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DoD Small Arms and Light Weapons Serialization Program DoDSA

2. DODSA/SP and DLMS. BACKGROUND: DODSASP and MILSTRAPEMERGING LOGISTICS IUID POLICYDLMS CAPABILITY For DOD and JSA/LWCG Consideration: Transition DODSA/LWSP to DLMS Standard Logistics Transactions in lieu of unique 140A/888ANext Steps. 3. DODSA/LWSP and MILSTRAP. BACKGROUND:1970s - MILS

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DoD Small Arms and Light Weapons Serialization Program DoDSA

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    1. 1 DoD Small Arms and Light Weapons Serialization Program (DoDSA/LWSP) and the Defense Logistics Management System (DLMS) Defense Logistics Management Standards Office Mary Jane Johnson mary.jane.johnson@d;la.mil JSA/LWCG Meeting June 3, 2009

    2. 2 DODSA/SP and DLMS BACKGROUND: DODSASP and MILSTRAP EMERGING LOGISTICS IUID POLICY DLMS CAPABILITY For DOD and JSA/LWCG Consideration: Transition DODSA/LWSP to DLMS Standard Logistics Transactions in lieu of unique 140A/888A Next Steps

    3. 3 DODSA/LWSP and MILSTRAP BACKGROUND: 1970s - MILSTRAP transactions/procedures developed for DoD SA registration and reporting Under MILSTRAP, the 80 record position formats were not adequate to accommodate serial number data in standard logistics transactions (e.g., receipt, issue, etc). A unique set of MILSTRAP transactions was developed for SA serial number registration and reporting (Document Identifier (DI) Code DS_).

    4. 4 EMERGING LOGISTICS IUID Policy EMERGING LOGISTICS IUID POLICY - DoD Policy Memorandum publication projected 4 QTR FY09 (IUID for controlled items) may identify requirement for management of ‘controlled items’ by UII to include SA/LW. BUSINESS PROCESSES AFFECTED INCLUDE: Receipt, Physical Inventory, Issue, Disposal, Directed Returns/Retrograde/Materiel Returns Program, and Discrepancy/Deficiency Processing DLMS: DLMS standard logistics transactions will be used to convey UII (e.g., 527R Receipt)

    5. 5 DODSA/LWSP and DLMS DLMS SA/LW Unique Transactions: DLMS140A, SA/LW Reporting DLMS 888A, SA/LW Data Change Provide functionality of MILSTRAP unique SA/LW transactions (DI Code DSA, DSB, DSC, DSD, DSF, DSM) DLMS Standard Logistic Transactions: Provide capability to convey serial numbers and /or unique item identifier (UIIs) in standard logistics transactions (e.g., 527R Receipt; 856S Shipment Status; 867I Issue; 945A Materiel Release Confirmation, etc)

    6. 6 As you can see from this chart the DLMS X12 EDI transactions are incorporating the data content needed to support UID and RFID process enhancements. Fifteen have been approved and are ready for use, four are currently going through the staffing process and four more are under development. Known requirements only call for RFID data in the 856 and 856S, it will be added to other transactions as requirements dictate. The status of the DLMS XML versions of these transactions is the same as that for the DLMS X12 EDI; that is, 15 are currently available for use. As you can see from this chart the DLMS X12 EDI transactions are incorporating the data content needed to support UID and RFID process enhancements. Fifteen have been approved and are ready for use, four are currently going through the staffing process and four more are under development. Known requirements only call for RFID data in the 856 and 856S, it will be added to other transactions as requirements dictate. The status of the DLMS XML versions of these transactions is the same as that for the DLMS X12 EDI; that is, 15 are currently available for use.

    7. 7 DODSA/LWSP and DLMS For DOD and JSA/LWCG Consideration: Continue with a unique transactions (140A/888A) to effect SA/LW serial number (or UII) registration and reporting, IN ADDITION TO the standard transactions which will convey UII data; or should DODSA/LWSP transition to using DLMS standard logistics transactions and leverage those transactions to update the DOD and Component SA/LW Registries?

    8. 8 DODSA/LWSP and DLMS NEXT STEPS: OSD and JSA/LWCG Feedback If positive, establish JSA/LWCG working group: Evaluate DLMS transactions, Evaluate DOD Component SA/LW registry impact Develop PDC documenting requirements to include transactions and business rules

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