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Canopy Reflectance Modeling for Interpreting Remotely Sensed Vegetation Observations

This presentation explores the use of canopy reflectance modeling to interpret reflected information from vegetation canopies and estimate canopy biophysical parameters. It discusses the role of vegetation in global climate, precision agriculture, and precision battlefield engagement. The presentation also highlights the different factors influencing reflectance and provides an overview of empirical and physically-based models for canopy reflectance.

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Canopy Reflectance Modeling for Interpreting Remotely Sensed Vegetation Observations

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  1. A Coupled Leaf/Canopy Turbid Medium Radiative Transfer Model Barry D. Ganapol Departments of Hydrology and Water Resources and Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering University of Arizona 520/621-4728 ganapol@cowboy.ame.arizona.edu Presented 9/12/04 at The Granlibakken Transport Invitational

  2. Fundamental science issue? Light is transmitted through the atmosphere and reflected from vegetation canopy elements and background to an air or space borne sensor. reliably ^ Can the reflected information be interpreted through the vegetation canopy reflectance?

  3. nRole of vegetation-- in the global climate + primary mechanism for exchange of atmospheric O2 and CO2 + conversion of energy fluxes to photosynthetic activity + source of nutrient production in tactical military operations + CC&D nRole of canopy reflectance (CR) modeling + to interpret remotely sensed observations of vegetation canopies + to estimate canopy biophysical parameters

  4. What social implications will the reliable interpretation of reflected information from foliage have? n Basic Science + Photosynthesis + Establish ecological principles n Precision Agriculture + Improved crop yield + Improved crop management n Global climate change prediction + Terrestrial surface reflectance + GCM verification and validation nPrecision Battlefield Engagement (PBE) + Warfighter asset management + Adversary asset strength and location

  5. General CR Modeling Considerations nVegetation signatures: + Spectral l: Wavelength response of canopy element (Rf, Tn, Ab) + Spatial (x,y): arrangement of scattering objects within canopy + Temporal (t): intra- and inter- annual variability + Directional (W): anisotropy resulting from surface roughness + Polarization: (Q): polarized state of surface reflected photons nFactors influencing reflectance: + size, shape and distribution of canopy phytoelements + biophysical parameters: Leaf Area Index (LAI) fAPAR leaf optical properties Leaf Angle Distribution (LAD)

  6. Overview of Canopy Reflectance Modeling • Empirical Models + Canopy viewed as a rough surface • + Fit surface scattering effect to observed data • -- Lambertian reflection -- Walthall Model + Limited range of application + Lacks physical insight

  7. nPhysically-based First Principle Models + Turbid medium - Application of Radiative Transfer (RT) theory for participating media (Green- gas model) - Requires additional continuum and far field assumptions - Contrast of discrete nature of scattering centers and RT description + Shadowing not part of model + Best for dense canopies - Will feature LCM2

  8. + Geometric-optic (GO) Models - Canopy treated as an assemblage of vegetation-filled 3D objects - RT within assemblages/Shadowing in-between - Pixel becomes a mix of sun-lit and shaded elements

  9. Computer Simulation Models • + Radiosity • - From heat transfer - Plates "see" scattering areas - More computationally intensive than ray tracing

  10. + Ray Tracing - Volume rendering of a scene • - Also computationally expensive • Inversion virtually impossible • - Can generate exceptional results

  11. Example BPMS Simulation by Lewis and Disney RAMI (RAdiation Transfer Model Intercomparison) Exercise ‘01 + Determine strengths and weaknesses of CR models + Ray tracing most flexible + Botanical Plant Modeling System (BPMS) most effective

  12. Presentation: n Focus on turbid medium model LCM2 m Describe the microscopic leaf radiative transfer model m Describe the macroscopic leaf radiative transfer model in the canopy mLCM2Polarization (LCM2P) algorithm n Demonstrate application of LCM2

  13. Radiative Transfer (RT) considerations: + Intra-leaf + Inter-leaf scattering and absorption General Turbid Medium Canopy Modeling Considerations Elements of a canopy reflectance model + Phytoelements Broadleaves Needleleaves + Leaf canopy Complicated participating medium + Not a well posed RT problem + Ignorant of biophysical properties and configurations + Must rely on natural averaging and a little luck

  14. cuticular wax Palisade Parenchyma Chlorophylls Vein Carotenoid Pigments Anthocyain Pigments cuticular wax Spongy Mesophyll Typical anatomical structure of a leaf Leaf Scattering + Air-epicuticular wax interface (upper epidermis) - thin wax film - multilayered membrane of pectin, cellulose, cutin and wax + Palisade Parenchyma + Spongy Mesophyll + Epicuticular wax -air interface (lower epidermis)

  15. S = Ss+Sa DL = dLS n Leaf Scattering Phase Function (Microscopic) + Microscopic leaf radiative transfer dL

  16. Solution by Siewert’s FN Method BRDF DH-R Isotropic Scattering Assumed DL DH-T BRTF Required data: -- the scattering and absorption coefficients

  17. + Calibration of leaf scattering coefficient LOPEX Leaf Data Set Reference leaf Database of leaf HHr and t Leaves of interest HH-R and HH-T: For an isotropic source

  18. Chlorotic maple rch = 0.5 x 38.8 mg/cm2 and Water Stressed maple rw =0.5 x 0.723 gm/cm3 and Example: Consider a nominal maple canopy dL = 1.34mm rw = 0.723 gm/cm3 rch = 38.8 mg/cm2 Plus protein and cellulose and lignin Representative maple leaf from LOPEX dL= 0.94mm

  19. macro Leaf micro Leaf Angle Distribution (LAD) + Macroscopic diffuse leaf radiative transfer model Leaf: Bi-Lambertian diffuse surface phase function Area scattering phase function (2-angle)

  20. Area scattering phase function (1-angle) For HH- Reflectance and Transmittance Quadrature approximation

  21. g g Air-leaf cuticular layer interfacial surface nLeaf phase function for specular reflectionand polarization + Specular reflection Fresnel Formula Two-angle: One-angle:

  22. + Phase function for the linearly polarized component -- Experimental evidence indicates that polarization originates predominately at the leaf surface from specular reflection. (V2) -- Use the vector transport equation to describe the intensity and the linearly polarized component.

  23. Intensity: Second Stokes Component: Phase Function: Phase function for the linearly polarized component: the mathematical model

  24. Uncollided component: Intercept function: The Radiative Transport Algorithm with Leaf Polarization nThe Vector Transport Equation +BC Collided component: Degree of polarization of Target

  25. tj h tj+1 Discretized spatial domain n The SN/Romberg Algorithm for Intensity Sweep - Sweep + Discretizations: Romberg iteration:

  26. n Numerical implementation and convergence Evaluation of area scattering phase functions Iteration Strategy-- (1) Increment SN order and quadrature order Lmc (2) Perform SN sweeps to convergence (3) Monitor reflectance and transmittance for both components (4) Apply Wynn-epsilon acceleration (5) Go to (1) until (4) converges

  27. Rf RfQ

  28. LCM2 IPA mode

  29. f Dp0 R

  30. UAV FOR PRECISION AGRICULTURE: • UAV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Air Tower) • Helios and Pathfinder plus prototypes • NASA technology transfer concept • New way of doing agriculture

  31. Multiple Neural Networks Decision Block DPT Block Field Image Minimum distance comparison NN 1 NN 1 NN 1 NN 27 Neural Network archive 27 networks stored Cherries % Under-Ripe Mask Ripe Over-Ripe Multiple NNs and DPT Coupled Algorithm

  32. 408 410 406 Processing the UAV images: Fields and Blocks

  33. NN prediction vs Parchment data & Branch Count

  34. NN Ripeness Prediction Maps: Field 408 Block 4

  35. The future challenges in CR Modeling + 3D canopy transport formulations + Parallel implementation of transport algorithms + Effective inversion strategies + Establishment of leaf optical property libraries + Integration of stochastic leaf transport with fractal canopy transport + Fusion of long/short wave modalities + Integration of CR information into the hydrologic/biogeochemical/climatological cycle

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