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Common Core Standards Work Melanie Hurley mhurley@tie.net. What I believe…. What will you need today?. GO TO PLC GROUPS FIRST!. Computer Year plan for units/themes (could be textbook if you follow it chapter by chapter) (could be a handwritten calendar) (could be online)
Common Core Standards Work Melanie Hurley mhurley@tie.net
What will you need today? GO TO PLC GROUPS FIRST! • Computer • Year plan for units/themes (could be textbook if you follow it chapter by chapter) (could be a handwritten calendar) (could be online) • 1stunit of study • Another unit of study • Common Core State Standards (for ELA and Math) **if you have already printed them or have a flip chart (otherwise we can access them online)
12:45 Introductions and Day’s Objectives: 12:50 Starting with the End in Mind 1:00-2:30 Student Learning Targets 2:30—3:45Blueprint work begins!
Today’s and Objectives: • We will write 3 student learning targets with a success criteria after having one modeled and then working in grade level teams using the Know/Understand/Do disaggregated standards. • (Teach – next weeks - charting student progress)
Big PictureWhere are we going throughout this year?Build understanding of the Common Core standards for my content and grade I teach.Use the Checklist, map out curriculum resources used (ex. Reading Street, Aventa courses, etc.) and the plan for the year noting what CCSS are taught, when, and for how long. Using the Checklist created, look for gaps in teaching the CCSS.
Learning takes place when (for us and for our students) when we… • feel safe • believe the person who is teaching us knows what they are talking about • have reason to learn the information • see how and when we will use the learning in the future • know when we have arrived at the learning
Feel Safe (Agreed Upon Norms) I’m here to guide you through your learning. This is your time, your school, so please know the following: • I believe in you • Take breaks whenever you need them (I will also providebreaks) • You are all smart and smart people ask questions – so if I am ever confusing – stop me and ask questions “I’m wondering, Could you repeat that?” • Stay positive and focused
The person who is teaching us knows what she is talking about (At least a little bit) – Melanie Hurley • Taught for 15 years – K-5 teacher (Teacher of the Year), Literacy Leader Rapid City School District, Professor at Black Hills State University • Helped develop the SD Blueprint • Worked with many schools on data retreats and school improvement. • Passionate about teaching and learning • Holds a Master’s in ELA and Leadership
Please discuss with your table group the following two questions on the next slide.Note: These two questions are the heart of teaching. All learners needthese two questions answered in every learningexperience. • Choose one response to share out for each question.
1. Do we have a reason to learn the information today? Answers the WHY? 2. Do we see how and when we will use the learning in the future? Answers SO WHAT? Real world connection. Common Core Standards Learning targets Blueprints – Pacing Guide
Know Where we are Going and When we will get there. Share Papa Story
Learning Targets Song • Who------Students • Did-------- (Verb) – Webb Leveling • What----- Skill • How did they do it------- Instructional Strategy AND • How much did they do------Success Criteria Example: • We will write3student learning targets with a success criteria after having one modeled and then working in grade level teams using the Know/Understand/Do disaggregated standards.
Share Evidence of How This Works Knollwood School Georgia BHSU Interns (Title Schools)
Task • Open Checklist • Open Blueprint • Pick 1 Instructional Focus of Look At and Focus Rest of Planning Time • Check IF Standards – Do I teach this? If not when will I teach? Do I have materials to support the standards? How will we assess? • Write 3 learning targets for the IF • I will model how to open all of these documents and why we are looking at these.
Take several sticky notes Create 2 piles Label the top one in each pile the following: Standards I don’t Teach (yet): Standards I Teach:
RL.K.1 (ask ?s about key details) 7.G.2 (draw geometric shapes) RST.11-12.2 (determine central ideas and themes)
By doing this activity, I learned… TAKE-AWAY:
Blueprint Work Begins! • Every teacher needs to have out his/her unit/theme plans (could be textbook if followed throughout the year). • Every teacher needs to have his/her content standards (the DOE site has current content standards: http://doe.sd.gov/contentstandards/ • http://sdccteachers.k12.sd.us
Student Learning Targets Example: We will write 3 student learning targets with a success criteria after having one modeled and then working in grade level teams using the Know/Understand/Do disaggregated standards.
Learning TargetsSong • WHO: Students • DID: Determine, Recount, Explain • WHAT:Main Idea of Text, Key Details • HOW DID THEY DO IT: Paired Reading • AND • HOW MUCH DID THEY DO:3 Pieces of Informational Text, 1 Main Idea 3 Supporting Details
Instructional Focus • As you read through the instructional focus – check curriculum materials to see how it aligns with the Common Core Standards. • Note what materials you still need. Guiding Questions • Does are curriculum materials match the Common Core Standards? • Do we teach all the standards in this Instructional Focus • How do we assess student learning?
Checking for our Success • DID we arrive at our Success Criteria? • Do our students know when they arrived? • How do we know? • What is our next steps? • When should we have our next steps accomplished?
Thank you! • Celebrate our success and students success! • Remember • Where are we going? • When will we get there? • How will we know if we are there?