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Testing Data Structures

Testing Data Structures. CSE 373 Tao Xie Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering University of Washington, Seattle. Objectives. Master practical testing techniques use similar techniques to test students' own code at hand handle programming interview questions related to testing

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Testing Data Structures

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  1. Testing Data Structures CSE 373 Tao Xie Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering University of Washington, Seattle

  2. Objectives • Master practical testing techniques • use similar techniques to test students' own code at hand • handle programming interview questions related to testing • Master systematic testing techniques • apply both black-box and white-box testing techniques • effectively use the JUnit framework and code-coverage tool

  3. ? = Testing Setup Test inputs Expected Outputs Program Outputs Test 1 Test 1 void test1() { BST t = new BST (); t.insert(2); t.size(); t.remove(2); t.contain(2); } public class BST { void insert(int v) { … } void remove(int v) { … } ... } t.size(): 1 t.contain(2):false t.size(): 1 t.contain(2):false

  4. How is it different to test LinkedList than Anagram? • Testing LinkedList • Test a LinkedList’s get(int X), which returns the element at the specified position in this list. • Testing Anagram • Test a method which checks whether two words are anagrams of each other • Test a method which checks to see if a word has any anagrams in a dictionary of words

  5. How is it different to test LinkedList than Anagram? • Testing LinkedList • Test a LinkedList’s get(int X), which returns the element at the specified position in this list. • A data structure has object states Input = receiver-object state@entry + method arguments Method Execution Output = receiver-object state@exit method return +

  6. How is it different to test LinkedList than Anagram? • Testing LinkedList • Test a LinkedList’s get(int X), which returns the element at the specified position in this list. • A data structure has object states • Implicit input for a method besides arguments • How to prepare object states? e.g. a LinkedList with size 5 • What object states to prepare? • Implicit output for a method besides return • How to check object states?

  7. Classic Unit Test Construction public void testLinkedListXXX { Construct the object state under test (OUT) Optionally save the state of the OUT Call the method under test (MUT) if an exception was generated Test for unhandled exceptions else Assertions on the return, OUT, and arguments }

  8. LinkedList add Example • How to know we get an expected new LinkedList object after calling add(5) on a LinkedList object (containing 1 and 5)? public testLinkedListAdd3 () { LinkedList s = new LinkedList(); s.add(1); s.add(5);//s is now prepared as OUT s.add(5);//MUT assertTrue(?????); ... assertTrue(?????); } Backup/regenerate OUT LinedList b = s.clone(); OR LinedList b= new LinkedList(); b.add(1); b.add(5);

  9. Asserting Object States • How to know we get an expected new LinkedList object after calling add(5) on a LinkedList object (containing 1 and 5)? • Invoke other non-void-return methods (observers) on the new object, e.g., assertTrue(s.contains(5)), assertTrue(s.getLast()==5), assertTrue(s.size()==3). • Invoke toString() on the new object, e.g., assertTrue(s.toString().equals(“1,5,5”)) • Invoke equals() on the new object, e.g., assertTrue(!s.equals(…)). When we call s.add(5) and s.removeLast(5) on an object state S, we want to check the new object is equal to S. Need backup/clone S or regenerate S

  10. ? = Testing Techniques • Black-box testing • Equivalence Partitioning Testing • Boundary Value Testing • White-box testing • Statement coverage program Outputs Expected Outputs test inputs t.size(): 1 t.contain(2):false t.size(): 1 t.contain(2):false void test99() { BST t = new BST (); t.insert(2); t.size(); } public class BST { void insert(int v) { … } void remove(int v) { … } ... }

  11. Example Consider a method findMax that is supposed to find the max element in a LinkedList: We test the method on the following inputs and observe the outputs as shown: Can we claim that the method is correct ? From Diane Horton’s handout

  12. Example • It seems these 10 test cases are good enough; but in fact, they are not well chosen • We can easily construct a method that passes these then cases but fails in: • A very short list (i.e., of length 1, 2, or 3) • An empty list (i.e., of length 0)In fact, easy to forget to specify the method’s behavior for this type of “boundary” case • A list where the max elem is the first or last element. • A list where the max elem is negative • In fact, all 10 tests cover essentially the same situation • A list of moderate length, all positive integers, the max elem is somewhere in the middle From Diane Horton’s handout

  13. 2 1 3 4 Equivalence Partitioning • Input domain is usually too large for exhaustive testing. • Partition input domain into a finite number of sub-domains for the selection of test inputs. • Each sub-domain is known as an equivalence class and serves as a source of at least one test input. Input domain partitioned into four sub-domains. Input domain Too many test inputs. Four test inputs, one selected from each sub-domain.

  14. How to partition? • Inputs to a program provide clues to partitioning. • Example: given a LinkedList with size 10, get(int X) returns the element at the specified position in this list. • Prohibitively large input domain: X can assume a large number of values. Which index X shall we test?

  15. How to partition? • Example: given a LinkedList with size 10, get(int X) returns the element at the specified position in this list. • We expect LinkedList to • behave the same way for all X<0 • behave the same way for all X>9 • behave the similar way for all 0<=X<=9 • Partition the input domain of P into three sub-domains.

  16. One test case: X=-3 Equivalence class Equivalence class Equivalence class Another test case: X=15 Another test case: X=5 How to partition? X>9 All test inputs in the X<0 sub-domain are considered equivalent. The assumption is that if one test input in this sub-domain reveals an error in the program, so will the others. This is true of the test inputs in the X>9 sub-domain or the 0<=X<=9 sub-domain too. Then we selected just enough tests to cover each partition. X<0 0<=X<=9

  17. Guideline for Partitioning • Input condition specifies a range: create one for the valid case and two for the invalid cases. • e.g., for a<=X<=b the classes are • a<=X<=b (valid case) • X<a and X>b (the invalid cases) • Input condition specifies a value: create one for the valid value and two for incorrect values (below and above the valid value). • This may not be possible for certain data types, e.g., for boolean. • Input condition specifies a member of a set: create one for the valid value and one for the invalid (not in the set) value. • e.g., contains(Object o)

  18. One test case: X=-3 Equivalence class Equivalence class Equivalence class Another test case: X=15 Another test case: X=5 Boundary Value Testing • Errors tend to be concentrated at edges of input domain – look for boundary values as test inputs X>9 X<0 0<=X<=9 • X=0 and X=9 are boundaries. Inputs to the program might lie on the boundary or on either side of the boundary. • Lie on boundary: 0, 9 • Lie on valid side of the boundary: 1, 8 • Lie on Invalid boundary cases: -1, 10

  19. Testing Arbitrary LinkedList • Example: given a LinkedList with size 10, get(int X) returns the element at the specified position in this list. Input: X Input condition ? • 0<=X<=9

  20. Testing Arbitrary LinkedList • Example: given a LinkedList with size 10, get(int X) returns the element at the specified position in this list. Input: X Inputs: X, S Input condition Input conditions • 0<=X<=9 • s.size()>=0 • 0<=X<= s.size()-1 What tests to generate?

  21. Another example • Example: given a LinkedList,contains(Object e) returns true if this list contains the specified element. Inputs: e, S Input conditions ?

  22. Another example • Example: given a LinkedList,contains(Object e) returns true if this list contains the specified element. Inputs: e, S LinkedList s of size n Input conditions Input condition • s.size()>=0 • e not in s e in s (e’s position) Adapted from Norman Fenton’s slide

  23. How many tests shall be generated? • Example: given a LinkedList,contains(Object e) returns true if this list contains the specified element. Inputs: e, S LinkedList s of size n Input conditions Input condition • s.size()>=0 • e not in s e in s (e’s position) Adapted from Norman Fenton’s slide

  24. How many tests shall be generated? • Example: given a LinkedList,remove(Object e) returns true if this list contains the specified element. Inputs: e, S LinkedList s of size n Input conditions Input condition • s.size()>=0 • e not in s e in s (e’s position) Adapted from Norman Fenton’s slide

  25. findMax example revisited • Consider a method findMax that is supposed to find the max element in a LinkedList • We can easily construct a method that passes these then cases but fails in: • A very short list (i.e., of length 1, 2, or 3) • An empty list (i.e., of length 0)In fact, easy to forget to specify the method’s behavior for this type of “boundary” case • A list where the max elem is the first or last element. • A list where the max elem is negative • How can we generate these tests using the techniques we just learned? • what test conditions?  what tests?

  26. findMax example revisited • Consider a method findMax that is supposed to find the max element in a LinkedList • We can easily construct a method that passes these then cases but fails in: • A very short list (i.e., of length 1, 2, or 3) • An empty list (i.e., of length 0)In fact, easy to forget to specify the method’s behavior for this type of “boundary” case • A list where the max elem is the first or last element. • A list where the max elem is negative Input: s Input conditions: s.size()>=0, 0<=max’s position<s.size() MIN < max’s value < MAX

  27. White-Box Testing • Determining test cases from a knowledge of the internal logic of the software • Four main types of white-box testing • Statement Testing • Loop Testing • Path Testing • Branch Testing

  28. White-Box Testing • Statement Testing: Test single statements • Loop Testing: • Cause execution of the loop to be skipped completely. (Exception: Repeat loops) • Loop to be executed exactly once • Loop to be executed more than once • Path testing: • Make sure all paths in the program are executed • Branch Testing (Conditional Testing): Make sure that each possible outcome from a condition is tested at least once if (i == true) System.out.println("YES"); else System.out.println("NO"); Test cases: 1) i = true; 2) i = false

  29. White-Box Testing • Statement Testing: Test single statements • Loop Testing: • Cause execution of the loop to be skipped completely. (Exception: Repeat loops) • Loop to be executed exactly once • Loop to be executed more than once • Path testing: • Make sure all paths in the program are executed • Branch Testing (Conditional Testing): Make sure that each possible outcome from a condition is tested at least once if (i == true) System.out.println("YES"); System.out.println("OK"); Test cases: 1) i = true; 2) i = false

  30. JCoverage tool • Measure statement coverage • Know which statements haven’t been exercised • Then you can try to generate tests to exercise them • A challenging problem though for complex programs • Demo

  31. Both black-box and white-box testing are needed From Norman Fenton’s slide

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