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A Comenius project promoting solidarity and understanding using various tools and activities to create a respectful and joyful learning environment. Explore cultural aspects of different countries through music, art, and literacy. Develop key competencies and encourage tolerance towards diversity.
IC “G. Palombini” Rome School year 2012-2013 Primary school Secondary school RESPECT AND TOLERANCE TOWARDS THE OTHER AND TROUGH THE OTHER Comenius project “A rainbow of frienship” Istanbul 5-6-7-November 2012
I.C.T. • XXPower Point • Paint • Word • Interactive Whiteboard • LEARNING ENVIRONMENT • Classroom • Multimedia lab • School garden • LEARNING OUTCOMES • Promote solidarity and a correct behaviour • Create a quiet, respectful and joyful atmosphere among our students • Stimulate a mutual understanding Attitude • Recognize the school as cultural meeting point • THE WORLD AROUND US • Cultural and traditional aspects of Bangladesh, Philippines, Tunisia, Romania, Peru, Ecuador • MUSIC • Listening to English songs about Respect Value: Acceptance, interest and knowledge towards other cultures, value of diversity Topic:Respect and tolerance Month: September-October 2012 • LANGUAGE & LITERACY • Brainstorming, working-group • Text analysis and rielaboration (poems,lyrics,tales) • THE ARTS • Welcome cards • Slide-poster • Wall posters • Flags • Drawings • KEY COMPETENCES: • Social and civic competences • Digital competence • Communication in the mother tongue • Cultural awareness and expression • Communication in foreign languages
We are the world …we are the children!!! Plesso Via Palombini Classe 1A Teachers : Peccolo - Trigilia
We say “welcome” in all our languages Bienvenido Binevenit স্বাগত স্বাগত Maligayang pagdating Binevenit Bienvenido Benvenuti Benvenuti
Wehaveexperiencedfromour first days the meaningof: RESPECT, ENRICHMENT AND DIVERSITY All the pupils have been welcomed, together with their families, and introduced one an other! All of us are a different and beautiful flower, who enriches our school garden ……..
ELMER : a story about respect, enrichment and tolerance David McKee “Elmer e l’arcobaleno” Ed. Mondadori
ELMER STORY Elmer is a multicolorelephant, who feels its diversity among grey elephants. At last everybody realizes its diversity and accepts him. Elmer diversity represents an enrichment for all the elephants!!!...
As Aretha Franklin sang in her song RESPECT, we start our project following her suggestion:“…R-E-S-P-E-C-Tfind outwhat it means…” AllI’maskingis for a littlerespect… Just a litlle bit, just a little bit…
Tolerance and respect mean magnanimity and patience. Tolerance is sign of respect and consideration for others. It is a virtue.Tolerance and respect make a person develop wider vision. Indeed, developing tolerance is not easy but worth trying.Once you have learnt the art of loving and giving, you can easily be tolerant and respectful.Never discriminate people for reasons of religion, caste and creed, better…
So, astolerance and respectmeanalsobeing open and receptive to the beauty of differentcultures, werealizedthat the great POWER of ourclassroomhassixnames: Andrei from Romania, Alessandra from Philippines, Nadia from Tunisia, Gianluca C. and Gianluca M. from Perù and Jasminfrom Bangladesh Sixpeoplewhohaveenriched and enlargedour Knowledge. And, as Benjamin Franklin says “KNOWLEDGE IS POWER”.
Wetalkedaboutdifferentcelebrations, food, clothes, musicand… …that’s the result! We created our “slide-poster”
FOOD & MUSIC Arroz Caldo Adobo Halo halo
TUNISIA Tunisia is the smallest country in North Africa. It is an Arab Maghreb country and is bordered by Algeria to the west, Libya to the southeast, and the Mediterranean Sea to the north and east. The traditonial clothes of Tunisia are:-the jebba for man. It is considered a ceremonial garment. White in summer and gray in winter, it is a sleeveless tunic that a man wears over a shirt.-thefouta for woman.The wealthy aristocracy of Tunis often wear a Kaftan cut in velvet, brocade or Silk and richly embroidered with gold and enriched with precious stones. The most important festivals in Tunisia are:-The Sahara International Festival-The Carthage International Festival of Theatre (during the months of July and August)-Ramadan (the date varies every year)
Gastronomy: Music: Couscous is the national dish of Tunisia. You can make it with lambs meat, chicken, fish or even just vegetables. Malouf is based on a kind of classical Arabic poetry and it is the traditional music of Tunisia, but there are many modern singers. Tajine is really the name of a conical-lidded pot, although today the same word is applied to what is cooked in it. Like all countries in the Mediterranean basin, Tunisia offers a "sun cuisine", based mainly on olive oil, spices, tomatoes, seafood (a wide range of fish) and meat, especially lamb. Dance: Tourist attraction Belly dance is a traditional dance of Tunisia and every part of the body is involved in the dance El djem is famous for its amphitheater,often incorrectly called Colosseum.
PHILIPPINES • The Philippines are in the • southof Asia. • The Philippines • consistof 3 mainislands • namely: • Luzon,Visayas & Mindanao • and there are 7.100 • islandsall in all. • The capital city is Manila. • The nationallanguage • isTagalog, butthere are • dialects. • The Philippinescurrency • is peso. • FESTIVALS • 01-01 New Year • 1st ThursdayofAprilMaundyThursday • 1st FridayofAprilGoodFriday • 09-04 Dayof Valor BataanDay • 01-05 LaborDay • 12-06 IndipendenceDay • 27-08 National Heroe's Day • 30-11 Bonifacio Day • 25-12 Christmas • 30-12 RizalDayThe Maria Clara is a traditionalgownworn • by women in the Philippines
Differences enrich us, the experience of each individual helps us to grow and learn more, it does not matter that he/she was born at 10 m from our house or 2000 km or more. What matters is that he/she is a card of that wonderful mosaic we call WORLD
Thanks to the other and through the other, we realized the importance of each of us and, although sometimes difficult, we understood it’s better…
Thank you so much COMENIUS because you gave us the opportunity to think it over! See you next time! Love, I.C. “G.Palombini”