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This comprehensive guide covers the rules and procedures for exporting services, including eligibility criteria, payment requirements, rebates, and penalties. Learn about different service categories, taxation implications, and how to claim refunds. Stay informed about Service Tax penalties, enforcement powers, and recovery measures to ensure compliance and avoid financial risks. Navigate through the complexities of service export regulations with this detailed resource.
Export of Services by g. natarajan advocate & cost accountant swamy associates
Era of simplicity… Notification 2/1999 Dt. 28.02.1999. Notification 6/1999 Dt. 09.04.1999. Rescinded by Notification 2/2003 Dt. 01.03.2003 Notification 21/2003 Dt. 20.11.2003. Rescinded by Notification 10/2005 w.e.f. 15.03.05
Era of complexity… Export of Services Rules, 2005 Introduced vide Notification 9/2005 Dt. 03.03.2005 With effect from 15.03.2005. Amended by 28/2005 Dt. 07.06.2005 With effect from 16.06.2005. Amended by 13/2006 Dt. 19.04.2006 With effect from 19.04.2006
Basic thumb rules. Service must be delivered outside India and used outside India. Payment for such service must be received in convertible forex.
Category I The service must be in relation to immovable property situated outside India.
Examples An Indian construction company, building a commercial complex, in Afghanistan. An interior decorator, being engaged for beautification of “White House”.
Category II The service must be performed outside India, at least partly.
Examples Despatch through courier to a foreign destination. Tour operator, covering Pakistan also. Madonna inviting an Indian beautician. Chartered Accountant, auditing the accounts of Britney Spears. Putting up a pandal, along Indo-Nepal boarder, covering a bit of Nepal too.
Category III If provided in relation to business or commerce - the recipient should be located outside India. Otherwise - the recipient should be located outside India, at the time of provision of such service. If the recipient has a presence in India, the order for service must be from outside India.
Examples Consulting engineer, rendering service to a foreign client. Downloading web content, by a foreign national. Soliciting orders for a foreign company. Job work for a foreign principal. Manpower recruitment for a foreign company.
What if services are exported? No Service tax needs to be paid on export of Services. (Rule 4 of Export of Service Rules, 2005) If paid, rebate can be claimed. (Rule 5, ibid and Notification 11/2005) Rebate of duties of excise / service tax, suffered on inputs / input services, can be claimed. (Rule 5, ibid and Notification 12/2005)
What if services are exported? Cenvat can be availed for the inputs / input services used for the exported services. (Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004) Refund of unutilized credit. (Rule 5 of CCR, 2004 & Notification 5/2006)
Certain other aspects relating to Service Tax
Penalties under Service Tax. Section 76. Penalty for delayed payment of Service Tax. Which shall not be less than Rs.200 per day or 2 % p.m. whichever is higher. Maximum limit – ST payable.
Penalties under Service Tax. Section 77. Penalty for contravention of any provisions for which no separately penalty is prescribed. Rs.1000.
Penalties under Service Tax. Section 78. Penalty for suppression of value of Taxable Service. Minimum : Equal to Service Tax. Maximum : Twice the Service Tax. Waiver under Sec. 80.
No more a friendly levy! Sections 73 C & 73 D (effective from 18th April 2006) Power to attach property, even at SCN Stage. Publication of names.
Section 87 - Draconian Recovery powers. • Deductions from any refunds from the • Customs / Central Excise Departments, • across the country. • Chase the debtors including banks, P.Os, etc ! • Beware debtors, if you don’t oblige, you are a defaulter! • (they will chase your debtors too!) • Detention of any movable / immovables, • which “belongs to” or “under the control of” the defaulter. • Mundane Certificate action.
Pathway to justice. Show Cause Notice. Normal Period & Extended period. Power of adjudication. Order in Original. Appellate remedies. - Appeal by assessee. - Appeal by department.