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m. k. 1. 2. MODELING OF MECHANICAL SYSTEMS BY ANSYS. Example: 2.1. ω=18.71 rad/s=2.98 Hz. * Run ANSYS Interactive. * Set Working Directory. k=35000 N/m. m=100 kg. * Run Notepad text editor and write the following commands below. /prep7. Save as e01.txt. et,1,mass21. /solu.

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  1. m k 1 2 MODELING OF MECHANICAL SYSTEMS BY ANSYS Example:2.1 ω=18.71 rad/s=2.98 Hz * Run ANSYS Interactive * Set Working Directory k=35000 N/m m=100 kg * Run Notepad text editor and write the following commands below. /prep7 Save as e01.txt et,1,mass21 /solu et,2,combin14 d,all,ux,0 Write e01.txt in ANSYS Command Window r,1,0,100 d,all,uz,0 r,2,35000,0 d,1,uy,0 n,1,0,0 antype,2 n,2,0,0.25 modopt,lanb,1 type,1 solve finish real,1 General Postproc > Results Summary e,2 type,2 File>Clear&Start New...>OK>YES real,2 e,1,2 eplot

  2. In Example 2.1, * The command file is prepared with a text editor. (Notepad) * The file is run in ANSYS GUI can used by clicking ANSYS menu without preparing a command file. et,1,mass21 Main Menu>Preprocessor>Element Type>Add/Edit/Delete>Add...> Structural Mass>3D mass 21 The commands are recorded in a file with an extension of “.log” The “.log” file can be examined in a text editor. Help>Help on can be used for more information abut the ANSYS commnads. In CAD/CAE programs like ANSYS: * System elements and connections are defined in programs with commands * Programs establish a mathematical model of a system, solve it and give results

  3. Homework 01C - Problem 4: L2 L1 y2 y1 G yA yB c k c k m,I m=1050 kg, I=670 kg-m2 k=35300 N/m, c=2000 Ns/m L1=1.7 m, L2=1.4 m yA and yB are the inputs, y1 ve y2 generalized coordinates. 3 1 2 f1=1.2968 Hz, f2=2.5483 Hz 4 5 Soluiton by ANSYS: /prep7 /solu type,1 et,1,beam3 d,all,ux,0 real,1 et,2,mass21 d,all,uz,0 mat,1 et,3,combin14 d,4,uy,0 e,1,3 r,1,0.2,7e-4,0.1 d,5,uy,0 e,3,2 r,2,0,1050,0,0,0,670 antype,2 type,2 r,3,35300,2000 modopt,lanb,2 real,2 mp,ex,1,200e9 solve finish e,3 n,1,0,0 type,3 n,2,3.1,0 real,3 n,3,1.7,0 General Postprocessing> Results Summary e,1,4 n,4,0,-0.25 e,2,5 n,5,3.1,-0.25 eplot

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