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Deixis, Reference Pertemuan 2

Deixis, Reference Pertemuan 2. Matakuliah : G1042/Pragmatics Tahun : 2006. Learning Outcomes. Mahasiswa dapat membuktikan bahwa dapat terjadi kesalah pahaman dalam berbahasa yang disebabkan oleh context, deixis dan reference (C2). Materi Outline. Deixis Person deixis Spatial Deixis

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Deixis, Reference Pertemuan 2

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  1. Deixis, ReferencePertemuan 2 Matakuliah : G1042/Pragmatics Tahun : 2006

  2. Learning Outcomes • Mahasiswa dapat membuktikan bahwa dapat terjadi kesalah pahaman dalam berbahasa yang disebabkan oleh context, deixis dan reference (C2)

  3. Materi Outline • Deixis • Person deixis • Spatial Deixis • Temporal Deixis • Reference • Reference • Referent • Anaphoric Reference

  4. 1. Deixis (1) • Deixis : • Deictic word : • A word whose meaning depends on the situation (speaker-addressee, time, place) of the utterance • Kinds of deixis: • Person • Spatial • Temporal

  5. 1.1 Person deixis • Person deixis • Depending on the speaker and the addressee • Personal Pronouns • First person : I, We • Second person: You • Third person: he, she, they • Marker of social status • Your highness

  6. 1.2 Spatial deixis • Spatial deixis • Depending on the position of the speaker • Physical distance : • this, that, here, there • Psychological distance (psychologically far, or close) Yule, 1995

  7. I.3 Temporal discourse deixis • Time: • Depending on the time of utterance • E.g. tenses – present, past • Discourse • Depending on the context • The former • The latter

  8. 2.1 Reference, referent, inference • Reference: • The relationship between the language units and the entity in the world.Hurford and Heasley, 1983 – Introduction to Semantics • An act in which a speaker, or writer, uses linguistic forms to enable a listener, or a reader, to identify something (Yule, 1996) • Referent • The entity referred by the speaker • Inference • If there is no relationship between entities and words, the listeners should try to infer which entity the speaker intends to say

  9. 2.2 Anaphoric Reference • A process where a word or phrase (anaphor) refers back to another word or phrase which was used earlier in a text or conversation. (Richards, 1992) • E.g. Yesterday, I saw a man. The man was taking a dog. He tried to make the dog follow him.

  10. Conclusion • The meaning of an expressions will depend on • the situation (deixis) • Referent the speaker intends to express.

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