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Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 324 Highland Park, IL. Visit our website at www.hptroop324.org. * Chartered by the Highland Park Presbyterian Church. Northeast Illinois Council Aptakisic District. Updated 4/1/13.
Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 324Highland Park, IL Visit our website at www.hptroop324.org * Chartered by the Highland Park Presbyterian Church 1 Northeast Illinois Council Aptakisic District Updated 4/1/13
Troop 324 Highland Park Program As a troop, we try to offer our Scouts a diversified scouting experience within the guidelines set by the National Boy Scout Council. We meet each Tuesday night at 7:15 pm to 8:45 pm for an hour-and-a-half in the basement of the Highland Park Presbyterian Church located at 330 Laurel Avenue, Highland Park, Illinois. Our Scouts are required to wear a Class “A“ Boys Scout uniform which consist of Scout pants, belt and shirt, These are available at the Boy Scouts of America Store located at 2745 Skokie Valley Road, Highland Park Illinois 847.748.9160. If you have any questions regarding Troop 324 or how to become involved you can contact Scoutmaster - William Farrell at 224.522.5222 or email farrell4@ameritech.net During our meetings, the Scouts work on leadership and Scout skills, rank advancement activities and plan upcoming outings. The troop schedules overnight campouts, typically Friday night through Sunday morning on 5 - 6 weekends during the academic year . We also go bicycle riding, skiing, indoor mountain biking, canoeing, white water rafting, and rock climbing. We strongly encourage the boys to join us during the second week in July at the Northeast Illinois Council’s summer camp, MaKaJaWan, in northern Wisconsin. It is the best environment for a Scout to advance rank from Tenderfoot to 1st class along with the ability to work on various merit badges. It is not unusual for a new Scout to advance 2 ranks and obtain 2 to 5 merit badges during this week of camp. Boating, horseback riding, hiking, rock climbing, shooting sports and swimming are just some of the activities available at summer camp.. We also participate in most District-wide and Council-wide events, which may include such activities as a First Aid Meet, Klondike Derby, Cast Iron Chef competitions, Jamborees, and merit badge clinics. The troop also provides services to various organizations in Highland Park and the surrounding communities by providing volunteer opportunities such as assisting the library, and historical society, cleaning up a section of Sheridan Road in the Illinois Adopt-A-Highway program, collecting food for the Moraine Township Food Pantry, and through our various Eagle Scout service projects. We understand that boys and their parents are largely overscheduled these days and that Scouts will probably need to miss some troop activities due to the demands of homework, school extracurricular activities and other interests which will sometimes take a higher priority. We see our program as offering opportunities, not requirements, and the benefits that Scouts will get out of the program will naturally be related to the time and effort a boy puts into it. 2
Scouting is a Great Value!! Program fees as are as follows: At the beginning of the scouting year in September, we collect our annual activity fee, presently set at $350, for the entire academic year . This covers participation in all troop activities (except summer camp) through June as well as troop t-shirt, Scout Handbook, binder, neckerchief and slide, uniform patches, Boys Life subscription and Boy Scouts of America registration. Webelos joining in the spring will be charged only $50 to cover the above mentioned items. If the new Scouts wish to participate in a campout or troop activity a nominal fee will be charged to cover food and the cost of the activity. Typical fee ranges from $25 - $40 based on the cost of the activity. Occasionally, we may offer special outings (such as High Adventure outings to places like the Boundary Waters, skiing, white water rafting), for which participants may need to pay an additional fee. In particular, during the second week in July, many of our Scouts also elect to attend Boy scout summer camp, Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan, near Antigo, WI, which currently charges $275 / week, and not covered in our activity fee. We also are open to setting up payment terms for those whose budgets are tight. We are committed to finding solutions so that no Scout will be denied the opportunity to participate on account of financial need. 3
We’ve been around for awhile!! Troop 324 has an 87-year history in Highland Park, tracing its origins to February 11, 1925, when the Highland Park Presbyterian Church was granted a charter for Troop 2. In 1932, the troop merged with Troop 4 to form Troop 324 and in the intervening years, has served hundreds of boys in Highland Park and surrounding communities, one hundred and one of whom have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. We are a non-denominational troop and currently the only troop chartered within Highland Park, IL. Boy Scouts is not Cub Scouts!! In contrast to Cub scouting, where activities are organized and led by adult volunteers, in Boy Scouts, we strive to be a “boy-led” organization. The program, following BSA national guidelines, has as its objectives: To build confidence through accomplishment and leadership experience This is done through rank advancement, leadership training and leadership experience. The organization of the boys into small groups or “patrols”, besides easing the transition into the program, offers rotating leadership and planning experience that can later be applied to the troop as a whole. Our Scouts wear their formal (Class A) uniforms at all meetings and public events with their patrol patch to identify their unit. Adult and scout leadership roles and responsibilities are defined with the adult volunteers serving as coaches and mentors in guiding the Scouts in the planning and execution of the program. To foster good citizenship The program stresses the importance of giving service to our community. Several times a year, we schedule activities aimed at providing the Scouts an opportunity to put in some time on activities that benefit Highland Park and the surrounding areas. This is such an integral part of the program that the Scout’s ability to advance 4
through the various ranks depends in part on his willingness to volunteer. For the Scouts who attain the rank of Eagle Scout, this culminates in the planning and execution of an “Eagle Project”, involving the exercise of the Scout’s leadership skills in a community service project. The troop is also frequently called upon by local organizations to assist or participate in service events. We try to accommodate these as our schedule permits. Troop 324 contributes nearly 400 man / Scout -hours of service to our community per year. Develop an appreciation for the outdoors When most people think of Boy Scouting , they think of camping and that certainly is part of our program. We try to offer at least ten nights of camping during the school year (usually in 5-6 overnight events), plus the option, which we encourage, to join us during the second week of July at our Council’s summer camp, Camp MaKaJaWan, near Antigo, WI. We also allow the scouts the ability to suggest and organize a few non-camping events each year; this will range from rock climbing, indoor mountain biking, and skiing Our district and council also organize several outdoor events every year where we compete against other troops in the area. The Klondike Derby, First Aid Meet, Cast Iron Chef Competition are all events in which we typically participate and, have an impressive track record of wins! Have fun !!! This is, of course, the bottom line…. 5
Rank Advancement Builds Confidence Scout This is a joining rank for new boys in the troop. To obtain the Scout badge the scout must show, among other things, that he understands and agrees to live by the Scout Oath, Law, Motto, Slogan and the Outdoor Code. A boy must be at least 11 years old to join the troop or 10 years old and have completed the Cub Scout Arrow of Light requirements or the 5th grade. Tenderfoot Tenderfoot is the first official rank earned as a Boy Scout. The requirements of becoming a Tenderfoot provide basic skills to begin preparing the scout for higher adventure outings. Second Class Second Class scouts work on building their outdoor survival and camping skills. Compass work, nature observation, camp tools, and swimming are areas where new skills are mastered and demonstrated. A second class scout, having completed all the requirements, should be able to lead a hike, care for his own equipment, set up a campsite, and perform basic first aid. First Class When the First Class rank is attained, a scout has learned all the basic camping and outdoors skills of a scout. He can fend for himself in the wild, lead others on a hike or campout, set up a camp site, plan and properly prepare meals, and provide first aid for most situations he may encounter. A First Class scout is prepared. Star Up through First Class rank, a scout was busy learning skills and becoming a self-sufficient scout. He now moves from being a learner to being a leader. The Star rank is attained with participation, leadership, service, and self-directed advancement through merit badges. Life Continuing to develop leadership skills, the Life Scout rank is earned by fulfilling additional leadership positions, service hours, and merit badges. A Life Scout is expected to be a role model and leader in the troop, providing guidance to new scouts and helping the troop however he can. Being a good leader can only be learned by doing and troop leadership positions allow the scout to make decisions, lead discussions, and encourage others. 6 Rank description are taken from www.boyscouttrail.com
Fly like an Eagle!!! Operation of the Troop Depends on Adult Volunteers The Troop Committee consists of a Committee Chairperson and various committee members who are responsible for appointing the Scoutmaster and handling the administrative functions of the troop, including finances. Typical roles for committee members include Committee Treasurer, Activities Chairperson, and Advancement Chairperson. The Program Staff consists of the Scoutmaster and various Assistant Scoutmasters who are responsible for developing and executing the troop activities in line with the principles and goals of the national Boy Scout organization. All adult volunteers are required to participate in position-specific training and our troop is evaluated each year based among other things on its ability to provide trained leaders. Based on our performance Troop 324 received the highest level of recognition as a Journey to Excellence award, an honor that we literally wear on our sleeves. 7
The Boy Scout Motto Be Prepared! The Boy Scout Slogan Do a Good Turn Daily The Outdoor Code As an American, I will do my best to - Be clean in my outdoor manners Be careful with fire Be considerate in the outdoors, and Be conservation minded. Our values are captured in the Scout Oath, Law, Slogan and Motto and the Outdoor Code On my honor, I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. The Twelve Points of the Scout Law A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent. Come and join us in the adventure of Scouting!! 8