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Science & Technology Directorate Systems Engineering & Development

This program aims to protect commercial airliners from MANPADS by evaluating mature technologies. It covers cost analysis, safety, FAA certification, and supportability. Through a phased approach, contractors are developing proven laser-based and expendable-based technologies to enhance aircraft integration and countermeasure effectiveness. The program emphasizes life cycle cost, false alarm rates, and supportability, with a focus on operational testing, modeling, and simulations. Aviation associations and government agencies collaborate to ensure global airline security.

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Science & Technology Directorate Systems Engineering & Development

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  1. Science & Technology Directorate Systems Engineering & Development National Defense Industrial Association John KubrickyDirector, Systems Engineering and Development

  2. S&T/SED Mission • Rapidly transition large-scale and pilot systems to users • Conduct efficient, disciplined full-scale development and deployment • Conduct operational testing and evaluation • Define the framework for production and support • Counter-MANPADS • SAFECOM • BioWatch • Countermeasures Test Bed

  3. Department of Homeland SecurityScience and Technology Directorate Chief Of Staff Victor Tambone Office of the Under Secretary Charles E. McQueary, Ph.D. Under Secretary Public Affairs / Communications Michelle Dietz-Petrovich Legislative Affairs Chuck Brooks General Counsel John Mitnick Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations Douglas Smith Programs, Plans & Budgets (PPB) Penrose Albright, Ph.D. Assistant Secretary and Principal Deputy to the Under Secretary Systems Engineering & Development (SED) Mr. John Kubricky Director Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency (HSARPA) David Bolka, Ph.D. Director Office of Research & Development (ORD) Maureen McCarthy, Ph.D. Director WMD Ops & IM Deputy SED David Boyd, PhD Strategic Planning & Policy Deputy ORD Facilities & Infrastructure Deputy ORD Operations Deputy Policy Planning Deputy Management & Administration Radiation, Nuclear & High Energy Explosives Deputy HSARPA Jane Alexander SAFECOM Dr. D. Boyd Biological Countermeasures Border & Transportation Security Chief Information Officer National Labs Chemical & Biological NBACC BioWatch Dr. Pete Estacio Chemical Countermeasures Critical Infrastructure Information Analysis, Cybertechnology & Human Psychology University Programs Human Capital Technology Offices Cybersecurity Emergency Preparedness & Response C-MANPADS Mr. Jim Tuttle State & Local/ Conventional Research & Dev Emerging Threats High Explosives Countermeasures Rapid Prototyping & Test bed CM Test Bed Dr. H. Gowadia Comparative Studies Rad/Nuc Countermeasures SAFETY Act Rapid Prototyping Threat Vulnerability, Testing & Analysis Standards Office of Program Analysis & Evaluation Studies & Analysis US Coast Guard US Secret Service

  4. Counter-MAN-Portable Air Defense Systems(C-MANPADS) Program Summary Jim Tuttle, Program Manager DHS Science & Technology

  5. National Strategy…a Multi-Layered Approach Counter-MANPADS Non-Proliferation Department of State Tactical Operations DHS TSA • Technical Countermeasures • DHS S&T • Re-engineer and demonstrate technologies to counter threat • Global weapons stockpile • Global export controls • Buy-back program • Airport vulnerability assessments and mitigation plans • Guidelines for identifying and reporting threats • Elevated alert guidelines National Airspace System FAA Intelligence CIA - DIA - TSA - FBI

  6. C-MANPADS Program Objectives • Evaluate mature technologies that will best protect commercial airliners from MANPADS • Balance Life Cycle Cost, Schedule, and Performance • Clarify needs and requirements of the aviation community stakeholders • Provide analysis and data to support decision process • Effectiveness • FAA Certification • Life Cycle Costs (LCC) • Aircraft Integration Issues • Flight Safety • Supportability (reliability/maintainability)

  7. C-MANPADS Program Status • Initial Solicitation (10-3-2003) • Industry Day (10-15-2003) • 24 White Papers received (10-27-2003) • 5 selected to submit full proposals (11-26-2003) • Proposals and oral presentations (12-3 thru 7-2003) • 3 contractors awarded OTP Agreements for Phase I (1-6-2004) • BAE Systems • Northrop Grumman • United Airlines • System Requirements Review (4-20-2004) • Phase II Down Select (7-30-2004)

  8. Selected Contractor DesignsProvide Mature, Proven Technologies Laser-based Technologies Expendable-based Technologies

  9. System Performance Requirements False Alarm Rates Missile Warning Systems Countermeasure Effectiveness Operations Concepts Aircraft Integration and FAA Certification Multiple aircraft types, models, and configurations Cost-benefit Weight / Space / Power Drag and performance Safety of flight / personnel safety System reliability Supportability Reliability Maintainability Training Test and Evaluation Modeling & Simulation Hardware in the Loop Flight Testing Operational Testing Wind Tunnel Security Management Concerns Anti-tamper coatings Anti-tamper hardware “Zeroizing” Software NAS integration for emergency notification system Criteria for potential deployment options (Civil Reserve Air Fleet; overseas; regional; all) Life Cycle Cost analysis Key Challenges Being Addressed by DHS S&T

  10. Aviation Associations ATA (Air Transport Association) ATCA (Air Traffic Control Association) RTCA (Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics) NCAS (National Center for Aviation Security) ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) IATA (International Air Transport Association) Maintainers IBT (International Brotherhood of Teamsters) IAM (International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers) AMFA (Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association) TWU (Transport Workers Union) Unions ALPA (Airline Pilots Association) NATCA (National Air Traffic Controllers Association) Aviation Community Stakeholders • Government • NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) • Commercial Airlines and Cargo Carriers • Commercial Aircraft Owners (Leasers) • Airport Operators and Authorities • Aircraft Manufacturers • Boeing • Airbus • 3rd Party Maintainers and Integrators • Financial Industry • Lenders • Wall Street • Insurance Companies / Adjusters • Legal Profession / Courts

  11. C-MANPADS Activities and Schedule Phase I, Establish a Preliminary Design, 6 Months • Period of Performance: January 2004 through July 2004 • Adapt Existing Technologies for Commercial Aviation Use • Conduct Extensive Design Tradeoff Studies • Analyze Total Ownership and Life-Cycle Costs • Completes with a Comprehensive Preliminary Design Review Phase II, Develop Prototypes for Test and Qualification, ~18 months • Period of Performance: August 2004 through January 2006 • Complete Final Design and Build Two Prototypes for Test and further Qualifications Program Success Depends on Stakeholder Participation

  12. C-MANPADS Phase II Activities • Critical Design Review • Finalize designs and software development • Finalize operations and supportability plans and activities • Analysis of recurring Operation & Support costs • Finalize maintenance approach • Test Article Design and Development • Aircraft Integration • FAA Certification • Analysis and assessment • System performance • Reliability, failure rates, and supportability • Life-cycle Support Costs • Test and Evaluation • Wind Tunnel Testing • Hardware-in-the-loop testing and reliability & maintainability testing • Developmental Testing / Flight Testing / Operational Testing • Finalize training requirements and development of training materials

  13. Other Key Supporting Technology Efforts • Aircraft Susceptibility and Vulnerability Analysis • Aircraft Signature Measurement Analysis • Security / Anti-tamper Technologies • Advanced Missile Warning and Countermeasure Technologies

  14. C-MANPADS Summary • Aggressive 2-year Program • FAA Certified Prototype for Integration and Test • Provides accurate data: • Performance • Cost-Benefit Trade-offs • Supportability Plan • Total Ownership Cost • Stakeholder Participation Provides for informed decision process

  15. Match Customer Needs to Their Resources & Operations • Affordability is a key performance characteristic • Total Cost of Ownership; Life Cycle Cost; Operator-in-the-Loop • Designed and proven for zero false positives • Minimum training…nearly intuitive operations • Solutions match regional needs and CONOPS • Product and process safety, and accurate results • Rapid solutions: 80% today; the rest next month

  16. SED Accomplishments • Counter-MANPADS: from Industry Day to Award in three months for phase one of SDD program • SAFECOM: first catalog of National programs on Public Safety Wireless developed/published; grant guidance established; Statement of Requirements on Web • BioWatch: deployed and operating in over 30 cities • Countermeasures Test Bed: radiation/nuclear warning installed at air and marine cargo terminals

  17. BioWatch Transition to SED • Assess the QRC (customer base, fielded units) • “Print-as-Built” to Document the Baseline • Survey Users and Incorporate Lessons-learned • Continue Biological Portfolio Participation • Apply Systems Engineering Processes • e.g., EIA 632, IEEE 1220, EIA 731, ISO 15288, etc. • Finalize the BioWatch Systems Engineering & Operations Plan • Field Additional Units; Upgrade Existing Units • Conduct Technology Assessment and Insertion

  18. S&T/SED Mission • Rapidly transition large-scale and pilot systems to users • Conduct efficient, disciplined full-scale development and deployment • Conduct operational testing and evaluation • Define the framework for production and support

  19. Preserving our freedoms, protecting America…we secure our homeland.

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