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The Invisible Poor. Michael Harrington ( 1928 - 1989 ). He is a professor of political science at Queen’s College. His books of social criticism include: The Next America: The Decline and Rise of the United States. The Vast Majority : A Journey the World ‘s Poor. 梁培珊. Socialist.
Michael Harrington ( 1928 -1989 ) • He is a professor of political science at Queen’s College. • His books of social criticism include:The Next America: The Decline and Rise of the United States. • The Vast Majority :A Journey the World ‘s Poor. 梁培珊
Socialist • He also is a member of the Executive Committee of the Socialist Party. • He was the most well-known socialist in the United States during his lifetime.
The text is taken from The Other America. He wrote it in 1963 when he served as the first editor of New America. Harrington became the pre-eminent spokesman for democratic socialism in America . For the United States, 1945 to 1964 was an era of economic growth and prosperity which saw the victorious powers of World War II confronting each other in the Cold War and the triumph of the Civil Rights Movement that ended Jim Crow segregation in the South. background
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 –1778) • A philosopher and political theorist, is considered the most important forerunner of romanticism. He advocates primitivism attributing superior virtue to primitive civilization, which is idealized.
Primitivism • Primitivism is a Western art movement that borrows of visual forms from non-Western or prehistoric peoples. • It doesn’t really describe the prehistoric peoples. In fact , it just describes disillusion of the painter.
原始主义,就是以表现人的原始本性为创作目的。原始主义,就是以表现人的原始本性为创作目的。 • 它所描述的并不是人类的原始,事实上不过是画家的幻梦
The valleys of Pennsylvania(P46 L13) 宾夕法尼亚山谷 Pennsylvania is a state of America. The valleys of Pennsylvania are located in the east side of the Great Appalachians Valley. (P46 L19) 阿巴拉契亚山脉 罗素勋
The history of Pennsylvania • The various gaps connecting the Great Appalachians Valley to lands to the east and west have played important roles in American history. On the east side, the wide gap in southeast Pennsylvania became the main route for colonization of the Great Appalachians Valley. By the 1730s the Pennsylvanian was open to settlement after treaty cessions and purchases from the Indians. The region drew a steady and growing stream of immigrants and became known as "the best poor man's country".
The history of Pennsylvania • Before long immigrants had thoroughly settled the Pennsylvania and were rapidly migrating and settling southwards into the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.The entire region between southeast Pennsylvania and the Shenandoah Valley soon became famous as a "breadbasket", the most productive mixed farming region in America.
Wales in the thirties(P46 L13)30年代的威尔士 • Wales are famous industrialised areas in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. However, in 1930s, between World War One and World War Two, Great Depression in the United Kingdom appeared. (The Great Depression in the United Kingdom, also known as the Great Slump, was a period of national economic downturn in the 1930s, which had its origins in the global Great Depression经济大萧条. It was the largest and most profound economic depression of the 20th century for the United Kindom.) During this period, there was disastrous unemployment in South Wales.
知识拓展 1、1963年美国事件簿 2、1919年11月1日 美国历史上第一次工人运动高潮 3、美国人的贫富差距正在扩大 潘敏
1963年美国事件簿 • 1、1963年11月22日 美国总统肯尼迪遇刺身亡 • 2、60年代的民权运动
1963年11月22日 美国总统肯尼迪遇刺身亡 • 1963年11月22日,美国总统约翰-肯尼迪在美国南部的得克 萨斯州达拉斯市遇刺身亡。 • 据美国通讯社报道,肯尼迪是被行刺者用步枪击中头部死去 的。这天中午,他乘飞机到达这个城市进行访问。接着,他乘汽 车从机场去达拉斯市区,准备在那里发表一篇演说。肯尼迪夫妇 和得克萨斯州州长康纳利夫妇同乘一辆敞篷汽车,从欢迎的人群 中间缓缓驶过。当车队驶经一座大楼的时候,从大楼五层楼上的 一个窗户里射出三发子弹,其中一发击中了肯尼迪的头部太阳穴。半小时后,肯尼迪就在医院里死去。同车的州长康纳利也被击中 两枪,受了重伤。
上两幅图分别为肯尼迪总统 遇刺前后 左图片说明:肯尼迪总统遇刺身亡,副总统约翰逊随即宣誓就任美国总统。他的左侧为肯尼迪遗孀杰奎琳
60年代的民权运动 • 1963年,没有一个南方州有反种族歧视的法律条文,大多数州还存在歧视性的法律,这些法律规定了公民等级和种族分类行为举止。 • 60年代的民权运动标志着美国人对本国种族实践看法的转变。马丁·路德金博士领导了一场有效的运动,这一运动1963年8月28日在华盛顿一场大规模游行中达到高峰。 • 次年(1964),美国国会通过,约翰逊总统签署“民权法”,此法旨在结束黑人在就业方面机会不平等状况。
1919年11月1日 美国历史上第一次工人运动高潮 • 1919年11月1日,美国50万矿工大罢工,是美国工人运动史上第一个工运高潮的到来。 • 第一次世界大战期间,美国资本家乘机发了横财。美国战时推行的“调节经济生活”的政策,保证了资本家获得比战前更多的利润,可是给“工人(和一部分农民)造成了军事苦役营”,使工人阶级的处境进一步恶化。十月社会主义革命的胜利,推动美国工人运动的发展。 • 首先是1919年1月美国纽约码头工人举行罢工,揭开了战后初期美国工人运动的序幕;2月,西雅图发生总罢工;7、8月间,芝加哥、波斯顿和费城等铁路工人罢工。 • 当时,先后参加这次罢工的工人达400多万,出现了美国工人运动史上空前未有的罢工高潮。
美国人的贫富差距正在扩大 • 美国人口统计局住房和住家经济统计组主任戴维·约翰逊指出,过去40年来,贫富之间的差距日益加大。他比较了最富裕和最贫困家庭的收入。约翰逊说:“2008年,最富裕的10%家庭的年均收入为13.8万多美元,最贫困的10%家庭的年均收入是1.2万美元,因此,最富裕家庭是最贫困家庭收入的11.4倍,而1967年,他们之间的收入差距比现在少,当时,最富裕的10%家庭的年均收入是8.4万多美元,而最贫困的10%家庭的年均收入只有9000美元,收入差距是9.3倍。这些数据显示,这段期间美国财富的不平等增加了。”
1 perennial [pə'reniəl] • perennial problelm a problem that people are concerned with all the time • adj. 多年生的;常年的;四季不断的;常在的;反复的 • It reflects a perennial worry in the Arab world about the state of the language . 它反映了长久以来对阿拉伯语世界内关于该语言现状的担忧。 • n. 多年生植物 • hardy perennial • 耐寒性多年生植物 • 长年不能解决的老问题 • 短语 • perennial spring常年泉 ; 永久喷泉 • perennial lake [水文] [地理] 常年湖 ; [水文] [地理] 常年湖泊 • perennial plants多年生植物 莫妙瑜
2 rutted roads • 坑坑洼洼的道路 • rut n 凹槽 rutted adj. 有车辙的 • The road was deeply rutted and pooled with rain . 道路坎坷不平,到处是坑坑洼洼的雨水。 • On a recent trip he had to change cars twice in a day when they broke down rutted roads . 在最近的一次旅行中,总统先生不得不在一天内换乘两次汽车,原因是他们遇上了坑坑洼洼的道路。
3. be exempt from免于 • Foreign invested enterprises in the Dalian region are exempt from local income tax for seven years after they begin to generate profits . • 大连地区的外商投资企业,均享受自获利年度起免征七年地方所得税的优惠政策。 • 短语 • be totally exempt from享受免费 • be exempt from military service免服兵役 • exempt [iɡ'zempt] • to give somebody special permission not to do sth that they would normally have to do vt. 免除;豁免 • Marty’s bad health exempts him from millitary service. • Having special permissin not wo do sth you would have to do normally • adj. 被免除的;被豁免的 • the interest is exempt from income tax.
4 t enement ['tenimənt] • Large building divided into aparments, especially in the poorer areas of a city • 尤指城市贫民区的 公寓大楼 • She lived in that gloomy tenement , a place not fit for swine . 她就住在那幢阴暗的、连猪也不宜住的公寓里。 • 5 affluent ['æfluənt] • having plenty of money so that you can afford to buy expensive things, live in a nice house • adj. 富裕的;丰富的;流畅的 the capital of Yunnan province , is an affluent city . • 云南省省会昆明是一个富裕的城市。 • 短语 • affluent stream支流 • affluent society富足社会
6 compound ['kɔmpaund, kəm'paund] • vt. To make a difficult situation even worse by adding more problems合成;混合 • He compounded various substances into an effective medicine . • 他把不同的物质调配成特效药 • vi. to make sth. By mixing different parts or substances 使恶化 使加重 • our difficulties were compounded by the language barrier. • n. [化学] 化合物;混合物;复合词 • adj. 复合的;混合的 compound eye compound leaf • a single eye, leaf that is made up of two or more parts or substances • compound noun
7 existential [,eɡzis'tenʃəl] • only before noun connected with the existence of humans or humanism • adj. 存在主义的;有关存在的;存在判断的 • One recent evening , the most powerful man in the world posed an existential question to those around him . • 最近的一天晚上,世界上最具权势的人问了他身边的人一个生存性的问题。 • 短语 • existential sentence存在句 • existential anxiety存在性焦虑 ; 生存焦虑 • existential intelligence存在智能 ; 存在智慧 ; 存在智力
8 lurid ['luərid] • a description that is lurid id delibarately shocking and involves sex or violence • adj. 可怕的,耸人听闻的 • 火烧似的;血红的;华丽而庸俗的 • 短语 • LURID MOON血红之月 • lurid glare in his films —from a naked light , from an empty street —usually marked the entry into psychosis . • 在他的电影里,一柱强烈、耀眼的白光——要么就是纯粹的一柱光,要么是空旷街道上的反光——通常表示进入了精神世界。
9 dispossessed • adj. having had property or land taken away 被夺走财产的 • the dispossessed 被夺走财产的人 • dispossess[,dispə'zes] • vt. 剥夺;使失去;逐出;霸占 • 短语 • dispossess of剥夺 • 他对我这么好,我怎么能赶走他呢? • He is so friendly to me. How can I dispossess him. • 10 cynical ['sinikəl] • unwilling to believe that people have good, honest reason for doing sth • adj. 愤世嫉俗的;冷嘲的 • From Russia 's standpoint , the pact seemed at first a brilliant coup in the cynical game of power politics . 从俄国的立场看,这个条约在开始似乎是这场可耻的政治游戏中的一个非常成功的策略。
11 involvememt • the act of taking apart in an activity or event, ot the way in which you take part in it • 卷入 牵连 • President clinton defended us involvement in haiti’s domestic affairs. • 克林顿总统为美国干预海地的内政进行辩护 • The feeling of excitement and satisfation that you get from an activity • 满足 兴奋 • A student’s emotional involvement in the learning experience. involvememt
12 old rhetoric of reform • rhetoric ['retərik] • n. 修辞,修辞学;华丽的词藻 • adj. 花言巧语的 • Obama brushes aside the notion that his rhetoric is insubstantial . He says he would inspire people to come together to solve problems . • 奥巴马全然不理会那些说他措辞毫无实质的言论。他说他会鼓舞人民团结起来解决问题。 • 13 charitable ['tʃærətəbl] • kind and sypathetic in the way you judge people • concerned with giving help to the poor • adj. 慈善事业的;慷慨的,仁慈的;宽恕的 • let us be more charitable and say he did not know the car was stolen • 就让我们更加宽容,就当他不知道车子被偷了 • the charitable institution 慈善机构
14 renewal n • an act of renewing sth 更新 恢复 • inner city, urban renewal • the process of bringing new jobs, industry,to the poor areasod large town • renew v • to arrange for a cantract to continue 合同期限等的续期 • to replace sth that is old or broken with sth new 更新 • 15 renewable • 可续期的 可延期的 • tabloid ['tæblɔid] • n. 小报;药片;文摘;小型画报 • adj. 小报式的;缩略的;轰动性的;扼要的 • American TV tabloid news programs like Hard Copy use sensationalism to attract viewers . • 美国的花边电视新闻如《硬拷贝》等利用渲染手法来吸引观众。
Their disorderly and narrow living condition
Life seems so hopeless and helpless