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Applying for non-recurrent grants to carry out MR

2. Key Messages for aided schools. Minor repairsMajor repairsEmergency repairsTree management (app to aided/DSS)Change of room use (app to aided/DSS)Conversion works requiring prior approval from PSEd (app to aided/DSS). Minor repairs. Keep the building / facilities within the school prem

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Applying for non-recurrent grants to carry out MR

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    1. 1 Applying for non-recurrent grants to carry out MR / ER Delivery of approved major /emergency repairs projects Misc - tree management, change of room use Induction Programme for Newly appointed Principals

    2. 2 Key Messages – for aided schools Minor repairs Major repairs Emergency repairs Tree management (app to aided/DSS) Change of room use (app to aided/DSS) Conversion works requiring prior approval from PSEd (app to aided/DSS)

    3. Minor repairs Keep the building / facilities within the school premises in good conditions (School Administration Guide -SAG)- Regular inspections, routine maintenance Carry out minor repairs, cost of which to be charged to the School and Class Grant under the Operating Expenses Block Grant (OEBG) / Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant (EOEBG) 3

    4. Non-recurrent grants for repairs For major repairs items costing not less than $3,000 (for primary /special schools) / $8,000 (for secondary schools) Annual major repairs exercise – EDB to bid the required resources one year in advance Emergency repairs 4

    5. Major repairs EDB to issue a circular memorandum annually to invite applications from aided schools for non-recurrent grants to carry our repairs / alteration works Submission of applications to REO before the submission deadline Applications will be assessed by the professionals of the EDB (for non-estate (NE) aided schools) and HD (for estate (E) aided schools). Site visits might be required in the processing stage 5

    6. Major repairs (Con’t) Schools will be informed of the results of their applications by REO once available. For non-estate aided schools, estimated cost not exceeding $2 million will be delivered by EDB term consultants estimated cost exceeding $2 million will be referred to ArchSD for delivery For estate aided schools, projects approved by EDB will be referred to HD for delivery 6

    7. Emergency repairs Repair works of emergency nature, e.g. EDB Homepage > School administration > School premises related information > School premises maintenance Approved works will be assessed and carried out by the technical parties entrusted by EDB, i.e. EDB term consultants (for NE) and HD (for E) ER works: Not less than $3,000/$8,000 per items, and of emergency nature 7

    8. Emergency repairs (Con’t) Repair works not being approved as assessed by the technical parties concerned (not classified as ER / cost less than $3,000/$8,000) - Include the item(s) in school’s application in the subsequent MR exercise (s) Carry out as soon as possible The cost of the works to be charged to OEBG/EOEBG 8

    9. 9 Parties involved in the processes concerning repairs/alteration works to school premises

    10. Tree Management Letter issued to all aided /caput/government schools - Oct 2008 Email to school principals in June 2010 Irrelevant to MR/ER (i.e. non-works) Daily tree care by school personnel / service providers appointed by schools Routine inspection of trees grown on the school premises If necessary, hire services from a service providers, e.g. assessment of tree growth, recommend the next course of actions, e.g. tree felling / pruning 10

    11. Tree Management (Con’t) Reference documents prepared by the Development Bureau Pictorial Guide for Tree Maintenance to Reduce Tree Risks Dos and Don'ts in Pruning Guidelines on Pruning DEVB's greening website (http://www.greening.gov.hk/en/index.html) Reducing potential risk of tree failures that may cause injuries or loss of human lives as well as damage to properties. 11

    12. Slope Maintenance EDBC25/1998 “Administrative Procedures for Safety of Schools in the Vicinity of Slopes”. - is currently under review and an updated one will be issued in due course Approach the respective SSDOs for advice and obtain relevant updated reference materials on the “SPM” webpage as and when required – Routine maintnenance inspection, engineer inspections, handling of Dangerous Hillside Orders 12

    13. Change of room use Subject to the following conditions, no prior approval from PSEd is required- adequate classrooms, special rooms and facilities are available in the school for the effective teaching and learning of all the subject groups or areas of learning and experience; the change of room use will not result in floating classes in S1 to S5 and not affect the approved class structure; 13

    14. Change of room use (Con’t) the change of room use does not involve any structural alterations to the school premises, any alteration to the latrine accommodation or the sanitary arrangements of the school or in the ventilation or lighting of a classroom and/or subdivision of a classroom; and no additional subsidy by the Government will be incurred Education Regulation 10 14

    15. Conversion works NOT requiring prior approval from PSEd Give prior notice to the respective SSDO Seek advice from relevant government departments, viz. Buildings Dept /Housing Dept, Dept of Health, Fire Services Dept Ensure compliance with relevant legislations Report to EDB in writing again upon completion of the works 15

    16. Conversion works requiring prior approval from PSEd Any improvement and extension to the school premises, including structural alteration and conversion, is subject to the approval of PSEd. Schools should forward to REO their proposals for change together with sketch plans drawn to scale and state the source of funds (government funds or school funds) for the proposed works. 16

    17. Conversion works requiring prior approval from PSEd (Con’t) When the proposed works may not be exempted works under the Buildings Ordinance, approval from either HD (for estate schools) or Buildings Department (BD) (for non-estate schools) should be sought. The school should consider hiring a professional to provide advice to the school. 17

    18. Circulars relating to School Premises and Safety Matters EDBC 01/2010 Revised Arrangement on Processing Emergency Repairs in Aided Schools Circular letter dd. 26.2.2010 Major Repairs (MR) and Emergency Repairs (ER) in Non-estate Aided Schools (Revised Arrangement) EDBC 025/1998 Administrative Procedures for Safety of Schools in the Vicinity of Slopes EDBC023/2001 Safety Nets at Stair Wells in School Premises EDBC 032/2001 Fire Service Installation and Equipment EDBC003/2002 Safety Measures in Demolition Works at School Premises EDBCM on Estimates for 2012-13 Financial Year Aided Schools Applications for Non-Recurrent Grants: Major Repairs/Alterations (to be issued) 18

    19. School’s consideration Minor repairs to be carried out by the school? Proposing major repair / Alteration? Requesting emergency repairs? Making optimal use of school premises / facilities? 19

    20. Major Repairs for Direct Subsidy Scheme(DSS) Schools Premises- Overview 20

    21. Major Repairs for Direct Subsidy Scheme(DSS) Schools Premises 21

    22. Major Repairs / Slope Repairs in DSS Schools Non-recurrent assistance in the form of grant to schools in need to carry out:- Major repairs (MR) exceeding $2 million; Slope repairs (SR) exceeding $2 million (not involving DHOs); or Schools served with Dangerous Hillside Orders (DHOs) 22

    23. Key Procedures – Prepare Submission Separate application forms should be submitted for major repairs and slope repairs, if necessary Description of the proposed works, justifications, etc. Dimensioned drawings/sketches and preliminary design proposal as appropriate should be provided Breakdown of the estimated cost of the individual applied items by provision of quantity and unit rate 23

    24. Key Procedures – Processing Applications (Continued) Technical comment on subvention procedure and subventibility by ArchSD Supplementary information / clarification by schools, if necessary Only applications with supported estimates exceeding $2 million will be included in the RAE 24

    25. 25 Maintenance of Government Schools (GSs) Premises Works Agent : Property Services Branch of Architectural Services Department (ArchSD(PSB))

    26. 26 Maintenance of Government Schools (GSs) Premises Works Category : (A) Day-to-day Maintenance During office hours GS can call Public Buildings Repair Call Centre (RCC) Hotline of ArchSD at 2330 1100 for follow-up

    27. 27 Maintenance of Government Schools (GSs) Premises (A) Day-to-day Maintenance (Con’t) After normal office hours GS can call Emergency Public Buildings Repairs Hotline of ArchSD at 2773 2222 for follow up Example : Leakage of pipe work, concrete spalling

    28. 28 Maintenance of Government Schools (GSs) Premises (B) Alteration, Addition & Improvement (AA&I)  GS can submit the application via Form Acct5 for proposal For Alterations, Additions & Improvements (not existing $1.4M in value) to Assistant Director (Property Services) of ArchSD(PSB) for follow-up.

    29. 29 Maintenance of Government Schools (GSs) Premises (B) Alteration, Addition & Improvement (AA&I) (Con’t)  For proposal for Minor Building Works Valued between $1.4M and under $14M, GS can submit Form Acct 4 to Minor Building Works Committee for follow up. Forms can be downloaded in http://archsd.host.ccgo.hksarg/mbw/  Example : Improvement of illumination, alteration of toilet for people with disabilities

    30. 30 Maintenance of Government Schools (GSs) Premises (C) Refurbishment Apply to ArchSD for project of refurbishment nature, e.g. refurbishment of toilet, re-surfacing of playground. (D) Planned Maintenance  ArchSD will arrange planned maintenance work according to maintenance cycle of building fabrics, e.g. re-roofing, external redecoration.

    31. 31 Thank you!

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