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Satisfaction survey Joint H&S report

Satisfaction survey Joint H&S report. Bernard de Galembert Brussels, 7 March 2013. The sample. 30 responses 13 from employers (National associations, companies) 17 f rom employees (trade unions) More to come. Did you find the report useful?. Popular practices. Missing practices.

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Satisfaction survey Joint H&S report

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Satisfaction surveyJoint H&S report Bernard de Galembert Brussels, 7 March 2013

  2. The sample 30 responses 13 from employers (National associations, companies) 17 from employees (trade unions) More to come

  3. Did you find the report useful?

  4. Popular practices Page 4

  5. Missing practices Proposedmissing good practices are quite close to practices of the report (e.g. Occupationalsafety observation) An additional practice proposedis « Conversation workers-foremen » Page 5

  6. Future report updates Page 6

  7. Comments ComingSwedish translation, then challenge « Do youwork as safe or saferthan the report? » + one more practice per mill Coherent, concrete, easy to read, simple to implement Increased pressure = threat to safety Worth to bediscussedatcompanylevel Discussions to gather more practices (CPI and Unite) Good presentation, wellwritten Mostly, the cases werefamiliaralready Translations? (Finnish Exchange withothersectors (metal, chemical …) Page 7

  8. Thank you! CEPI aisbl / Confederation of European paper Industries 250 Avenue Louise, Box 80, B-1050 Brussels Tel: +32 2 627 49 11 / Fax: +32 2 624 81 37 mail@cepi.org www.cepi.org / www.paperonline.org / www.paperforrecycling.eu Follow us on Twitter: @EuropeanPaper Page 8

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