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Advanced Results Processing

Workshop 8. Advanced Results Processing. Workshop 8 - Goals. In this workshop a high pressure vent assembly is analyzed for stress and deflection.

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Advanced Results Processing

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  1. Workshop 8 Advanced Results Processing

  2. Workshop 8 - Goals • In this workshop a high pressure vent assembly is analyzed for stress and deflection. • Some of the results from the analysis will be difficult to interpret if all bodies are active during postprocessing. Our goal is to isolate parts of the model and use some of the advanced DS features for postprocessing. August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-2

  3. Workshop 8 - Assumptions • We will assume that gas is being vented through the inlet pipe into the expansion chamber. Inside the chamber the pressure drops to 20% of the inlet pressure. • The expansion chamber is rigidly mounted to the inlet thus we will leave this contact region defined as bonded. • The support bracket allows limited movement to the pipe so no separation contact will be used here. • See the contact description on the next page. • The inlet pipe and bracket are modeled using structural steel while the expansion chamber is polyethylene. August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-3

  4. Workshop 8 – Part/Contact Description Expansion Chamber Bonded Contact Support Bracket No Separation Contact Inlet Pipe August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-4

  5. Workshop 8 - Start Page • From the launcher start Simulation. • Choose “Geometry > From File . . . “ and browse to the file “Pressure_System.x_t”. • When DS starts, close the Template menu by clicking the ‘X’ in the corner of the window. August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-5

  6. 3 2 Workshop 8 - Preprocessing • Set the working units to Metric (mm). • “Units > Metric (mm, kg, N, C, s)”. • Change the bracket/pipe contact type to no separation: • Highlight the “Contact Region 2” branch. • In the detail window change the contact “type” to “No Separation”. 1 August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-6

  7. . . . Workshop 8 – Preprocessing • Change the material for the expansion chamber to polyethylene. • Highlight the part in the tree. • In the detail window click in the material field and “Import . . . > Polyethylene”. 4 5 August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-7

  8. 7 8 6 Workshop 8 - Environment • Apply pressure to the inside surfaces of the pipe: • Highlight the “Environment” branch. • Select the 5 interior surfaces of the pipe (use Extend to limits). • “RMB > Insert > Pressure”. August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-8

  9. 9 . . . Workshop 8 - Environment • In the detail window for the pressure enter 1 in the magnitude field (1 MPa). August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-9

  10. . . . Workshop 8 - Environment • Select the 3 interior surfaces of the expansion chamber. • Note, using the selection planes, the status bar and the CTRL key will simplify this selection. • Alternately use “RMB > Hide All Other Bodies” 10 Status Bar Selection planes August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-10

  11. 11 12 . . . Workshop 8 - Environment • “RMB > Insert > Pressure”. • In the detail window change the magnitude to 0.2 MPa. • Select the end surface of the pipe. • “RMB > Insert > Fixed Support”. 14 13 August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-11

  12. 15 . . . Workshop 8 - Environment • Select the surface of the cylinder in the bracket. • “RMB > Insert > Cylindrical Support” (leave default fixed,fixed,fixed). 16 August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-12

  13. 17 18 . . . Workshop 8 - Environment • Select the back face of the bracket. • “RMB > Insert > Frictionless Support”. August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-13

  14. 20 21 Workshop 8 - Solution • Highlight the solution branch. • RMB > Insert > Stress > Equivalent (von Mises) • RMB > Insert > Deformation > Total • Solve 19 August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-14

  15. Workshop 8 - Results • When the solution is complete (OK the weak springs message), highlight the 2 result objects and view them. Notice the total deformation plot contains very little detail for the inlet pipe and support bracket parts of the assembly. August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-15

  16. 23 . . . Workshop 8 - Results • Scope a new total deformation to the expansion chamber • Highlight the solution branch. • Switch to body select mode and highlight the expansion chamber in the graphics window. • “RMB > Insert > Deformation > Total”. 22 24 August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-16

  17. . . . Workshop 8 - Results • Repeat the procedure on the previous page but choose “Equivalent stress” as the result. • Repeat the procedure on the previous page and above for the remaining parts. • Solve again to update the new result objects. • Compare the overall result to the individual ones (as shown below). Note the increased detail shown in the individual plots. August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-17

  18. . . . Workshop 8 - Results • Add a slice plane. • Plot the stress scoped to the expansion chamber then reorient the model to look into the Z axis as shown below. • Note the triad at the bottom of the screen can be convenient to reorient the model. • Click on the slice plane icon and hold down the left mouse button and draw a line down the center of the plot. 25 August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-18

  19. . . . Workshop 8 - Results • In order to see the sliced plane you will need to rotate the model slightly (when first drawn) you are looking at the edge. August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-19

  20. 26 Handle . . . Workshop 8 - Results • To edit a slice plane first click on the “Edit Planes” icon. • A “handle” will appear in the graphics window. Using the left mouse button you can click and drag the slice plane to a new location. August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-20

  21. . . . Workshop 8 - Results • By clicking on one of the dashed lines on either end of the handle you can activate the result plot on one side of the slice plane. Note the dashed line then becomes solid. This is a toggle control. August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-21

  22. Workshop 8 – Slice Plane Notes • You may create as many slice planes as desired and each can be edited individually. This can be useful for things like plotting a quarter section of a result. • Note, use the Tab key to toggle between defined slice planes to modify each • To hide the slice plane(s) use the drop down geometry type icon and return to an “exterior” plot. The slice plane(s) remains in its current location and can be reactivated whenever desired. • Figures which contain slice planes will display slice planes regardless of the setting of the geometry icon. Geometry Icon August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-22

  23. . . . Workshop 8 - Results • Change the plot type from slice planes to exterior and plot the result for the support bracket. • Change to the “IsoSurfaces” display type. August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-23

  24. . . . Workshop 8 - Results • Change to the “capped isosurface” display type. • By clicking in the legend and dragging the slider the capping point can be modified. Drag August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-24

  25. . . . Workshop 8 - Results • Reactivate the exterior plot for the complete assembly stresses. • From the “Edges” icon choose to “Show Elements”. Edges Icon August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-25

  26. . . . Workshop 8 - Results • Finally add some annotations to pin point results. • Plot the exterior stress plot for the assembly. • Activate the “Probe” and click several locations on the model to add annotations. • Note to remove annotations activate the “Label” icon and highlight the specific annotation. Use the keyboard “delete” key to remove the annotation. August 26, 2005 Inventory #002266 WS8-26

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