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Additional loop presentation. Additional problems requiring loops. Fibonacci sequence Euclid’s GCD algorithm Reading data from a file Changing base of numbers base b to base 10. Changing base 10 to base b. Fibonacci numbers.
Additional problems requiring loops • Fibonacci sequence • Euclid’s GCD algorithm • Reading data from a file • Changing base of numbers base b to base 10. • Changing base 10 to base b
Fibonacci numbers • These numbers – used in Biology (and in Computer Science!) are the sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 , 8, 13, 21, ?, ?, …. • Using any two adjacent numbers in the sequence, you can generate the rest of the sequence. How?
Fibonacci numbers • Fib(i+2)=Fib(i)+Fib(i+1) is the recurrence relation. • Set old=1 and current=1. Build a loop for as many fibonacci values as you’d like… • Display them in a listbox
Fibonacci numbers • Should display first two • Remember to declare a counter for your for loop • Remember to subtract two from how many loop iterations
Fibonacci numbers: Button click code Dim i, old, cur As Integer old = 1 cur = 1 Dim n As Integer n = Integer.Parse(TextBox1.Text) 'print first two fibs ListBox1.Items.Add(cur) ListBox1.Items.Add(cur) For i = 1 To n - 2 'need to count the first two already shown cur = cur + old old = cur - old ListBox1.Items.Add(cur) Next
GCD discussion • This application gets the greatest common divisor two ways and counts how many times it has to loop for each technique. • The crude method: set your guess to be the smaller number. As long as your guess doesn’t evenly divide both numbers, keep subtracting 1 from it.
Euclid’s algorithm • Get the remainder: • Iterate the following: • Rem=big mod small ‘note rem is reserved word • If rem is zero quit, small is the gcd • If not, set big to small and small to remainder, and do it again.
Button click Dim a, b, gcd, big, small As Integer Try a = Integer.Parse(TextBox1.Text) b = Integer.Parse(TextBox2.Text) If a > b Then big = a small = b Else big = b small = a End If gcd = getGCD1(big, small) Label3.Text = "gcd using crude method=" & gcd.ToString() gcd = getGCD2(big, small) Label4.Text = "gcd using Euclid=" & gcd.ToString() Label5.Text = "method looped" & loopct1.ToString() Label6.Text = "method looped" & loopct2.ToString Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show("must enter integers") End Try
Crude method code • Function getGCD1(ByVal big, ByVal small) As Integer • Dim diff As Integer = small • Loopct1=0 • Do While big Mod diff <> 0 Or small Mod diff <> 0 • diff = diff - 1 • loopct1 += 1 ‘loop1ct is a global integer • Loop • Return diff 'should be gcd • End Function
Euclid’s method Function getGCD2(ByVal big, ByVal small) As Integer Dim remainder As Integer loopct2=0 remainder = big Mod small Do While remainder <> 0 loopct2 += 1 ‘loop2ct is a global integer big = small small = remainder remainder = big Mod small Loop Return small End Function
Reading from a data file • Nothing here especially requires a loop except processing a lot of data. • Typically, the application needs to read numbers or names or whatever until it reaches end of file.
Notes on text files • Create a data file by typing numbers (or something) into a file. • I used Textpad. Wordpad and Notepad editors will also work. • If you use MS Word, be sure to select save as option ascii text
Button click code opens file and reads (strings) to end of file Private Sub btnread_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnread.Click Dim data As String Lstdisplay.Items.Clear() Dim sr As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.OpenText("data.txt") Do While sr.Peek <> -1 data = sr.ReadLine() Lstdisplay.Items.Add(data) Loop sr.Close() End Sub
Improvements • Sum the values in the data file • Search for a name or number in the data file • Allow user to enter a file name
Base changer • In base b, only digits 0…b-1 may appear • Remarks on Radix positional notation • A number in any base consists of legal digits, each represents how many there are of the base to some power
Base changer • So: • 12345 base 10 represents 1*10000+2*1000+3*100 and so on • 101111 in base 2 represents 1*1+1*2+1*4+1*8+0*16+1*32=47
Base changer Convert to base 10: • 33221 in base 4 • 10101 in base 2 • 4210 in base 5
Base changer • Putting together an ap that converts numbers from base b to base 10: • Get input from user, a String (number in base b) and an integer (the original base). • Set a sum value to 0 • LOOP: • Use the substring function to peel off digits from the string and multiply by the appropriate power of the base and add to the running total
Buttonclick code • Dim i, j, ans, base As Integer • Dim x, y As String • ans = 0 ' will hold answer • base = Integer.Parse(Txtbase.Text) • x = Txtnum.Text • For i = 0 To x.Length - 1 • y = x.Substring(i, 1) ' this short string 1 character long • j = Integer.Parse(y) • ans = ans * base + y • Next • Lblans.Text = ans.ToString
To handle larger bases • Need a function to return proper character value
Use mod and div (\) to build a string representation of the answer Dim num, base As Integer Try num = Integer.Parse(txtnum.Text) base = Integer.Parse(txtbase.Text) Dim ans As String = "" Do While num <> 0 ans = ans & num Mod base num = num \ base Loop lblans.Text = "answer is" & ans Catch ex As Exception End Try
Still to do • Handle bases bigger than 10 – I haven’t done that. • If the remainder is larger than 9, you need to use alpha representation for the digits ‘A’ is 10, and so on.