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Paris/IN2P3, 17 septembre 2009 F. Malek (matériel fourni par les coordinateurs)

Projets de collaboration avec le continent Africain et le bassin méditérraneen en physique des hautes énergies http://cfma.in2p3.fr/. Paris/IN2P3, 17 septembre 2009 F. Malek (matériel fourni par les coordinateurs). New LIA : France, Morocco, Sweden :

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Paris/IN2P3, 17 septembre 2009 F. Malek (matériel fourni par les coordinateurs)

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  1. Projets de collaboration avec le continent Africain et le bassin méditérraneen en physique des hautes énergies http://cfma.in2p3.fr/ Paris/IN2P3, 17 septembre 2009 F. Malek (matériel fourni par les coordinateurs)

  2. New LIA: France, Morocco, Sweden: International Lab for Collider Physics , ILCP Since 1990, many PICS, PAI, GDRI and Morocco joining ATLAS experiment @ CERN. 1995-2004 : building the liquid argon pre-sampler calorimeter for ATLAS France:11 labs., 50 persons (PhDs included). Morocco : 4 labs., 24 pers.+9 PhDs, Sweden : 2 labs., 6 pers.+ 1 PhD LIA French director : Johann Collot @LPSC Grenoble ILCP scientific program: - Commissioning and maintenance of the ATLAS ECAL; - Exploiting ATLAS data: quark top properties , search for new phenomena; - Participating to the concept, design and test of an ECAL intungsten & silicium for the l'ILC (International); - Study and construction of a new tracker for ATLAS and Super LHC; - Design and tests for CLIC (Compact Linear Collider).

  3. BAORadio/HSHS in MoroccoA radio interferometer for cosmological 21 cm hydrogen survey Site testing in Morocco (January 2009) CRT prototype in Pittsburgh/USA

  4. CRT/H21 BAO survey in Morocco • Goal: Map the 3-dimensional (α,δ,z) matter distribution in the universe and determine of the matter distribution power spectrum P(k) and the acoustic scale (BAO) as a function of redshift z • This survey instrument should have a large field of view (~100 deg2) and 1000-10000 beams of 10 arcmin2 and large collecting surface, ≥10000 m2 is needed to reach the necessary sensitivities ~10 μJy (micro-Jansky) • Morocco has radio quiet sites suitable for radio observatories • This radio observatory would be a major scientific instrument in Morocco and the region. It will have a significant impact on the morocco scientific community and will boost research in physics, cosmology and radio astronomy. • IN2P3 coordinator: Réza Ansari @LAL Orsay

  5. Algeria • Since few years, an informal group of Algerian particle physicists working in Europe, tries to get Algerian universities involved in LHC. • CNRS/IN2P3 supports the idea and included it in a wider project of collaboration with African and Mediterranean countries. • Few external events helped in tightening existing links and establishing new ones: • Algerian officials visit at CERN (2006). • Cooperation agreement between CERN and Algeria (2008). • A member of the ‘informal group’ moved to USTHB Algiers, where he teaches physics and will start a new research group. • In 2009, the first effective activities started, supported by IN2P3 and Algerian universities: • Participation in the upgrade of the ATLAS pixel detector with CDTA Algiers (2 engineers + 1 PhD student) in collaboration with LAL-Orsay. • PhD thesis on first ATLAS data analysis with USTHB Algiers (1 physicist + 1 PhD student) , in collaboration with CPPM-Marseille. • Other activities in 2009: • First Algerian summer students at CERN (in the non member state program). • Large participation of experimentalists in an international school of particle physics and cosmology organized by Oran University. • First attempt in organizing the particle physics community (mostly theoreticians) in Algeria. IN2P3 coordinator: Farès Djama @CPPM Marseille

  6. Tunisia • Historically : • L3 @LEP(CERN) and OPERA (neutrinos) between IN2P3/IPNL and Université AL MANAR/Tunis • Today • OPERA with applications on hadron therapy using the scan system built @IPNL. • Development of a digital hadronic calorimeter for ILC. The Tunis group is participating to the study, optimization and tests of the GRPC chambers @ CERN. • IN2P3 coordinators: Imad Laktineh@IPNL Lyon • More general Actions: • CNSTN/Tunis in preparation to join ANTARES • Master “virtual” lectures in French for North African countries • ASPERA/ApPEC Colloquium in North Africa (start in Tunis) on cosmology and astroparticles  next spring • IN2P3 deputy scientific director: Stavros Katsanevas@IN2P3

  7. Egypt • France: 3 labs, 6 pers. • Egypt : 3 Univ., 5 pers. • 2007 - 2008: Participating to the data preparation in CMS experiment @ LHC/CERN • 2nd Term 2008: Many visits from Egyptian colleagues to set-up a program for collaboration and to prepare their candidature to enter CMS experiment. Visit of French colleagues to Egypt , especially for training of students in software. • May 2009: 10 days summer school at British Univ., with installation of CMS soft; signature of MoU between IN2P3 & Egyptian Network HEP • A bio-informatics group in Helwan has already experience in GRID with • EUMED, it can be the seed of the ENHEP grid, with help of IN2P3 colleagues. • IN2P3 coordinator: Philippe Miné @LLR Palaiseau

  8. The  African School of Physics http://cern.ch/AfricanSchoolofPhysics • Aim: to establish a biennial school of subatomic physics and its applications in sub-Saharan Africa • First venue: NIThEP at Stellenbosch, South Africa, 3 weeks in July-august 2010 • Program:theoretical, experimental & applied particle/astroparticle/nuclear/accelerator physics • Attendees:about 50 students (Master & PhD) expected from South Africa, Ghana, DR Congo, Congo, Cameroun, Kenya, Nigeria, Madagascar, Morocco, Algeria, USA • Specificity: large budget collected so as to fully cover the travel and stay expenses of the students + school open to all, but priority financial support for sub-saharan Africa • Financial and scientific support:CNRS-IN2P3, ICTP Trieste, NIThEP, CERN, FNAL, JLAB, CEA-IRFU, French, US and South African mnisteries, South African Airways • IN2P3 coordinator: Steve Muanza @ CPPM Marseille

  9. HEP-MAD High-Energy Physics International Conference Series in Madagascar http://www.lpta.univ-montp2.fr/users/qcd/ • This meeting is a compromise between a specialized conference and an introductory school. It aims to promote High-Energy physics in Madagascar and in general in Developing Countries. The goal is to motivate and encourage students to study this field and to make the authorities aware of High-Energy Physics and its spin off. • Previous events • HEP-MAD 01 (27th Sept.-5th Oct. 2001) • HEP-MAD 04 (27th Sept. - 3rd Oct. 2004) • HEP-MAD 07 (10-15th Sept. 2007) • Next one: • HEP-MAD 09 (21-28th August 2009) • A more ambitious project is to set up an international HEP centre in Madagascar. Madagascar has a special geographical position, located in between Africa and Indian Ocean. This center would therefore bring a strategic profit to two parts of the world. • Waiting for more support from CERN, ICTP and IN2P3 • IN2P3 coordinator and chair: Stephan Narison @ Université de Montpellier

  10. Micro and nano electronics towards Africa!! From the Alps – LPSC GRENOBLE !! TUNISIE CNSTN (Tunis) SUPCOM (Tunis) ALGERIE MAROC NanoMed CDTA (Alger) CNESTEN (Rabat) CEMES (EMI-Rabat) IN2P3 coordinator: Daniel Dzahini @LPSC Grenoble Ghana MALI Ecole Normale Bamako KACE – (Accra)

  11. Grid technology in Senegal and EuMedGridactions Press Release on Sept 28th, 2008 : University World News (Africa Edition) Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD) in Dakar is the first university in sub-Saharan Africa to benefit from installation of a computing grid under the Reversing Brain Drain into Brain Gain for Africa project jointly run by Unesco, Hewlett-Packard and the CNRS, France's national scientific research centre. The new infrastructure will make it easier for researchers at the university to collaborate with colleagues abroad, and give them access to considerable information technology resources (see University World News, 22 June 2008). Grid computing is a hardware and software infrastructure that clusters and integrates computer networks, databases and scientific instruments from multiple sources to form a virtual environment in which users can work collaboratively. The project will eventually provide the technology to five universities in five African countries - Algeria, Ghana, Nigeria and Zambia as well as Senegal.The grid node at UCAD was set up by the CNRS Institut des grilles (Grid Computing Institute), and is the first component in sub-Saharan Africa of the grid infrastructure established in 2004 under the European Union's Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE). Next steps: Participation to the scientific animation on Grid technology through EUMedGrid project to cover efficiently the south of the Mediterranean basin, middle east and sub-Saharan countries. IN2P3 coordinator and IdG director: Guy Wormser @LAL Orsay

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