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This study explores the connection between O*NET skill and ability ratings and job analyst cognitive ability and conscientiousness. It examines potential inaccuracies in the O*NET system and identifies strategies to reduce these relationships. The study involved 322 undergraduate business students who made ratings of a fictional job. Results show that ability ratings are more influenced by individual differences, but giving detailed task information can help mitigate this impact.
Investigating the Relationship Between O*NET Skill and Ability Ratings and Job Analyst Cognitive Ability and Conscientiousness Frederick P. Morgeson & Kelly Delaney-Klinger Michigan State University Donald Truxillo Portland State University Download the slides at: http://www.msu.edu/~morgeson/
Potential Inaccuracy in O*NET • Ability-based system vs. Task-based system in DOT • Ability judgments require greater abstract reasoning Harvey (1991); Morgeson & Campion (2000) Morgeson, Delaney-Klinger, Mayfield, Ferrara, & Campion (In press)
Impact of Individual Differences • What’s Been Studied • Age, sex, race • Experience level, education level • What’s Been Ignored • General Cognitive Ability • Conscientiousness
Our Contributions • Examine link between job analyst cognitive ability and conscientiousness and O*NET skill and ability ratings • If there is a problem…what could we do? • Identify potential strategy for reducing relationships
Method • Participants • 322 undergraduate business students • Job analysis training • Experience with job (M = 10 prior business classes) • Overall Activity • Made ratings of the job of “a teacher in the business school”
Method, cont. • Experimental Design Condition 1 O*NET: Skills & Abilities Wonderlic NEO - C Condition 2 Task Ratings O*NET: Skills Wonderlic NEO - C Condition 3 Task Ratings O*NET: Abilities Wonderlic NEO-C
Item Example-Skill Reading Comprehension: Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents. How important is READING COMPREHENSION to the performance of the job of a teacher in the business school? (1-5: Not important to Extremely Important) What level of READING COMPREHENSION is needed to perform the job of a teacher in the business school? (1-7) Anchors: 2 Read step-by-step instructions for completing a form 4 Read a memo from management describing new personnel policies 6 Read a scientific journal article describing surgical procedures
Item Example - Ability Oral Expression: The ability to communicate information and ideas in speaking so others will understand. How important is ORAL EXPRESSION to the performance of the job of a teacher in the business school? (1-5: Not important to Extremely Important) What level of ORAL EXPRESSION is needed to perform the job of a teacher in the business school? (1-7) Anchors: 2 Cancel newspaper delivery by phone 4 Give instructions to a lost motorist 6 Explain advanced principles of genetics to college freshmen
Results-Skills • 19 of 140 correlations significant (13.57%) • Exposure to tasks before skill ratings decreased relationships (14 of 19 were reduced) Samples:
Results-Abilities • 58 of 208 correlations significant (27.88%) • Exposure to tasks before skill ratings decreased relationships (48 of 58 were lower) Samples:
Conclusions • Ability ratings are more susceptible to influence of individual differences • Giving detailed task information helped reduce impact of individual differences on ratings