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Rules of the syllable in Spanish . Why do we say it like that???. La s í laba…syllable. In Spanish all syllables have at least one vowel. We take into account how the word is pronounced and not how it is written Remember “letra” y “sonido”. Examples…. The letter “h” has no sound
Rules of the syllable in Spanish Why do we say it like that???
La sílaba…syllable • In Spanish all syllables have at least one vowel. • We take into account how the word is pronounced and not how it is written • Remember “letra” y “sonido”
Examples….. • The letter “h” has no sound • The letter “x” has two sounds • The letter “ch” has two letters, but one sound • The letter “ll” has two letters, but one sound • The letter “rr” has two letters, but one sound
How do we separate the sounds??? • VCV – one consonant in between two vowels • The consonant will go with its neighbor vowel on the right, and form a syllable • Hora – ho-ra Hour • Perro – pe-rro Dog • Abanico – a-ba-ni-co Fan
VCCV • Two consonants that are the same or different that are next to each other are split VC-CV to form syllables. • Leccion – lec-ción Lesson • Concepto – con-cep-to Concept • Respecto – res-pec-to Respect
CC- Consonant Consonant special rule!!!!! • Any combination of B,C,D,F,G,P,T with either “r” or “l” will not be seperated • Br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr, bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, tl • Abrazar – a-bra-zar Hug/Embrace • Hablador – ha-bla-dor Talker,Chatty • Ofrece – o-fre-ce Offer
Three consonants in a row CCC • This pattern has 2 rules • First we will separate C-CC if the third consonant is “r” or “l” • Imprime – im-pri-me Print • Desplazar – des-pla-zar Displace
2ndRule CC-C • We will separate the last consonant from the two previous if the SECOND consonant is an /s/ • Obstaculo – obs-tá-cu-lo Obstacle • Transporte – trans-por-te Transport • Only when there is a group combination of ns-C, bs-C, rs-C, ls-C, ds-C, ks-C, can there be two consonants at the end of a syllable
Four consonants together CCCC • These words will be separated by CC-CC and they combine the previous two consonant rules • Instrumento – ins-tru-men-to Instrument • Construcción – cons-truc-ción Construction
Calle Carretilla Perenne Dirección Lector Transcurrir Instinto Atrevido Madrina Deprisa Templo Influye Instructor Subscribir Tema Capaz Now it’s your turn..Separate the following words using the rules
Ca-lle Ca-rre-ti-lla Pe-ren-ne Di-rec-cion Lec-tor Trans-curr-ir Ins-tin-to A-tre-vi-do Ma-dri-na De-pri-sa Tem-plo In-flu-ye Ins-truc-tor Subs-cri-bir Te-ma Ca-paz Respuestas….Answers