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Waste Disposal for nuclear power plants

Waste Disposal for nuclear power plants. A technologically solved challenge. Energy mix of Germany's electricity supply between 1960 and 2010. 100. Renewables*. 90. Oil and natural gas. 80. 70. 60. Lignite. 50. Share of electricity generation in %. 40. 30. 20. Hard coal.

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Waste Disposal for nuclear power plants

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  1. Waste Disposal for nuclear power plants A technologically solved challenge

  2. Energy mix of Germany's electricity supply between 1960 and 2010 100 Renewables* 90 Oil and natural gas 80 70 60 Lignite 50 Share of electricity generation in % 40 30 20 Hard coal Nuclear power 10 Old and new Federal States Former West German States 0 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 *Hydro power, wind energy, biomass, photovoltaics, domestic waste and geothermics; practically only hydropower prior to 1990

  3. Energy mix of Germany's electricity supply from 2010 19 % Oil and natural gas 23 % Nuclear 16 % Hydro power and other renewables 23 % Lignite 19 % Hard coal

  4. Nuclear power plants and their corresponding disposal facilities in Germany Brunsbüttel Brokdorf Greifswald Krümmel Unter- weser Stade Gorleben Emsland Rheinsberg Lingen Asse Grohnde Ahaus Morsleben Konrad Würgassen Hamm-Uentrop Duisburg Nuclear power plant Authorisation for electricity production expired in 2011 according to the last revised German Atomic Act Amendment Nuclear power plant shut down Nuclear power plant completely decommissioned Research facility with waste treatment facility Waste treatment facility Central interim storage facility Repository 1 Exploration 2 Emplacement completed 3 Construction Jülich Mülheim- Kärlich Grafenrheinfeld Biblis Kahl Mitterteich Philippsburg Obrigheim Karlsruhe Isar Gundremmingen Neckarwestheim Niederaichbach

  5. Differentiation of the radioactive residual materials Radioactive residual materials from nuclear power plants Waste For conventional use, recycling or removal of released materials Operational waste • Spent fuel assemblies • high-level radioactive • heat-generating Other radioactive materials - intermediate or low-level radioactive - non-heat-generating Decommissioning wastes Other radioactive materials - intermediate or low-level radioactive - non-heat-generating

  6. Classification of radioactive wastes Radioactivity Waste designation Examples of waste Final disposal Bq/m3 Distribution of total volume of waste 1016 Heat-generating wastes High-level Fission products from reprocessing e.g. Gorleben repository 5 % of the volume of waste with 99 % of radioactivity 1014 Conditioned fuel assemblies Intermediate- level Waste with negligible heat generation 1012 Core components 1010 Waste from reprocessing Konrad repository Low- level 95 % of the volume of waste with 1 % of radioactivity Operational waste from nuclear power plants 108 Waste from decommissioning

  7. Disposal routes for fuel assemblies in Germany Spent fuel assemblies New fuel assemblies Storage in the fuel pool of the nuclear power plant Nuclear power plant Direct final disposal Uranium and Plutonium recycling Interim storage in the central interim storage facility or in the on-site interim storage facility Fuel assembly manufacture Waste Reprocessing Conditioning Final disposal

  8. Fuel assembly disposal: reprocessing / statistics for a pressurised water reactor per year of operation 11 billion (109) kWh Nuclear power plant 40 fuel assemblies (≅ 21 t nuclear fuel) 4 transportflasks Reprocessing Fuel elements - Uranium - Plutonium Canisters (approx. 10 m3) Interim storage facility • ≤ 2 casks, e.g. CASTOR® type • 1/3 high levelwaste(glasscanisters) • 2/3 intermediate levelwaste Final disposal

  9. Fuel assembly disposal: direct final disposal; statistics for a pressurised water reactor per year of operation 11 billion (109) kWh Fuel assembly storage Nuclear power plant 40 fuel assemblies (≅ 21 t nuclear fuel) 2 casks for – transport and interim storage – e.g. CASTOR® type e.g. 4 POLLUX®disposal casks Fuel assembly conditioning Final disposal

  10. Disposal routes for radioactive by-products from radiation-controlled areas Decay storage Radioactive residual materials accruing in the radiation-controlled area Separate collection according to material type and activity inventory Direct reuse or recycling in the nuclear field possible and economically viable? Decontamination measures or buffer storage are to be verified and/or implemented if necessary Reuse or recycling in the nuclear field YES NO - Unrestricted release - Release for disposal - Release of scrap metal for recycling - Release of buildings for demolition - Release in the individual case procedure Release according to §29 StrlSchV (radiation protection ordinance)possible, economically viable? Release YES NO Radioactive waste Conditioning Interim storage and final disposal

  11. Controlled recycling of metals Scrap metal Melting Radioactive waste, e.g. slag, filters New products, e.g. waste containers Manufacture of new products for nuclear fields Waste packages Waste packages Interim storage facility Final disposal in Konrad

  12. Typical operational wastes for a NPP with a PWR, by way of example annual raw wastes of a 1,300 MW plant and radioactivity spectrum Radioactivity Bq / m3 1014 2 m3 Beadresins 2 m3 Filter cartridge inserts 2 m3 Metal components 1012 18 m3 Evaporator concentrates 1 m3 Filter concentrates and sludges 1010 170 m3 Solid waste 2 m3 Beadresins 108 106 2 m3 Oils

  13. Optimised treatment methods for solid and liquid radioactive wastes from nuclear power plants Type of waste Solid waste Liquid waste Metal components, insulation,etc. Metal components, rubble, etc. Paper, plastics, fabrics, etc.. Ion exchanger resin conc. Evaporator concentrate Raw waste Oil Sludges Filters Incineration Drying, dehydration, cementing Conditioning Compacting Waste products Compacted pellet Salt block, granulate, powder, cement block Solid waste E.g. container, cast iron container Repository cask E.g. container

  14. Waste treatment methods for volume reduction to 1/50 Up to 1/100 to 1/5 1/1 Raw waste High-pressure compaction Incineration Incineration & high-pressure compaction

  15. Annual waste volume from operation of the German nuclear power plants as of 2010 11 PWR plants 6 BWR plants Annual operational wastes from 17 power plants with an output of 21,500 MW 3,900 m3 raw waste 2,200 m3 1,700 m3 800 m3 Waste conditioning Interim storage facility Konrad repository

  16. Flow diagram of an incineration facility for radioactive wastes Heat recovery Addition of lime and active carbon Secondary and afterburner chamber Charging system Fan Vent stack Primary chamber Incineration furnace Exhaust gas cooler Bag filter I Bag filter II

  17. Shut-down nuclear power plants in Germany Plants of the electricity supply companies

  18. Shut-down nuclear power plants in Germany Plants of the German Federation / Federal States

  19. Distribution of the accrued masses during dismantling of the radiation-controlled area of a PWR (indications in t) Total mass of the radiation-controlled area (PWR reference power plant) 156,500 For final disposal 600 Concrete and reinforcement Plant components Radioactive waste (concrete/reinforcement) For free recycling For harmless recycling 143,000 Material for harmless recycling 9,800 Waste for conventional disposal Radioactive waste (plant components) For dumping 700 For final disposal Radioactive waste (secondary waste, e.g. from decontamination) 3,000 13,500 For final disposal 500

  20. Treatment of radioactive wastes with step-by-step accounts concerning interim storage and final disposal Responsibility Work sequence plans application to Waste producer Supervisory authority BfS Representative expert Preliminary testing Procedure qualification Preparation for conditioning BfS/supervisory authority Work sequence plans release Representative expert Accompanying control Conditioning Documentation Waste producer Representative expert Test report Interim storage/ final disposal BfS/supervisory authority Release Interim storage/ final disposal Interim storage facility Repository

  21. Responsible institutions in final disposal of radioactive wastes in Germany BMUFederal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety RSKReactor safety commission SSKRadiation protection commissionESKDisposal commission BMWiFederal Ministry of Economicsand Technology BfSFederal Office for Radiation Protection BGRFederal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources DBEDeutsche Gesellschaft zum Bau und Betrieb von Endlagern für Abfallstoffe mbH BMWi Administrative and technical supervision BMU Administrative and technical supervision RSK/SSK/ESK consultancy BfSResponsible for construction and operation, applicant Federal State Auth.Planning approval BGR Mining authoritiesPlanning approvals DBEConstructor and operator Konrad repository Gorleben project Necessary expenditureOrdinance on Advance Payments for the Establishment of Federal Facilities for Safe Custody and Final Storage for Radioactive Wastes Waste producer

  22. Responsibilities for disposal of radioactive wastes Nuclear power plant operator Development, operation and decommissioning of the power plants Development of suitable methods for treating waste and fuel assemblies Performing reprocessing/conditioning Interim storage Financing of final disposal Duty to surrender Final disposal - Exploration - Construction - Operation - Decommissioning German Federation

  23. Structure of a repository for radioactive wastes in a salt formation Overburden Salt dome Tunnel Repository containers (fuel assembly casks) Depth approx. 800 m Bore holes Repository containers (canisters) Depth approx. 1,100 m

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