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Brandon Flowers

Brandon Flowers. Husband. Keyboardist. The Killers. United Kingdom. Lead Singer. Musician. Composer. Father. Mormon. Song Writer. Utah. Hot Fuss. Las Vegas. Performer. Guitarist. Born and Raised.

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Brandon Flowers

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  1. Brandon Flowers Husband Keyboardist The Killers United Kingdom Lead Singer Musician Composer Father Mormon Song Writer Utah Hot Fuss Las Vegas Performer Guitarist

  2. Born and Raised Brandon was born in Henderson, Nevada in 1981 and lived there until age 8 when his family moved to Utah. During his Junior year at high school in Utah he moved back to Las Vegas to pursue music. Flowers was raised in an L.D.S. (Mormon) family. Growing up he learned how to play piano and developed a love for music.

  3. Musical Influence Some of his influences include: • Oasis • U2 • The Cars • Smashing Pumpkins • The Cure • Duran Duran • The Smiths • His relationship with God

  4. The Beginning 2001- Brandon is part of a band called Blush Response. During this year The band decides to move and Brandon decides to stay. 2001- Brandon starts a new band called The Killers. 2002- They find their final band member 2004- The Killers release their first hit album Hot Fuss. Not only is it a hit in the U.S. but also in the U.K. 2006- Sam’s Town album released 2007- Sawdust compilation album 2008-Day and Age 2010-Solo album Flamingo 2012- Battle born

  5. Recognition • The Killers have sold over 15 million albums world wide • 6th greatest frontman by Xfm • Nominated for Best Male Artist in 2010 by Q awards • Solo album Flamingo is charted number on in the U.K. after the first week of its release • 2 Platinum and 1 Gold albums in the U.S. alone and 4 Platinum albums in the U.K. • His solo album Flamingo went Gold in the U.K.

  6. Interview with Brandon Flowers

  7. 10 minute analysis of music Taken from Three songs: • All These Things That I’ve Done (Hot Fuss album) • Bones (Sam’s Town album) • Crossfire (Flamingo album) Analysis continued on next 3 slides

  8. All These Things That I’ve Done • Starts out very slow with keyboard and piano with soft lyrics • Once the song really gets started the bass guitar takes over the beat • The lyrics of the song paint a picture of being lost and trying to make ones way back • Relates to his not serving an LDS mission but telling us he still believes

  9. Bones • More of an indie pop feel to this song • Takes a little lighter tone in the bass compared to All These Things That I’ve Done • Brandon’s vocals are showcased much more in this song and you are able to here his unique voice

  10. Crossfire • The song has a really relaxed aura to it and is soothing to listen to regardless that it’s considered alternative • Yet again he references religion as he says we are caught in the crossfire of heaven and hell • Ties meaning and personality into a song while still creating a story with hidden meaning

  11. Conclusion! Brandon Flowers is an excellent song writer and musician but he is also an amazing performer both as a band and as a solo artist. His unique voice sets him apart and makes him easily identifiable. He strives to make his music personal yet entertaining that keeps you guessing the meaning behind the words. Brandon’s music is easy to listen to and has quite a variety of different sounds.

  12. References • http://www.nme.com/news/the-killers/29731 • http://www.thebiographychannel.co.uk/biographies/the-killers.html • www.last.fm/music/The+Killers/+wiki • http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/rockandpopfeatures/8048267/Brandon-Flowers-interview.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandon_Flowers • http://www.billboard.com/news/brandon-flowers-debuts-at-no-1-in-u-k-1004114153.story#/news/brandon-flowers-debuts-at-no-1-in-u-k-1004114153.story • http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2006/sep/24/popandrock.killers • http://www.monstersandcritics.com/people/Brandon-Flowers/biography/ • www.mormon.org/brandon

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