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Action plan. MS.ZAREEN AHMED DAPS SEAVIEW ENGLISH , GRADE 8. LONG TERM GOAL. Adopt 21 st century teaching approaches to enhance and build interest in students for appreciation of literature and poetry. SHORT TERM GOALS.
LONG TERM GOAL • Adopt 21st century teaching approaches to enhance and build interest in students for appreciation of literature and poetry.
SHORT TERM GOALS • I would change my questioning strategy with the students to promote their critical thinking ability. • For any research work or any good outcome for students they would be encouraged rather than just being praised , that would play a role of motivation for other students. • More research based tasks will be given to students in form of groups. • this would develop the habit of working together and helping each other.
Instructional strategies and tasks • More opportunities will be given for students to answer questions that require high-order thinking. • Group work will be promoted • I will asks questions that require students to give their answers with logics and proves. • Students will be allowed to gather randomly in assigned groups or pair to discuss from where and how they have collected their information.
How I would face the possible challenges Challenges • My head may not agree with this new approach. • Parents may also raise objection on this new way of teaching they might not understand it • I will have to make myself more computer literate Sollutions • I will discuss and share all my notes and information with my principle • A news letter will be sent to parents to inform them about this new method • I will sit in my school computer lab to learn the computer skills in my free time
News letter class 8by ms . Zareen Ahmedjuly21,2011 Class activities done in this week • In literature Shakespeare's Othello was started • In mathematics they did numerical this week. • In science they studied about vertebrates Next week’s plan • An educational trip to PAF museumhas been planned • In geography they will be starting land forms • We have a classroom drama performance on Othello on Thursdayremind your child to practice for that
RESOURCES • Colleagues and friends who are also teaching the same grades within the school and from other schools too • Internet • Library • Multimedia, word processing and spreadsheets • Intel teach programmers Getting started course
Conclusion By implementing my newly acquired 21st century teaching approaches , students will be empowered and will appreciate and gain a better knowledge of English language and literature!!!!