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Study Abroad Program Leader Orientation May 8, 2009. Orientation Overview. Introductions UW-System policies Faculty leader/CIE responsibilities Student orientation highlights Orientation topics: Safety & Risk Management Legal Affairs Health Issues Student and Faculty Conduct
Study Abroad Program Leader Orientation May 8, 2009
Orientation Overview • Introductions • UW-System policies • Faculty leader/CIE responsibilities • Student orientation highlights • Orientation topics: • Safety & Risk Management • Legal Affairs • Health Issues • Student and Faculty Conduct • Money Management • Emergencies This presentation as well as the information contained in the faculty handbook is available here: https://pantherfile.uwm.edu/groups/ls/CIE/OPP/Faculty%20Resources
UW-System Policies UW-System policy guidelines govern the conduct of international programs: • Academic Information Series (ACIS) 7.1-7.4 pg. 3-10 • Financial and Administrative Policy Paper F45 pg. 11-12 Areas of concern: • Safety and welfare • Pre-departure preparation • Code of conduct compliance • Budgeting (cost recovery)
UW-System Policies (cont.) UW-System policies state: • Students must… • complete and turn in forms (informed consent, assumption of risk, understanding of terms and conditions of the program abroad); • have health insurance coverage (CISI); and • pay cost recovery-related fees (academic, non-academic and faculty, student, OPP). • Faculty must… • adhere to the same policies that define faculty and academic staff rights and responsibilities on the home campus; and • design programs that offer reasonable access to students with disabilities. • CIE must… • ensure that programs comply with UW-System policies; • establish policies/procedures related to program operations (refunds; fees; reserve balance carry over; fee differentials; deadlines); and • deliver student and faculty orientation programs.
Faculty Leaders’ Responsibilities… (pg. 20) • Understand the host culture and operational environment • Manage group movement and dynamics • Understand and minimize risks • Effectively respond to emergencies • Account for program expenditures • And… TEACH. Important to clearly explain: • academic requirements; • expectations for attendance and participation; and • grading and assessment criteria, to include differential assignments for undergraduate and graduate students. Keys to success: • Preparedness • Good communication • Flexibility • Healthy group dynamics
Center for International Education Responsibilities… (pg. 4) Student support • application; advising; registration; billing; general and site-specific orientation, grade reporting; tuition remissions; fee collection; form management; program evaluation; background checks Faculty support • budgeting; recruitment; program development advising; appointment letter; pre-departure orientation; travel advance; vendor payments; flight arrangements; expense reports General support • marketing; embassy registration; monitor State Department and CDC travel warnings; visa and passport information and updates; comply with UWM and state regulations; emergency response
UWM Offices Supporting Study Abroad • Legal Affairs • Risk Management • Dean of Students • Norris Health Center • Travel and Finance • Campus Police • Each School and College • Communications and Media Relations • Student Accessibility Center • Center for International Education
Student Orientation Highlights Expectations • Be good students, be good citizens, have fun Health and Safety • What to do in an emergency • Health insurance • Staying healthy/healthy behavior • Pre-departure check-ups and travel clinics • Crime concerns and prevention • State Department and CDC travel warnings Culture and culture shock • Cultural differences and awareness • Being an American abroad • Recognizing culture shock Travel documents • Passports and visas (copies!)
Student Orientation Highlights (cont.) Packing tips • Travel light • Walking shoes • Air carrier baggage weight limits • Prescriptions, eyeglasses, toiletries, and medicine Student status • Registration, withdrawal, credits, GPA, transcripts • OPP forms • Program evaluation • Re-entry orientation Money management • Program costs • Financial aid • Handling money while abroad (ATMs, debit cards, currency converters)
Orientation Topics • Safety & Risk Management • Legal Affairs • Money Management • Student and Faculty Conduct • Health Issues • Emergencies
Safety and Risk Management (Pg. 16-22) • Transfer risk whenever possible (example: public transport versus van rental) • Participation is a contractual relationship between faculty and student • Dinner and alcohol (work status) • “Duty to care” (ensuring students’ general welfare; avoid arranging extra curricular activities) • Medex insurance- emergency travel assistance http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/EHSRM/RISK • Driver authorization • Removal of Property
What would you do? • A male and female from your student group are getting along exceptionally well. They request to be roommates at the next hotel you will stay in. • A student tells you she has lost her passport.
Legal Affairs • Indemnification of state employees (pg. 11) • Prudent and reasonable behavior • Acting in good faith and good judgment • Issues pertaining to the use of alcohol (work status – dinner and alcohol) • Contracts and signature authority (pp. 12-13) • Program time versus own time • Legal forms: • Assumption of Risk and Release • Product Release • WI Power of Attorney
What would you do? • You are having dinner with your student group. The waiter recommends a local wine which you’d really like to try. Several students in your group are under 21 (the legal drinking age in Wisconsin) but are old enough to legally drink in the host country. • A student tells you she was followed back to the hotel the night before after leaving a bar. You learn she and her friends are planning to return to the same bar tonight.
Health Issues • Hepatitis A and Typhoid Fever (food/H20) • Malaria and Yellow Fever (mosquitoes) • Common health issues: dehydration, constipation, urinary tract infections, jet lag, traveler’s diarrhea • Injuries (bumps and bruises to broken bones) • Good health basics: sleep, water, and food • Dispensing medication to students • Narcotic prescriptions • Insulin-diabetes • Allergies/epi pen • Surgery/anesthesia
Immunizations Norris Health Center recommends: For all students: Be up to date on your routine vaccines: • Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis • Measles-Mumps-Rubella • Polio • Influenza For students traveling outside of Western Europe: • Hepatitis A For certain areas of the world: • Yellow Fever • Typhoid • Meningococcal Meningitis • Japanese Encephalitis
Packing Tips for Medicine • New toiletries and medicine recommendations • Bring copies of all prescriptions, including eyeglasses/contacts • TSA 3-1-1 rule
NHC Suggested Guidelines for Dealing with Distressed Students When immediately involved with a distressed student Norris Health Center recommends: • Request to see the student in private to minimize embarrassment or defensiveness • Openly acknowledge your observations and perceptions of their situation to show that you are aware of their distress • Show sincere concern about their welfare and your willingness to explore alternative responses • Speak directly and honestly when you sense a student is in emotional distress • Listen carefully and try to see the issues from the student’s perspective without necessarily agreeing or disagreeing
NHC Suggested Guidelines for Dealing with Distressed Students (cont.) When immediately involved with a distressed student Norris Health Center recommends: • Attempt to identify the problem • Do not ignore inappropriate and strange behavior • Involve yourself only as far as you feel comfortable • Consult with a staff member from the CIE Overseas Programs and Partnerships office • Assistance from a medical professional from the CISI insurance provider may be necessary in certain circumstances
Cathedral Square Urgent Care Center734 N. Jackson St.Milwaukee, WI 53202(414) 277-6500 Gateway Medical Clinic801 S. 70th St.West Allis, WI 53214(414) 773-4926 Orthopedic Hospital of WI 575 W. River Woods Pkwy. Suite 201Glendale, WI 53212(414) 961-6890 Lake Hills Medical Complex1317 W. Grand Ave.Port Washington, WI 53094(262) 268-3185 Alternative Travel Clinics • Columbia- St. Mary’s Travel Clinic – TravelWORx • Alternative to Norris Health Center • Appointment Preferred – call (414) 961-6890 (usually only 1-2 day wait) • http://columbia-stmarys.com/OPage.asp?PageID=OTH000062
What would you do? • It’s 6:00 AM and your group is scheduled to board a bus for a 3 hour ride to another town at 10:00. A student has just alerted you that she is experiencing severe abdominal pain. • A student alerts you that he has lost his prescription medication, a drug he has to take each day.
Student and Faculty Conduct (Pg. 1-48) • Importance of group dynamics • Proxy duties conveyed to faculty leader abroad • UWS 17 and UWS 18 • Discrimination and sexual harassment • Academic and non-academic misconduct • In consultation with CIE, you are vested with the authority to make an ad hoc decision if circumstances warrant to immediately terminate a student if that student’s behavior seriously compromises the integrity of the program. Formal warnings can be an effective deterrent against repeat bad behavior, but are not required. • FERPA (Pg. 14-15) and the sharing/release of information • Behavior Guidelines (Pg. 2-3)
What would you do? • One of your students is chronically late for class, and, when he arrives, not an active participant. Other students tell you he has been out late every night partying. • You learn that two of the students in your group are not getting along. Other students complain that their disagreements are having a negative impact on their program experience.
Contact Information Tia Langnes Financial Specialist Pearse Hall 166 2513 E. Hartford Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53211 Office Phone: 414-229-4344 Office Fax: 414-229-4858 Email: tlangnes@uwm.edu Program Financial Management
Appointment Letter • Document signed by you and respective School/College authority which outlines and finalizes program in relation to salary, logistics, travel advance money, and post-program accounting
Salary • In your appointment letter it specifies whether you will or will not be receiving a salary • If you will be receiving a salary it will be processed at the end of the month in which you complete the program. You can anticipate receiving your salary around the 12th of the following month. • Salary will be reduced by the taxes and fringe benefits that are the employee responsibility. The fringe benefit amount is reflective of those paid by the university on behalf of the employee
Travel Logistics • Airline arrangements • All airfare should be purchased by your program. • Hotels • All lodging will be taken care of before your departure and will be paid for before hand if possible. If payment is not an option before your departure it will be included in your travel advance. • If you will be paying for lodging you must pay for it with your TCard, unless the place of lodging will not accept credit cards in which case you are to pay with your travel advance. • Either way you MUST obtain receipts from each place you stay at and submit them with your TER receipts.
Travel Logistics (cont.) • Food • Your budget and appointment letter will specify your food per diem for your trip. • You do not need receipts to account for your per diem for your TER. • If student meals are listed in your budget and appointment you MUSTobtain receipt for these meals and ALCOHOL is not permitted and will not be reimbursed. • Ground Transportation • Your budget and appointment letter will specify if this is included in your travel advance. • Receipts MUSTalso be obtained
Travel Advances • A Travel Advance is a check issued to you to cover various program expenses, your program budget and appointment letter will specify the costs that will be included in your travel advance. • Travel Advances will be issued no earlier than 7 days prior to program departure. If you are leaving early please make sure that I am aware of that so you can have your advance before you leave. • When you are contacted and told that your travel advance is ready you can pick it up in Engelmann 250F. • If you are not an UWM employee, you will be unable to obtain a travel advance. If your budget/appointment letter states that you are to receive a travel advance, your travel advance will be issued to your program leader. The two of you should work out the logistics.
Reporting of Program Activities and Expenses • At the end of your program, the OPP Office will prepare a TER (Travel Expense Report) and final program accounting for all study abroad programs. • Anyone receiving a travel advance MUST render all receipts with documentation to OPP within 30 days of the termination of the program. • NOTE: You MUST provide RECEIPTS and PROOF OF PAYMENT for ALL Purchases. • Overseas Programs and Partnerships has a P-Card for use in to make all purchases for study abroad programs. Departmental P-Cards should NOT be used in any circumstance. • Visa Travel Card • www.usbanktravelmoney.com
Reporting of Program Activities and Expenses (cont.) • If faculty/staff remain abroad after the program ends, then the return date must be communicated to the OPP office prior to departure. In this case, all receipts and proof of payment would be still be due 30 days after the program and receipts MUST be mailed to the OPP office. • If you are remaining abroad the OPP office WILL NOT cover the expenses incurred after the program dates. • Each faculty/staff director receiving a travel advance is responsible for a complete accounting of ALL funds expended. Funds expended MUST NOT exceed the approved OPP budget.
Program Receipts • All receipts need to contain the following information: • Name of vendor • Description of item/service purchased • Cost of item/service • Method of payment • Date of purchase • Receipts for lodging: • A receipt indicating a per day breakdown of each day of lodging is required. • Not a summary of cost sheet but something showing paid in full
Program Receipts (cont.) • Receipts for Meals: NO ALCOHOL WILL BE REIMBURSED. • Food per diem will be reimbursed ONLY up to amount agreed upon in program budget • Meals involving others will be reimbursed ONLY if directly related to the program. In this case, the following information is required: • Name of all individuals at the meal • Where these individuals are from • What affiliation do they have with UWM • Payments to an individual Form: • This form must signed and dated by the individual providing service stating exactly what the service was and how much was received is required. This document should also be used for any gratuities greater than $25 US Dollars.
Foreign Currency Exchange • Submission of exchange rates used during travel will be honored if proof of rate is provided via receipt or bank statement. • If no proof is rendered, CIE will calculate an average of rates/day over the actual days of the program. CIE uses the following website for conversion rates: http://www.oanda.com
Expenses NOT Reimbursable by the State or CIE • Alcoholic beverages • Spouse or family member’s travel costs • Lost/Stolen cash or personal property • Personal items, e.g. toiletries, luggage, clothes, shoe shines, etc. Facials, nails, haircuts, Massages • Expenses incurred by non-employees or other employees that are not UWM business related • Laundry, cleaning, pressing cost for trips of 3 days or less • Traffic citations, parking tickets and other fines • Childcare costs
Expenses NOT Reimbursable by the State or CIE (cont.) • Additional charges incurred for personal reasons involving vehicle rentals • Pay-per-view movies in hotel/motel room • Personal entertainment • Additional charges for late checkout or un-canceled guaranteed reservations (unless justified) • Flight Insurance • Extra baggage charges for personal items, such as golf clubs, skis, etc.
Travel Expense Report • In the center of your guide is a Travel Expense Reporting Form that is included to assist you in recording the program expenses. The information on this form assists the OPP office in quickly and accurately processing your travel expenses. • You will also be receiving a White envelope that duplicates the form found in the middle of your packet, to use for your receipts and a detailed account of your expenses. • The OPP Office would also like you to return your medical packets along with your program receipts.
What would you do? • You just realized that you forgot to ask for receipts at two museums you visited the day before. • You just discovered your wallet is missing. It contained over $3,500 in cash, your entire travel advance.
Dealing with Emergencies (Section IV) • UWM emergency response plan • CISI health insurance Emergency cell phone: • (414) 469-8197 • This number will reach the study abroad director 24 hours a day Main Office • (414) 229-5182 • Leave message on office voicemail or transfer to the Campus Police Remember: You are not alone in an emergency!