 Mini-Case study: 15 of 16

  26. ONE TRENCH DONE, MORE TO GO Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007 Pix by Derrick Mini-Case study: 16 of 16

  27. Digging trenches on a grid. Nice mix of Streamco Willow, Sycamore and Red Osier Dogwood in foreground. Pix by Kathy Blaisure Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007

  28. Slit Trenches on the grid pattern. Pix by Derrick Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007

  29. LET’S SEE HOW IT GROWS Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007

  30. BEFORE 5-15-2007 8:00am. Pix by Derrick Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007

  31. Black Willow, Streamco Willow, Red Osier Dogwood & Sycamore were planted using the Slit Trench bioengineering method. 40 RPM container plants (7 species of trees & shrubs) were planted in the green oval areas. Plantings form a grid to flow. No matter how water flows through the project, it encounters rows of vegetation (Living Dikes)

  32. AFTER 5-15-2007 NOON. Pix by Derrick Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007

  33. Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007 Aug 3, 2007 Less than 3 months after installation. Looking US at right bank floodplain. Pix by Mark Schaub

  34. Aug 3, 2007 {less than 3 months after installation}. Looking US at right bank floodplain. Pix by Mark Schaub Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007

  35. Aug 3, 2007 {less than 3 months after installation}. Looking US at right bank floodplain. Pix by Mark Schaub Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007

  36. Sept 10, 2007 {less than 4 months after installation}. Looking US at right bank floodplain. Pix by Mark Schaub Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007

  37. Oct 16, 2007 {5 months after installation}. Looking US at right bank floodplain. Pix by Mark Schaub Onondaga Creek @ Nichol Road Bridge, LaFayette, NY – project planted 5-15-2007

  38. July 10, 2008. {middle of second growing season}Looking at Slit Brush Layering (right bank). Pix by Derrick Onondaga Creek-Year 2

  39. July 10, 2008. {middle of second growing season}Right overbank lush growth, average height is 7 to 9 ft tall. Pix by Derrick Onondaga Creek-Year 2

  40. 2 YEARS & 1 MONTH AFTER PROJECT COMPLETIONPhotos by Derrick JUNE 18, 2009

  41. 2 YEARS & 1 MONTH LATER-Looking US @ the planted floodplain (Mark hidden in plants). Very lush growth, dense as desired from a hydraulic point of view. 2 YEARS & 1 MONTH LATER-Onondaga Cr.@ Nichol Rd Bridge-DERRICK 6-18-09

  42. 2 YEARS & 1 MONTH LATER-Looking @ a lush Slit Trench planting. 2 YEARS & 1 MONTH LATER-Onondaga Cr.@ Nichol Rd Bridge-DERRICK 6-18-09

  43. 2 YEARS & 1 MONTH LATER-Close look at willow & dogwood. Lush growth, low mortality. 2 YEARS & 1 MONTH LATER-Onondaga Cr.@ Nichol Rd Bridge-DERRICK 6-18-09

  44. 2 YEARS & 1 MONTH LATER-Beaver browsing results in multi-stem grow back characteristics. 2 YEARS & 1 MONTH LATER-Onondaga Cr.@ Nichol Rd Bridge-DERRICK 6-18-09

  45. 2 YEARS & 1 MONTH LATER-Deer browse has not had much effect on project function either. 2 YEARS & 1 MONTH LATER-Onondaga Cr.@ Nichol Rd Bridge-DERRICK 6-18-09

  46. 2 YEARS & 1 MONTH LATER-The US row of Slit Brush Layering with many willow in the 10-14 ft range. 2 YEARS & 1 MONTH LATER-Onondaga Cr.@ Nichol Rd Bridge-DERRICK 6-18-09

  47. 2 YEARS & 1 MONTH LATER-Mark with 10-14 ft tall willow. 2 YEARS & 1 MONTH LATER-Onondaga Cr.@ Nichol Rd Bridge-DERRICK 6-18-09

  48. 3 YEARS AFTER PROJECT COMPLETIONPhotos by Derrick JULY 21, 2010 2 YEARS & 1 MONTH LATER-Onondaga Cr.@ Nichol Rd Bridge-DERRICK 6-18-09

  49. 3 YEARS LATER-Looking US @ robust floodplain bench growth 3 YEARS LATER-Onondaga Cr.@ Nichol Rd Bridge-DERRICK 7-21-2010

  50. 3 YEARS LATER-Close-up of floodplain bench plantings 3 YEARS LATER-Onondaga Cr.@ Nichol Rd Bridge-DERRICK 7-21-2010

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