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This document provides the agenda for the Demand Resources Working Group meeting on September 5, 2012, including topics such as enrollments, communication protocol proposal, timeline and data specifications, asset auditing, and more.
SEPTEMBER 5 2012 HOLYOKE, MA Demand Resource Strategy Department ISO New England, Inc. Demand Resources Working Group
Demand Resources Working Group Meeting Agenda for September 5, 2012 1. Welcome, Introductions 9:00 – 9:10 Brett Feldman 2. Enrollments and Availability of Additional Monthly Metrics 9:10 – 9:30 Laurie Corcoran 3. EnerNOC TPRD Communication Protocol Proposal 9:30 – 9:50 Brendan Endicott 4. ExCapQual Timeline and Data Specs - Expiring Measures 9:50 – 10:35 Eric Winkler 15 Minute Break 5. DRWG Charter 10:50 – 11:00 Brett Feldman 6. Asset Auditing 11:00 – 11:30 Robert Burke 7. Dynamic Net Benefits Test 11:30 – 12:30 Catherine McDonough 8. Wrap Up & Adjourn 12:30
Demand Resource Asset Enrolled MWs* by Demand Resource Type and Load Zone (as of 9/01/2012) *Enrolled MWs are the ‘Max Interruptible Capacity’ values supplied by the Lead Participant as part of the asset registration process. Enrolled MWs are summed for Assets that are Ready to Respond and mapped to a Resource on the “as of” date.
Preliminary Capacity Supply Obligation (CSO)* MW by Demand Resource Type and Load Zone (as of 9/01/2012) *CSO values include applicable T&D loss factor and reserve margin gross-ups and are net of bilaterals and reconfigurations. These are preliminary numbers which may change. Final Capacity Supply CSO MW by Demand Resource Type for this month will be available in the next COO Report.
Demand Resource Asset Enrolled MWs* by Demand Resource Type and Load Zone (as of 9/01/2012) **Enrolled MWs are the ‘Max Interruptible Capacity’ values supplied by the Lead Participant as part of the asset registration process. Enrolled MWs are summed for Assets that are Ready to Respond and mapped to a Resource on the “as of” date.
Transitional Price-Responsive Demand (TPRD) Enrolled MWs (as of 9/01/2012) Displayed data is Enrolled MWs for Ready to Respond assets.
Active Demand Resource Asset Enrolled MWs* by Demand Resource Type, Load Zone and Dispatch Zone (as of 9/01/2012) * Passive Demand Resource assets are not included as they are not dispatchable and may not have a Dispatch Zone identified. TPRD MWs are included in RTDR MWs.
Active Demand Resource Asset Enrolled MWs* by Demand Resource Type, Load Zone and Dispatch Zone (as of 9/01/2012) * Passive Demand Resource assets are not included as they are not dispatchable and may not have a Dispatch Zone identified. TPRD MWs are included in RTDR MWs.
Demand Resource Asset and TPRD Asset Enrolled MWs by Month (as of 9/01/2012) *TPRD MWs and DALRP MWs are included in RTDR MWs.
Additional Information • 1. Link to Resettlement Data Submission deadlines: • http://www.iso-ne.com/stlmnts/deadlines/index.html • Any questions regarding these deadlines should be directed to Customer Service • For January – May 2012 resettlement data submissions:
Additional Information (continued) • For June – December 2012 resettlement data submissions: • Note: Beginning with June 2012 data submissions UI closes on day 70 instead of day 101 and the deadline to submit June 2012 data is 9/8/2012 (one day before the May 2012 data submission deadline). • 2. Final Capacity Supply Obligation (CSO) MW by Demand Resource Type for this month will be available in the next COO Report which will be posted at: • http://www.iso-ne.com/committees/comm_wkgrps/prtcpnts_comm/prtcpnts/mtrls/index.html
Additional monthly metrics Availability of metrics proposed at August DRWG meeting
Availability of Metrics At the August 1, 2012 DRWG meeting participants expressed interest in adding the following metrics to the monthly DRWG introductory presentation: • A “net” CSO value – there was some confusion regarding the definition of this term. This concept will be clarified in an upcoming slide. • Qualified MWs • TPRD cleared hours, cleared MWs, delivered MWs • Settlement MWs The ISO has reviewed the suggestions and determined that the metrics above are currently available on, or can be estimated using data from the ISO-NE web site.
Definitions • As used in this presentation: • T&D losses = transmission & distribution losses • Gross-up = applicable T&D losses and reserve margin • CSO = Capacity Supply Obligation “net” of bilaterals and reconfigurations (includes gross-ups) • Net CSO = CSO - gross-ups • ARA = Annual Reconfiguration Auction • MRA = Monthly Reconfiguration Auction
CSO Net of Bilaterals and Reconfigurations http://www.iso-ne.com/committees/comm_wkgrps/prtcpnts_comm/prtcpnts/mtrls/index.html The COO Report is posted monthly.
Sample CSO Data (Net of Monthly Bilaterals and Reconfigurations) This slide from the COO report shows the results of the most recent MRA (this information is also reported to the DRWG each month). Source: August 2012 COO Report Data is reported monthly
Sample CSO Data (Net of Annual Bilaterals and Reconfigurations) This slide from the COO report shows net changes between auction events for FCA 3. Source: August 2012 COO Report Data is reported monthly
Monthly Reconfiguration Auction Offers and Bids (by Resource) http://www.iso-ne.com/markets/hstdata/mkt_offer_bid/fcm_mra/index.html
Sample Monthly Reconfiguration Auction Data (by Resource) Data is provided by resource (masked) and is lagged by four months. Source: 2012 04 FCM Monthly Reconfiguration Auction Offers and Bids posted August, 2012 Data is reported monthly
Monthly Reconfiguration Auctions (Results in Total) http://www.iso-ne.com/markets/othrmkts_data/fcm/cal_results/ccp13/index.html
Sample Monthly Reconfiguration Auction Data (Results in Total) Source: September 2012 RA Summary posted July 31, 2012
Estimating Net CSO • To estimate Net CSO for the current commitment period a gross-up of 8% may be used. This value does not account for multiyear contracts which may include a reserve margin in the gross-up. • Participants may view Net CSO values for their resources in the Demand Response Audit and Testing Tool (DR-ATT). • Demand Resource Administration staff will continue to periodically report DR performance data which includes summary Net CSO data.
Qualified MWs Prior to a primary auction ISO-NE files a report ("Informational Filing for Qualification in the Forward Capacity Market") with FERC which contains MWs qualified to participate in the upcoming auction (see attachments C & D). The most recent FERC Informational Filing pdf is available at: http://www.iso-ne.com/regulatory/ferc/filings/2012/jan/er12-757-000_01-03-12_6th_fca_info_filing.pdf After each primary auction ISO-NE posts a flow diagram which shows the qualified MWs that went into the auction in addition to the auction results.
Sample Qualified MW Data Excel versions of attachment tables included with the FERC Informational Filings are available at: http://www.iso-ne.com/markets/othrmkts_data/fcm/filings/index.html Source: FCA 2015-2016 Informational Filing-Qualification Spreadsheet posted January 3, 2012
Sample Qualified MW Data (cont.) Source: FCA 2015-2016 Informational Filing-Qualification Spreadsheet posted January 3, 2012 Detailed data is also included in the attachments:
Sample Qualified MW Data (cont.) Forward Capacity Auction 2015 – 2016 Totals Flow Diagram is available at: http://www.iso-ne.com/markets/othrmkts_data/fcm/cal_results/ccp16/fca16/index.html
Transitional price-responsive demand data AND DR PERFORMANCE DATA
Day-Ahead Offers and Cleared MWs http://www.iso-ne.com/markets/othrmkts_data/dalr/index.html
Sample Day-Ahead Offers and Cleared MWs Data Day-Ahead Offers This data is masked . Data is updated monthly but is significantly lagged e.g. April 2012 offers were posted 8/1/2012. Day-Ahead Cleared MWs Updated daily
Transitional Price-Responsive Demand Data http://www.iso-ne.com/markets/mkt_anlys_rpts/mnly_mktops_rtps/index.html
Sample Transitional Price-Responsive Demand Data (Energy Payments and MWhs of Reduction) Section 13.2 Transitional Demand Response 13.2.1 Transitional Demand Response Payments 13.2.2 Transitional Demand Response Charges Source: Monthly Market Performance Report for July 2012 posted August 28, 2012 Data is reported monthly
Sample DR Performance Data • Section 12.6 Performance • 12.6.2 Demand Resource Performance • Pool-level summary table of Demand Resource performance by type over time. Source: Monthly Market Performance Report for July 2012 posted August 28, 2012 Data is reported monthly