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Colifast Micro Detector - Quick Guide

Add 10ml sample to prefilled vial. 1. -20ml -15ml -10ml -5ml. 10ml Sample. Add 3 drops (0.1ml) 0.5M NaOH. 2. 3. Cap & turn 8 times. Colifast Micro Detector - Quick Guide. Sample analyses. Calibration ( once ). Transfer 3ml of Blank and Cal 48 solutions to separate cuvettes. 2.

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Colifast Micro Detector - Quick Guide

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  1. Add 10ml sample to prefilled vial 1 -20ml -15ml -10ml -5ml 10ml Sample Add 3 drops (0.1ml) 0.5M NaOH 2 3 Cap & turn 8 times Colifast Micro Detector - Quick Guide Sample analyses Calibration (once) Transfer 3ml of Blank and Cal 48 solutions to separate cuvettes 2 Sub-sample Cap and incubate Blank Cal 48 44oC 44oC No incubation Transfer 3ml to cuvette (sub-sample) 3 Cuvette Display Add 3 drops (0.1ml) 0.5M NaOH 4 5 Cap & turn 8 times 4 6 Analyse Analyse Analyse sub-sample On/Off Set standard Start Calibration Enter Rev field. 140305 For technical support please contact Colifast AS or your local Distributor: Colifast AS, Strandveien 35, P.O. Box 31, 1324 Lysaker, Norway. Tel: +47 67100510, Fax: +47 67100520, e-mail:post@colifast.no, web-site: www.colifast.com

  2. Colifast Micro Detector Water, MU Production (MUP) Colifast 6 media, 10 ml water sample, 44oC, 2h 15min, 5 readings (3ml subsample + 0,1ml NaOH) Guideline river water 1 Slope unit = 200 cfu/100 ml

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